Author's Note: Okay, so this is an idea I got while washing the dishes this morning, and I had to write it down. I plan to make it a small 3 part piece. So, let me know what you guys think. Merci.

Sonny Munroe walked into her favourite restaurant. She was surprised she had even found the time that day, but eleven hours into shooting her latest movie, she realised that she was craving some chicken. She wouldn't tell her personal trainer that she had eaten something other than vegetables that day.

She sat down next to the window, looking out into Hollywood. She wondered how she'd ever managed to survive in Wisconsin. Los Angeles was her life now; the hustle and bustle in the city of the beautiful people was all she could be surrounded by now. Sonny couldn't imagine returning to the country, where everything was calm and it was likely her cell phone wouldn't even work. Her Mother told her it had taken her soul a long time ago, but she didn't believe it.

Ever since So Random finished a few years before, Sonny Munroe had kept herself busy. At first she was content with playing humourous characters in TV shows and movies, but soon she hungered to be taken a little more seriously. Yeah, she became interested in dramas, and roles that won others Oscars and Emmys. She didn't want to admit that she was curious to discover why Chad Dylan Cooper loved it so much. She soon realised it when she landed a role as the first lesbian student to challenge her school district when she wasn't allowed to bring her girlfriend to the prom. The intensity was addictive and the adoration around her when she won her first Oscar and Golden Globe was electrifying. So she began to act in those movies all the time. She would occasionally find herself in a recurring guest spot on a popular sitcom, but she preferred to be taken seriously. She was the star, and it was long hours.

Sonny was addicted to her work. She didn't like to sleep at night, and she didn't even like to have a spare moment to think. She liked to be kept busy. Her friends worried about her, and she had absolutely no chance of finding a significant other to worry about her.

Truthfully, Sonny didn't want to think, because she would have to be reminded of the mistakes she made when she was a teenager. Everyone made mistakes when they were younger; it was general protocol to admit that teenagers made plenty of mistakes. Everyone also insisted that things happened for a reason and that those mistakes were all a part of a big plan, but Sonny couldn't help thinking that she had gone off course one night.


She had been in the prop house after hours, watching something on TV. She and her Mother had been involved in yet another argument, and Sonny wasn't ready to apologize yet. She sat with her arms crossed, and a frown on her face, a little terrified of the dark shadows that surrounded her.

"Munroe?" She looked up to see Chad Dylan Cooper standing in the doorway, looking curiously at her, still wearing his Mackenzie Falls uniform. "It's almost one am."

"Hey, you can tell the time," she replied dryly, and he glared at her, shaking his head. "What are you doing up so late Cooper? Don't tell me you were working."

"The greatest actor of our generation never rests Sonny," he told her, sitting down next to her, his golden hair shining from the light reflecting off the TV. "But it is a burden I am willing to take on."

"I feel so terrible for you," she lied, rolling her eyes. She had to admit that he made her smile, which was annoying, because she was perfectly willing to stay mad. Chad always managed to make her smile, and most of the time it was because he was being so ridiculous. He seriously had no idea just how funny he was, and he was the one who thought she was so hilarious.

"Why are you here to late?" He asked her. "I don't think Chuckle City requires as much dedication as The Falls does."

"Who cares? Let's just watch TV," she replied. Oh, so she was still a little mad. Chad kept on looking at her, his deep eyes pushing for a reply. Sonny was perfectly willing to ignore it, but she couldn't resist for long. She didn't like people looking at her too long, and especially not him. When Chad looked at her, she blushed, and felt her whole body set alight. "I kinda had an argument with my Mom."

"Did she ban you from seeing me after you finally realised the inevitable truth? That you're in love with me?" He asked her, and before Sonny could burst out laughing, she saw that he was deadly serious. She waited for him to realize the stupidity of his sentence, but he didn't.

"Oh my God you're so…wrong!" She snapped. "Not everything is about you Cooper, and when you just said that, I felt myself want to throw up just a little bit."

"Whoa! Okay!" He replied, putting both his hands up. "I've never saw you so riled up. I have to say Sonny; sometimes it's nice to see a little intensity and anger in someone. Why are you guys fighting?"

"You're seriously asking me a question that doesn't involve you?" She gasped, and she had to pinch herself. When she felt Chad playfully slap her hand, she wondered why her heart began pounding. Sonny had been forced to admit that she had a little crush on Chad months ago, but it was nothing more. It couldn't be anything more. So why did she want his soft lips to touch her just for a minute? Why did she feel so self conscious when he was looking at her? "She doesn't like me working so hard. She thinks that I don't have time to be a normal teenager, but it's something I can't help, right? I stopped being a normal teenager when they put my face on a lunchbox to make money."

"That's quite an eloquent way to put it," he smirked. "Well Sonny, I too gave up my childhood for the fame. Yes, even the greatest actor of our generation was once a normal boy who played in the sand and dirt, until he was picked out of the crowd-"

"Is there a nice piece of advice coming after your life story?" She asked him, and she had to fight the smile that was ready to erupt onto her face. Chad frowned, and sighed in defeat. Sonny was the only girl who stopped him thinking of himself.

"You find a balance," he shrugged his shoulders. "It's not easy being a normal teenager when you're us. You find time for your friends and everything else in your life. That's all you can do. Your Mom's just worrying about you, and that's weird to me. My Mom doesn't even think of that kind of thing."

Sonny was worried when she couldn't look away from his eyes. Why was it that Chad was always there? He was there when she needed him, and when she didn't need him. Was there a point? Was he supposed to be there? Was there a reason that he always appeared? Everyone she knew believed in fate, and just at that moment, Sonny was forced to confront the possibility that maybe the arrogant blonde boy next to her was supposed to be more than just a random friend for the night. Maybe Chad Dylan Cooper was supposed to mean more to her. Maybe that was why her heart was racing and she was sweating.

"You're looking at me funny," he smirked, wiping away a stray strand of his hair away, showing off his sparkly eyes. "Not that I mind, because as you know, I always have girls-"

"Shut up for just a minute," Sonny replied, and before he could speak, she leaned over and touched his lips with hers. She immediately expected to be pushed away, or to receive no communication from him. But Chad responded almost as quickly as she'd kissed him. At first their hands remained by their sides, but after a few seconds, Chad's were around her hips, and hers were around his neck. Their bodies remained sitting for only a few seconds, before they surrendered and lay down, Chad on top of Sonny. It was perfect, and everything around them just disappeared for a few seconds. That was until Chad's lips pulled away from hers and they both sat up straight.

"Well, that wasn't what I was expecting," he told her, blushing and looking away from her. Sonny was embarrassed; she never behaved like that, and the moment she did, she had been rejected. "Umm, can I ask why you just did that?"

"I wanted to," she replied. She had no other reason; it wasn't a joke, and she wasn't trying to shut him up or anything…fine, she was trying to shut him up a little, but mostly it was because she wanted to. She didn't realize it until that moment, but she had always wanted to.

"You wanted to kiss me?" He asked her, eventually looking into her eyes again. Sonny nodded, trying not to allow herself to cry, but she wanted to crawl into a hole and die.

"Hey, don't worry about it Cooper, it's not like I expected you to want to kiss me back," she replied, laughing it off as best she could. "It's not like you want to kiss anyone other than yourself, and –"

"Shut up, for a minute, would you?" He asked her, and then he kissed her again. Sonny immediately threw her arms around him again and they retired to their former positions, where they remained most of the night.


It was something that Sonny hadn't meant to happen. She had been feeling confident, and she thought that she'd throw caution to the wind for just one night. She sat in the restaurant dwelling on that night, her lips curling into a smile when she thought of him. His arms felt right around her, and it felt like his lips belonged to hers.

"Thank you," Sonny's thoughts were suddenly disturbed by the voice that had kept her alive and wanting to block out her thoughts for years. She turned around to see Evie Handler sitting across from her, with Chad Dylan Cooper. It was a sight she thought she would only ever see in her nightmares. She had imagined pulling out her long blonde locks for years, and gouging out the ocean blue eyes that had stolen Chad's heart. Oh how she wished sometimes that she was that bitch in The Little Mermaid, just so she could steal Evie's voice. She wanted to strip the woman of everything, just to escape the total misery she felt whenever she saw a picture of the woman with Chad.

"You don't thank the waiter for seating us," Chad rolled his eyes, smirking a little at his wife. "We're the ones who are going to be paying good money for the service."

"Well I thank them," she told him, squeezing his hand. Funny, it was almost like she was squeezing Sonny's heart. "They're going to have to put up with your particular orders, so they deserve all my thanks."

"I like things a particular way Evie, and I don't think it's too much to ask that the greatest actor-"

"Oh please, you know that shit doesn't roll with me," she laughed, and just when Sonny expected Chad Dylan Cooper to glare and make a point about why he deserved to be a real jerk, he didn't say anything. Evie smiled, and he just took her hand softly, and kissed it. "Aw man, I really broke you, didn't I?"

"I let you have your victories sometimes," he told her, smirking. "There's no way this pretty face could deal with a divorce, so I'm doing that thing, you know, where you swallow your pride? Oh, what is it?"

"Compromise?" She asked him, giggling. Chad nodded his head and kissed her on the forehead, before turning his head for just a second.

And that was when they laid eyes on each other.


Sonny Monroe woke up the next morning panicking. She had kissed Chad Dylan Cooper. She had kissed Chad Dylan Cooper all night, until she was forced to go home when her Mom called.

Everything seemed so much darker in the light. In the shadows, they could kiss without looking at the facts. The truth was that Chad and Sonny were supposed to hate each other. Their rivalry was something that kept the popularity of their shows at an all time high. The magazines could never exhaust the latest feud between So Random's sweetheart and Mackenzie Falls' heartthrob. They couldn't like each other. It wouldn't have the same effect and her cast mates would never forgive her.

She couldn't deny that she wanted to kiss him again though. Everything had changed, even though she convinced herself that it didn't have to. Just because they kissed didn't mean that they had to give up everything. They could still hate each other. Who said that a kiss had to be emotional? They could just kiss sometimes and seriously hate each other. Oh God, why did she do it? He was her worst enemy, and there was no way that he would ever bring her any happiness. He only thought of himself. There was no way that he would be able to think of anyone other than himself.

Sonny hoped that she would be able to be left alone for just a little while so that she could think about what she was going to do. She didn't even want to go into her dressing room, because surprisingly, Tawni Hart was unbelievably good at realizing when someone had a dirty little secret. She would force it out of her, and then Sonny would be forced to endure the lecture that followed. She couldn't fall for Chad, not when she had their show to think about.

Unfortunately for Sonny, Chad was waiting outside of Condor Studios, with his shades on, and a huge cup of coffee, much like herself. They had kissed for a large portion of the night and had forgotten that life was going to have to resume just a few hours later. This was when Sonny wished that they were normal teenagers; when her feelings could decide what she truly wanted, and not knowing what was best for their careers.

"So, we kissed last night," Chad told her, biting his lip nervously. They both took off their sunglasses and looked at each other, trying to find the answer in the other's eyes, but they were both hiding from the truth.

"I know," she replied. "I don't know what to say Chad."

"I do," he nodded. "Look, I know that you might not think that you're good enough to date CDC, but I could really see myself you know, maybe going out with you. I think we would be a very good looking couple."

"You do?" She asked him. Was she even awake? Was Chad really saying all this? Did he like her? She couldn't believe it. She didn't think he would want to. This complicated things.

"Look, I realised something last night," he told her. "It wasn't by accident. You didn't just want to kiss me, and I didn't just want to kiss you. As much as we both hate to admit it, we actually want each other a lot. I like you, and I think that you like me too. As much as you make me so mad sometimes, I think that's perfect for us. You won't let me be such an ass, and I'm going to be the guy who helps you realize just how…not so bad you are. This is something that we can both make work. We love and hate each other Munroe. When I thought about it, I didn't realize just how perfect you are for me. We'd be crazy to let this pass by us."

"You like me?" She asked him, and she was amazed at just how shocking the sentiment was. She had always suspected that it was only her who felt attracted to him. She had no idea that the feelings were returned; if she was honest, she thought that his kiss was just to boost his own ego. She didn't actually think that it meant anything. She didn't think that she was going to have to say what she did. She didn't think that she would ever have to say this.

"I like you," he confirmed, nodding his head. "Trust me, it made me feel a little sick too, but even CDC has to meet the girl of his dreams, right? You do weird things to me, you make me want to be…nice! And I used to wonder why you of all people had such an effect on me-"

"I don't like you."

She said it so quickly that it hurt a little bit. It was like poison and she had to spit it out. She felt like she was a deer in headlights, and she reacted the only way she could think to react. She watched Chad Dylan Cooper's face turn into a confused frown. He thought that she liked him. She thought that she liked him, but then she thought of the reaction from their peers. He wasn't thinking straight; he never did. All he was thinking about was the wonderful romance that could blossom between the two of them. He wasn't thinking of the reality, and the reality was that they could never make it work.

"You don't like me?"



"Sonny Munroe, it's been a while," Chad said to her, his wife turning to look at her. It was one thing when Chad's eyes burned into hers, but she felt something ache inside of her when his wife looked. It took a lot of her strength to look at them both. "How are you? I'm so surprised to see you!"

"Wow, you too," she replied, presenting them both with a superficial smile. She looked at Evie, who smiled at her, taking her husband's hand. Sonny hated to admit that Chad didn't look at her the way he used to any longer. He looked at her the way he would look at a friend. "I'm fine. Just acting away and stuff. What about you? I heard the both of you just celebrated your fifth wedding anniversary."

"Yeah, it was really wonderful," Evie smiled, Chad looking into her eyes. It was a sight she didn't want to see; her former love looking at his wife and blushing when she gazed at him. She'd never seen Chad so happy with anyone, and it killed her that it wasn't her. And it was all her fault. "I saw you in that movie, the one about the lesbian, and you seriously deserved the award."

"Thank you so much Evie," she replied, nodding despite the fact that she hated the woman with a passion. "What about you Chad? You've made some pretty awesome movies yourself."

"Yeah, but Evie and I want to take a little break from our jobs," he smiled, putting his arm around his wife. They had met a week after Sonny rejected him. Evie was guest starring on Mackenzie Falls, and it was almost like they fell in love at first sight. Chad didn't act on it immediately, but his eyes lit up whenever she was in the room, and he could barely muster the courage to ask her anything. Evie Handler seemed to be his perfect woman; she was beautiful, modest and she was a drama queen. It was almost as if she was made specifically for him. "Evie's pregnant."


"It's too late for us now, isn't it?" Sonny asked Chad. She had wanted to say it to him for months. They were standing outside of Condor Studios, after a party was thrown to mark the end of both shows. It had been two years since Sonny and Chad had shared their first kisses inside. It had been two years since he had met and loved Evie. It had been two years since Sonny realized that she loved him too.

"What do you mean?" He asked her, as they both looked up at the clear night sky. It was a beautiful sight. So was he, and she would never know it.

"Chad, I didn't want to be with you before, because I thought people wouldn't want it," she confessed, sighing. "I didn't realize just how much I actually cared about you. The thing is, I do now, and I know that it's too late. I just couldn't leave without you knowing."

Chad sighed, like she had told him something devastating. It had been riding around in her sub consciousness for years, and she feared that she would never be able to say it. She had wanted to tell him for so long, and the weight was finally lifted off her shoulders. She had spent years watching him fall for Evie Handler. She hated to admit that she hoped that he secretly loved her. She didn't want to think that it was too late; she wanted him to deny that it was too late.

"I'm going to propose to Evie tonight," he said, looking away from her. "I love her. I'm sorry."


"OH GOD!" Sonny Munroe sat up straight in her bed. She looked around her, surprised that she couldn't hear the loud voices and fumbling of plates and glasses. She was in her bedroom in the apartment she shared with her Mother, and Evie and Chad were nowhere to be seen.

It was a dream.

Sonny was still a seventeen year old girl and she still lived with her Mother. She hadn't left So Random just yet, and she wasn't winning Oscars just yet. It had all felt so real. Everything felt so real, and she could have sworn that she wasn't dreaming. Evie looked so real, but Sonny couldn't recall meeting anyone like her in the past. Her golden hair and blue eyes jumped out at her when she looked in the mirror.

It all seemed so familiar though.

And that was when Sonny realized that she had kissed Chad Dylan Cooper the night before. She was wearing the same clothes. His lips felt too real to be a dream, and the guilt and shock she felt was too real. The dream may have been vivid, but she knew that kissing him was real. Her Mother lectured her on being home so late, and she saw a text message from him, the same one that she had ignored in her dream.

What did the dream mean?

It was only a dream. It was only her imagination working into overdrive. She couldn't possibly take any of it seriously, because the same problems still followed; what would happen if she and Chad ended up together?

She was scared. That was the truth of it. Sonny Munroe was a big fan of comfort, and she had made herself quite comfortable for the past few months. She had grown used to hating him and admiring him from afar. She had grown used to mocking him with her friends. She didn't know if she wanted that to change. The thought of change made her terrified, but the thought of not changing made her heart ache.

Sonny felt a chill spread through her spine when Chad was waiting for her outside of Condor Studios, in the same clothes that he had been wearing in her dream. Okay, something was seriously wrong here. How could she have guessed that? She wasn't psychic. Well, her grandma had told her once that she could predict things, but that was only because she predicted a movie that would be on one time.

"Hey," he said. Okay, so the dialogue was a little different. That made her feel a little better, but the feelings when she looked into his eyes were no different.

"Hi," she replied nervously. "I was going to talk to you a little later, but here you are."

"Yeah, I work here too, so I thought we should maybe talk now," he told her, his coffee trembling a little. "We kissed last night Munroe, and well-"

"I don't know what to say Chad," she replied, and again she didn't know what to say. She knew that she'd gained practice, but words still failed her. She had been here before, but everything seemed so much more different in reality. She was still confused.

"Look, I realized something last night," he told her. "It wasn't by accident. You didn't just want to kiss me, and I didn't just want to kiss you. As much as we both hate to admit it, we actually want each other a lot. I like you, and I think that you like me too. As much as you make me so mad sometimes, I think that's perfect for us. You won't let me be such an ass, and I'm going to be the guy who helps you realize just how…not so bad you are. This is something that we can both make work. We love and hate each other Munroe. When I thought about it, I didn't realize just how perfect you are for me. We'd be crazy to let this pass by us."

"No," she shook her head. She was unable to describe the shock that passed through her body. She looked at him in horror when she realized what he had said. She had heard it all before. He had said it all before. How could that be possible? How could she have predicted that? How could she have predicted all of this? "I can't Chad. I thought it was just a make out thing. You like me?"

"I thought you liked me too," he said, looking just as confused as she did. There was one thing that hadn't changed; the feeling she got when she looked into his eyes after rejecting him. "You don't like me?"

"I never thought of – I thought that we were just – I didn't think that you –" okay, she couldn't say anything without losing her voice.

"Hi there, I was wondering if you could help me, I'm a little lost," someone said softly, her voice sounding so familiar. Sonny didn't know what to say.

There she was. Evie Handler.