Response to reviews!

Tiana Misoro: Yup! XD I agree with you too…*sighs*

Memories. of. Rain.: Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it so much! Owie, well, I'm glad you're ok!

Miszxbrii: I know…*cries*

herRhi-Chan: I wouldn't either…XD

Well, this is it everyone…the epilogue….basically, the end of this story. I really enjoyed working on it and I'm glad y'all enjoyed reading it with me. I appreciate all the reviews you people gave me! *bows* Thanks a ton! I really am gonna miss this story, It's weird, ya know? You hate having to update a story cause your readers drive ya nuts, (you know you did. XD) and when you're done…you miss it. DX Well, here's the last installment of Unexpected Existence!

Epilogue: In the end…

1 month later…

"Ok, so what did the island of the Little Enders and Big Enders stand for?" Hichigo asked Ichigo as the family walked up the hill towards the cemetery. They had a big British Literature test coming up, and Hichigo paid the most attention in the class.

"The stupidity of political parties?" Ichigo asked. Hichigo nodded and he sighed. Hichigo was really putting him to the grind on this story. "I swear, you love this story a lot."

"Gulliver's Travels is really well made!" Hichigo said. Ichigo chuckled.

"Maybe you should marry it." Hichigo glared at him.

"My son, marrying a book? What has this world-" Isshin popped up from over his shoulder, but both of them kicked their dad and sent him spiraling down the hill.

"Ah…peace and quiet…" Ichigo sighed.

"I'll agree to that…" Hichigo said, closing his eyes and tilting his head upwards.

Ichigo watched as everyone took turns praying at their mother's grave. He went first, as usual, and Hichigo would end up going last. He looked at all of them and sighed. It had been only 1 month ago when they had fought, and now…it seemed like years ago. They had gotten home about a week after they had arrived at Kisuke's and they both had still been in crappy shape. Hichigo had been sick, and they both were skinny.

"Hey, where'd Hichigo go? It's his turn!" Yuzu said. Ichigo looked around and finally noticed his brother's absence. He closed his eyes to sense his brother's heart.

He's somewhere in the woods…he thought. "I'll go find him!" he called, running off towards the woods.

Hichigo sat on a hill overlooking Karakura Town. It's better when the sun's setting…he thought. But still, it's a refreshing spot…

"Hey, why'd ya run off on everyone?" He sighed as Ichigo walked up from behind him.

"To see how well you can find me." Hichigo replied sarcastically. Ichigo rolled his eyes and sat down next to him.

"What the hell ever." Ichigo grumbled, receiving a small smile from his twin. The sat in silence for awhile, staring at the town below. Hichigo closed his golden and black eyes and sighed.

"A while ago, you asked me what it felt like…" Ichigo turned to face his brother. "…what it felt like to die."

"You really don't have to say anything if you don't want to." Ichigo said quickly, shaking his head. "I was…still slightly insensitive back then. So you don't-"

"No, I was going to tell you anyways." Hichigo said. He took in a deep breath and let it out. "I don't exactly remember what it felt like to die, but I remember what happened after I died…"

1 month ago…

Darkness…he was floating in it, surrounded by its endlessness. The very shadows itself seemed to slowly strip him away, eating his soul. And with every part gone, a part of him, who he was, was also stripped away. By now, he could barely remember what his own voice sounded like, even his name was gone. Who…who am I? he wondered.

"My, I must hurry! Your soul's corrosion is quicker than I thought!" He tried to lift his head to see who it was, but his entire body felt heavy like lead, even his eyes. "Can you hear me still, Hichigo Kurosaki?"

"Wh…who are you?" he whispered, surprised by the sound of his own voice. "Where…where am I?"

"You are on a distant plane far away from the Dangai, a place that slowly devours and corrodes souls, turning them into pure reishi." The voice said. It sounded odd, like it couldn't decide whether it was male or female. "As for who I am, I am a part of the Hogyoku."

"Th…the Hogyoku?" The word sounded familiar to him, and it brought feelings of anger and hate with it, but he couldn't remember beyond that.

"Yes. Sadly, you're sacrifice was in vain, for my powers still exist, Hichigo Kurosaki." It said sadly.

"Sacrifice?" he wondered out loud. The Hogyoku sighed.

"You have already forgotten that much? Your sacrifice to keep everyone safe! Your friends…family…especially your twin brother, Ichigo Kurosaki."

Ichigo…he thought. My…brother? The word brought many things back suddenly. He suddenly regained the feeling in his arms, holding his head as all of his memories came careening back into his mind. He gasped when it was over, snapping his eyes open. The darkness was gone now. Instead, he was surrounded with a warm light. He looked up to see a pale figure standing in front of him, with long, white hair and kind, pale purple eyes. "You're…"

"I guess you could say I am a part of the Hogyoku. The 'good half', as it were."

"What do you mean by my sacrifice being in vain?" he asked, almost frantic. He remembered his brother striking his heart with his blade, then darkness. "Tell me!"

"My powers still exist, Hichigo Kurosaki. You cannot vanquish power, however, you can use it all up." It explained in its odd voice. He looked at his hands. Suddenly, he light began fading.

"What's going on?" he gasped.

"My powers are almost gone! Hichigo Kurosaki, I will resurrect you one last time!" it said, sounding urgent. Hichigo stared at it.

"Resurrect me? But if you do that, the Hogyoku will-"

"No, Hichigo Kurosaki. With the last remnants of my powers, I can bring you back. Then, and only then, will the threat of my more dominant half be eliminated." It explained quickly. "But to escape this place, your soul must stay intact."

"But if your light fades, the darkness will-"

"Start tearing you up again, I know. But…I have an idea." Hichigo looked around frantically as its light grew paler.

"I'm all ears for it!" he said quickly.

"You're happiest memory…replay it, over and over in your mind. Hold onto it, like it's your lifeline. I shall lead you out of here, but you must hold onto that memory, understood?" it asked. "If you lose it, you'll be lost again, and I may not be able to find you again." Hichigo nodded. It waited a minute before asking "Do you have it?"

"Yeah…" he said, keeping his eyes closed in order to concentrate. The Hogyoku slid a hand into Hichigo's. It felt warm to him.

"Let us go then." It said. "Hichigo Kurosaki, no matter what happens, I am sorry…"

"For what?" he asked.

"Everything…but mostly, from taking you from your brother." Hichigo sighed.

"I can only imagine how pissed he is…" he said. "But…I accept your apology. Technically, it was your 'dominant half' that did this anyways." The Hogyoku nodded.

"Thank you…" it whispered.

"No, thank you."


Ichigo stared at his brother. "So that's how…"

"How I came back." Hichigo nodded. "Kisuke said that the place I was in does exist, but very little is known about it, simply because you're erased when you go there." He explained. He smiled at his brother's worried face. "I got lucky."

"Are you sure that nothing know, lost?" he asked. Hichigo laughed.

"Does this have to do with my loss of powers?" he asked. "Don't worry bout that one. Kisuke said I should be able to use them again in another month."

"No! I didn't mean that! I meant-"

"I know what ya meant, Ichigo. Calm down." He sighed and stared at the sun. It was setting now. "Wow, time flew eh?"

"Answer my question already." Ichigo huffed.

"No, I'm all here, ok?" he said. Ichigo nodded. That was when another thought hit him.

"What was your happiest memory?" he asked. Hichigo's eyes widened a little.

"Why would you want to know that sappy stuff?" he asked. Ichigo chuckled.

"Call it curiosity."

"Curiosity killed the cat you know." Hichigo said.

"But no one said it killed the Soul Reaper." Ichigo countered. Hichigo sighed and ran a pale hand through his hair.

"I ain't telling ya." He said. He quickly got up and started running.

"Hey, get back here!" Ichigo scrambled to get up and followed him.

Hichigo stood in front of his mother's grave, eyes closed. Hey mom…I know, it's been awhile since ya heard from me, huh? He thought. So much has happened since…well, a few months ago. I wanted to stop when I last came here, but I was going through so much…I'm sorry I missed ya.

"C'mon Hichigo! We need to go!" Ichigo called. Hichigo rolled his eyes.

Sorry, but Ichigo's being impatient again…I'll drop by again, I promise. Hichigo finished and walked back to join everyone. As they walked down the hill, their dad and sisters ahead of them, he let out a sigh. "Fine, I guess I can tell ya, but it's sappy."

"Do I look like I care?" Ichigo asked, his eyes locking with his brother's.

"No, it's literally sappy as well. It was when we all got together and made breakfast with Rukia and Renji." Ichigo laughed at the memory, but then a confused look settled on his face.

"Why that one?" he asked.

"Back then, I really didn't know what I was to people. To most of the Soul Society, I was just another hollow. But…something had still been missing. I was going through so much…I wasn't sure what to do."


"But…when we were all laughing and having fun, realized that I actually had friends, something I had lost when I was…you know, a hollow. It was the first time I actually realized what I was missing. What and who I was…I figured it out then." He turned and smiled at his twin. "Hichigo Kurosaki; friend and twin brother of Ichigo Kurosaki."

"Hichigo, I told you that the entire time!" Ichigo said.

"I know you told me, but I didn't really accept it until then. If that makes any sense." He said. Ichigo just stared at him.

"Hichigo…you…" Suddenly, Hichigo slugged him one gently on the shoulder. But it was enough to send him falling backwards. "What the fuck was that for?"

"Ya got caught off guard there Aibou!" he teased. He ran down the hill, laughing the entire time.

"I'm gonna kill you for that!" Ichigo screamed after him. As they chased each other back home, their family laughing at them, only one thought passed through Ichigo's head.

It's nice to have you back Hichigo…you're back where you belong; in the family…


Me: It's over~!

Ichigo: Finally!

Hichigo: I thought it'd never end!

Me: Me either…*tears*

Both: *hugs me*

Me: O.O

Both: You did good, Hollow Ichigo-Ichigo.

Me: *blushes* Aww, c'mon guys… let's send everyone off.

Ichigo: Right then.

All three of us: Thanks for reading Unexpected Existence! Don't forget your final reviews! Well, until the next fic, farewell!