Ok so I was this half asleep when I came up with this little plotlet. Surprisingly I liked the idea when I was awake so I hope you like it :D

Summary: What if Makino never went to Eitoku? What if she had never met the F4? What if instead she met Rui, at a night club she worked at and then Tsukasa fell for her all over again? What if Rui didn't take it sitting down this time?

Disclaimer: Insert funny comment about how I don't own Hana Yori Dango .

PS this was written with the cast from the j-drama in mind so.. Yea :)

PSS I can never tell so I put Rui had red hair.. Is it brown or red?

It was a cold night outside the warmth of the night club Makino worked at. Makino had been working at the club ever since she was 18 and had stayed on for six more years. She looked out at the star filled sky as she sighed. This was her last year. The bar didn't let anyone above the age of 24 work as a bartender.

Despite the fact that she had detested the bar at first, Makino felt like now it was her home. She had come from an unremarkable family, graduating from a public school, with no ambitions. At the time she had just been looking for a job. However she had found so much more. After a time, the loud music wasn't so loud anymore and the people seemed friendlier. She reveled in the music night ,after night. Granted, it was a rich club- the exclusive playground of the rich and powerful, but still it was a lot of fun working there. Instead of wallowing in the fact that she would no longer be allowed to work there anymore, she thought of it as another door opened; it was a sign that she had to move one. And move on she would.


She turned to saw her boss motioning to her expensive watch, and Makino nodded; her break was over. She got up, adjusting her black silk vest over her dress blouse. Then she walked into the club and fell into the familiar pattern of mixing drinks. That's when she heard it.

"Kyaaa!!!!!! It's F4! They're so hot!"

She paid their screams no mind- she didn't even know who F4 was; even if she did, she probably wouldn't care... All the guys in this club were playboys.

"Excuse me?"

Makino looked up from the glass she was wiping and saw a gorgeous guy with red hair; an air of mystery surrounded him and he carried an open book in his left hand.


He smiled softly and then sat down on a stool.

"Can I have an Oolong Tea?"

That caught her off guard; almost no one ever asked for tea. It was always scotch, tequila, or some other form of liquor. Nevertheless Makino readied the tea and then while she waited she studied this newcomer. She had never seen him before. He had dark eyes but fiery hair and a pale complexion. Right at that moment he was intently reading the white book in his hands. Then she noticed something else. He was dressed in all white- save for his black tie. Then as though he sensed her gaze, he looked up at her, eyes shining with something resembling interest.

"Ah the tea!"

Makino hastily turned away to check on the tea, noting the steam from the pot; she could feel his gaze on her back, which made her blush uncontrollably. She poured the tea and then set it down onto the counter without meeting his gaze. Or at least she tried not to. His eyes were intense and they practically twinkled.

"What's your name?"

His voice was soft and smooth like velvet, but it was powerful enough so that she heard it over the din of the club.

"Makino Tsukushi.."

He smiled and sipped his tea looking up at her from under his eyelashes; the effect almost made her swoon.

"Oy Rui!"

The man slowly broke his gaze from hers and she looked up to see a man with curly hair, dressed in black from head to toe. He turned his gaze from the one called Rui and locked onto her; it was as though someone dumped a bucket full of ice-water into her veins. He strolled over and Makino felt an instinctive pull to look down. The aura coming off of this man bespoke of power and wealth.

"Rui, is this ugly bitch bothering you?"

That made Makino clench her fists. This man.. She didn't even know him and she already hated him. He was like every other guy in this club, arrogant and so self assured that he made fun of people he didn't even know.

"You have no right to call me that, sir."

The man with curly hair looked up, lip curling unpleasantly.

"Do you know who I am?"

He moved closer to the counter and slammed his hands down onto the polished marble.

"I'm Domyoji Tsukasa, head of the Domyoji group!"

Makino's eyes widened. She knew the Domyoji group was one of the biggest corporations worldwide. Damn she chose the worst people to pick fights with!

"Ah, you understand then. Now I'm in a good mood, so if you get on your knees to apologize maybe I won't close down this club."

Makino looked up, hate filling her every sense. Still she made her way around the counter and began to kneel down, her skirt riding up slightly as she did so. Then she hesitated when she reached the floor. She had never groveled at anyone's feet before- her pride had never let her do so.

"Makino, that's enough."

At this she looked up, recognizing the soft voice as Rui's. Domyoji however didn't look amused.

"What the hell Rui!? This bitch offended me!"

Rui in turn just stared at him with steel eyes. A few moments passed, but to Makino they seemed like hours. Finally Domyoji looked down at her and anger apparent in his voice ,laughed.

"Get up and take your apology with you. I don't have time to deal with an ugly bitch like you!"

Makino felt the anger grow in the pit of her stomach, and she slowly rose trying to surpress the urge to hit him. And she would've succeeded had it not been for the last comment he made.

"Rui you shouldn't drink that tea she made you. It'll probably give you food poisoning!"

He literally cackled and Makino felt something snap in her. She raised her arms and parted her feet. Then she began jumping slightly to prepare for her swing.

"You're a low life who's never had to work at anything before. Don't be so full of it!"

Her right arm swung forward and made a satisfying 'thump' when it connected with his cocky smile. He fell backwards to the polished tile of the floor and it didn't take more than a few moments to realize the mistake she had made. She had punched THE PRESIDENT of the biggest corporation worldwide. Panic rushed her senses but she kept a calm face on; she couldn't let this bastard know his words had gotten to her. He looked up at her, eyes telling her that he was confused. That figured- he had probably never been hit by a girl before in his life. Makino looked down at him, a rising sense of pride growing in her heart. There was nothing wrong with what she had done.. She had merely taught this rich bastard a lesson he needed to learn.

Rui looked down at his friend then sighed and extended a hand to him.

"Tsukasa, come here"

The boy looked up with something like wonder still apparent on his face, and grabbed his friends hand. Then Rui turned to look at her, the beginning of a smile on his beautiful face.

"Ja ne, Makino,"

With Domyoji in tow Rui walked away. Makino looked at the stool where he had sat and then sighed; she really had wanted to talk to him. She picked up the bills he left on the counter and was about to him put them into the cash register when a small white paper floated down. She caught it in midair and turned it over. In neat script, there was a name written. Hanazawa Rui. Following the name was a number and Makino couldn't help but smile as she remembered him. Then she noticed something else- he had left his book behind.

She chuckled- was this an accident of fate or did he leave it behind on purpose?

WOot! Finished it! Hope you guys like it. It's a venture away from the original story but I still hope I got the characters right! Review?