Gomen minna! I know, I've been gone almost completely from FF for a month- I blame several things… School, Tennis… my discovery of Glee… T.T

Thanks go out to Saranghae-Minnie and b . aka- chan for their reviews! Seriously reading reviews gets me so jazzed up :D

PS: I have drawn another piece of fan art for this fic- the link follows :

http : / / emoeccentrica . deviantart . com / gallery /

(It's the first pic in the gallery :D )

A note before you go on to reading the chappie, this chapter is mostly the happenings that led up to last chapter- ere go the massive amount of italics. On with the story!

(Call It Fate)(Call It Fate)(Call It Fate)(Call It Fate)

Sora turned a corner, her inside shoes making a squeaking noise on the tile. She frowned, looking over her shoulder. Ryo stood at the other end of the hall, slightly out of breath. She had been avoiding him for the better part of the week and now, he was trying to make amends with her. Sora bit her lip, a sliver of guilt trying to make it's way into her heart- trying to make her feel sorry for the way she was treating her brother. She steeled herself and pushed the guilt away; she didn't want to feel bad for the traitor. He was the only person she had trusted implicitly and had abused that trust- he deserved what he was getting, and then some.

Sora looked straight ahead and kept walking down the hall, reaching for her cell phone. It had been buzzing for the better part of three minutes but she didn't want to take it out in front of Ryo. Her brother would probably try to swipe it away and use it to convince her that she was being ridiculous. Sora turned another corner, already climbing the steps that lead to the roof. It was the only place that Ryo wouldn't follow her- she didn't know why or really care.

She opened the door, feeling the breeze ruffle her skirt a bit. She moved along the top of the building, reveling in the feeling of the wind against her skin. She looked at her phone, a smile spreading across her lips at the text she got.

'I'll pick you up at seven. Do I go round front or are you sneaking out again? –Masao'

Sora bit her lip, guilt making her heart thud a bit faster. She hated sneaking out, but her parents wouldn't exactly approve of her relationship with Masao- especially when they didn't know the reason he and Ryo got in a fight in the first place. She flipped open her phone and typed her response.

'I'll sneak out- pick me up at the usual spot. –Sora'

She hit 'Send' and sank down against the wall, putting her phone next to her. She hadn't seen Masao since the fight due to his suspension. She pouted- it was unfair that Masao got blamed for the entire thing when Ryo was the one who started the fight in the first place. Unfortunately since Ryo was well liked (even after punching his sister) and Masao was 'the new kid', any witnesses that could actually vouch that Ryo had started the fight, wouldn't.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

Sora was just about to pick up her phone when the door to the roof opened, revealing Minami who looked extremely uncomfortable. Sora frowned; she could tell by his expression that he was here on Ryo's errand. She stood up, straightening her skirt. Then arms crossed, she finally looked straight at Minami.

"What do you want?"

Minami fidgeted a bit, probably wishing he was with his latest conquest- anywhere but facing her.

"Sora...why don't you just make up with Ryo? It's gone on for a week now! Put an end to it; be the bigger person!"

Sora chuckled derisively.

"Why should I forgive him?"

Minami swayed back and forth a bit, looking more than uncomfortable.

"He's your brother."

Sora felt like scoffing, but stopped herself. She wasn't going to get anywhere by bullying Minami- especially since he was just talking to her on behalf of her brother.


Sora stuck her hands in her pockets and pushed passed him. She didn't need her brother- or Minami trying to convince her to talk to him.

(Call It Fate)(Call It Fate)(Call It Fate)(Call It Fate)

Minami groaned, putting a hand to his forehead. He should've known better than to get in the middle of Ryo and Sora's fight. After all, he thought as he slid down to take the spot where Sora had been sitting, he did like Sora- a lot. It was very counterproductive to make it look like he was siding with Ryo. He bit his lip- he was siding with Ryo… enough to come and attempt to convince Sora to talk to her brother again….

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

Minami pulled out his phone, puzzled when he found no message waiting for him. What had buzzed…? He looked around when he felt something nudge him. He looked down, and saw Sora's cell phone- a newer version of Ryo's own. He picked up the sleek black device, and stared at the icon that indicated she had a new text. He was about to turn the screen off when he saw in a smaller text, the name 'Masao'. His eyes narrowed into slits. While Sora had pulled away from Ryo she had gotten closer to the new kid, Masao. Curious, he pressed the icon.

'Okay, I'll wait at the usual spot- has your family noticed you've been sneaking out?'

Minami nearly dropped the phone. Sora? Sneak out? Even he knew how dangerous that was! She had just gotten out of the hospital a week ago- what if someone kidnapped her for real? Was she trying to kill her parents by worrying them to death?

Minami shut the screen off, half a mind to go to Ryo. He clenched the phone tighter at the thought of what Ryo would do with the new information. Another fight between the twins would be inevitable and once Sora found out he was the cause of it… He shook his head to clear it. What could he do besides tell Ryo? Minami let out a frustrated sigh as the bell chimed, signaling the end of the day. He would have to talk to Sora on her own turf, and pray that Ryo didn't walk in while they were talking.

(Call It Fate)(Call It Fate)(Call It Fate)(Call It Fate)

Rui was entering grades into his laptop, symphonies blasting in his ears through his headphones. Next to him was a large stack of papers, the result of a report he had assigned his kids. So far, not many people had failed it, but the ones that had were his usual offenders. He turned over a paper, when he felt someone tap his shoulder. Ryo shrugged off one earphone as he turned around to look at the person who was bugging him. He frowned when he saw the new teacher aid looking at him with a simpering expression. What was her name…? He shrugged it off and was going to put on the headphone when he noticed her hand was on his stack of papers.

"Move your hand, or I'll move it."

She leaned in, a wicked smile on her face.

"Feisty- I like it."

He scoffed, pushing her hand off of the papers. He didn't need this woman stirring up any more trouble- he had enough on his plate what with the twin's not speaking to each other; more specifically, Sora's unwillingness to be so much in the same room as Ryo.

"Go away- I'm busy."

"But Rui-"

He stiffened when she put a hand on his shoulder; what was this woman doing getting so overly familiar with him? Rui stood up, hearing the soft 'oomph' when the chair hit the dumb blonde behind him. He took off the headphones and turned to face her, his expression stony and blank. He didn't want this attention. He loved Tsukushi and had told this woman blatantly so. He turned around and glared at the assistant teacher.

"Stop being so overly familiar with me; I have a wife- like I told you before. I have two kids and I'm not willing to trade it all for a fling with some blonde bimbo."

Rui made to move past her, when she grabbed the sleeve of his shirt.

"Please… I understand… We can't be together publicly- I'm not asking you to marry me or even be my boyfriend… I just want one taste of what I'm missing."

Rui turned to give a response, but was cut off by soft lips. He pushed against her, sending her flying to the wall. Rui wiped his lips off with the back of his hand and swept out of the room, missing the wide smile that was plastered on the blonde girl's face.

(Call It Fate)(Call It Fate)(Call It Fate)(Call It Fate)

Yui took her phone out, and dialed the only number on the phone. She stood up, brushing herself off as the phone rang. It rang for a few seconds before her employer's smooth voice came on.


Yui smiled and pressed the phone closer to her ear.

"Part one has been successful; I got the picture we needed."

Yui looked at the camera she had placed over the security camera on the wall opposite her. She had been recording the entire scene, and later would edit out all of the confrontation, making it seem like a meeting between two intimate lovers.

"Very good; I want it delivered to the Hanazawa Household by next week. When Tsukushi sees it, she'll leave him and head over to Manda's. Once that happens, you are free to pursue Rui as much as you like. I will be in Tokyo on Monday of next week- meet me at the Blue Light at six and I will give you your payment in person."

"Hai, Mizuki-sama."

(Call It Fate)(Call It Fate)(Call It Fate)(Call It Fate)

Sora was staring up at the ceiling when she heard a knock on her bedroom door.

"Who is it?"

She expected the low baritone of her brother's voice and was already reaching for her iPod when an unexpected, and very unwelcomed, answer came.

"It's me, Minami; I need to talk to you before your brother gets home."

Sora sighed, unsure of what to do. She was pretty sure that Minami had her phone, considering that she couldn't find it after she had left the rooftop. But she didn't want to endure a lecture on why she should talk to her dear brother.

"Come in."

She sat up, smoothing out her skirt a bit, and then scooted to the edge of the bed. Minami walked in, his bag hanging off one shoulder and her phone in his hand. Sora stood up, crossing her arms across her chest.
"So you did have it."

She stuck her hand out, but Minami didn't drop it in her hand, instead he sat down on her bed.

"A text came in while I had it. I don't think that your parents would be very happy if they found out that you've been sneaking out every night since the day after you got out of the hospital. "

Sora stepped back, eyes wide. She had never actually put any thought into deleting the messages. No one ever touched her phone! She glared Minami, her eyes narrowing.

"What will it take to keep you quiet?"

Minami stared at her, an incredulous expression on his face.

"I'm not blackmailing you- I'm just giving you a heads up."

Sora frowned in disappointment. What could she do to keep the idiot quiet? If her dad found out that she had been sneaking out with the boy that he had labeled as a delinquent (though he had never said it), she'd be grounded for the rest of her life. Then an idea struck her. Minami had always liked her; it had been obvious since the middle of their second year in middle school.

Sora moved over to the bed, and without giving Minami a chance to protest, pressed her lips to his.

(Call It Fate)(Call It Fate)(Call It Fate)(Call It Fate)

Minami felt himself being pushed away; he opened his eyes and found himself staring at Ryo, who was obviously pissed off.

"What the hell Minami!"

Minami got up from the bed, and reached for Sora's phone, ready to plea his case with Ryo. He knew he could be a lecher, but that wasn't the case this time; the last thing he needed was for Ryo to hate him. They'd been friends practically since birth… His eyes widened when he saw Sora with the phone in her hand, and a cruel smile on her face. Minami took a step back- what had happened to Sora? That smile… wasn't her… He frowned- she didn't kiss him because she had feelings for him, it was to shut him up, after all, she was meeting up with some guy at night wasn't she? Minami looked at Ryo, who looked like he wanted nothing more than to punch him. Sora had dropped the cruel smile, and instead looked repentant, as though she actually regretted what she had done- the smug gleam in her eyes told him otherwise. Minami did the only thing he could do- he left the room, his chest tightening painfully. The only girl whom he truly ever loved had been jaded and then rejected him in the worst way.

(Call It Fate)(Call It Fate)(Call It Fate)(Call It Fate)

Le gasp~ Review?