Disclaimer: I do not own Durarara! But I do love it.

Oh boy, first Durarara fic, and I'm already planning to screw with some minds.

-Note- This is yaoi gone hetero, but the theme is still pretty yaoi. May become incredibly ooc, but I'll try my best. Same with grammar. It's off from the main storyline (anime, in my case) and probably won't return to the flow. I have no sense of direction, east might as well be left to me so if locations are not correct, kindly correct me, or if you don't want to, close your eyes and pretend you saw the right thing.

If you're okay with that, please enjoy.

Pairing: ShizuoxfemaleIzaya and CeltyxShinra. I see Shinra as the wife, no matter what anyone says.

Chapter 1- Guilt.
Celty Narration

So I'm all covered in blood.

Not mine, mind you, but blood nonetheless as I'm heading back towards the laboratory. I dislike the feeling as it seems to stick and cling to my leather suit, the lukewarm liquid starting to dry into a dark maroon color, crusting over. With the speed I'm going in and the wind we're busting through, I feel it closer to my skin then usual, and it's definitely unpleasant. If it were me, it would have healed a long time ago, but humans are truly fragile. Um, with the exception of Heiwajima Shizuo. Except maybe what he lacks as a human physically, he may have made up for it emotionally. You might stick a knife into his hand and he would treat it as much a nuisance as a bug bite, but this, this was too much.

Even if the one I'm carrying behind me is Orihara Izaya.

It's an understatement if you think Izaya and Shizuo hate each other. Yet, when Izaya turned into a human beehive that poured blood instead of honey, Shizuo had enough mind to call on Shinra and I to pick him up. I thought he was treating his rival as package, but I was clearly wrong. Even I felt guilty for thinking that afterwards. I have to basically hold his limp arm to my stomach while steering the motorcycle with one hand because it seems like he's too weak to hang on.

Well…I don't hate Orihara Izaya. I dislike what he does to people's minds, but I'm not a person nor do I have a head. He hires me, and that should have been the end to our relationship. Nothing more or less, though the option of becoming friends was clearly there. He is Shinra's friend, and therefore I could have treated him like a family friend, since to me the only family I have is…well, let's not even go there.

The point is, Shizuo was actually worried about the well being of someone he had wanted to kill for so long going as far as destroying innocent objects and machinery to pummel him. As in, genuinely worried. Nothing like worried because his flea might die due to someone else's hands and not his own. Which I considered, but decided to take back earlier.

Reaching the underground lab, I quickly unloaded the brunette and dragged him towards the door. We were quickly met by a frantic man in a white coat, the stupid but skilled doctor that I lived with. There was clearly seriousness I haven't seen in him for a long time. His face was pale and the sight of Izaya probably made him tremble slightly. That was saying a lot, since he was a doctor known for his steadiness, especially with his hands. This operation was probably going to be done in here, as there was no time to take him elsewhere. As the door to an emergency treatment room shut tight within seconds of their arrival, I took a seat outside. Removing my helmet, the black aura poured out excitedly, but my heart didn't match its tempo.

If I were a human, I would have needed to take a deep breath. Since I'm not, I want to let my thoughts pour out, trying to remember what lead to this. I deal with tragedy as well as I deal with extraterrestrials…when I'm out there I feel just fine. It's starting to sink in though…


"Celty! It's an emergency!!" Shinra's barged into the bathroom, and I was flabbergasted.

No. Noo. A little before that.

This morning, it was sunny outside, but I was in a gloomy warehouse waiting for the designated people to enter. Contemplating the method in which to retrieve the mystery item, I wasted no time in testing out phrases over my PDA. That was quickly rendered useless, since after the shady bunch saw me I had to resort to violence. It wasn't a tough job, but that was the only one for that day. Or so I thought anyway.

Instead of going home, I decided to take a stroll in the park. I guess I looked awkward because of my helmet and no one else wearing something so tight fitting and dark on a day like this. It's not like I want to be an urban legend either. I know I wasn't accepted in society, but sometimes living like a normal…person, I guess, seemed like a nice idea. Eating or drinking seemed like a wonderful past time, and maybe I was curious about that. Perhaps if I get my head back, it would be able to enjoy a nice meal with Shinra. Maybe…

Shinra was the only one that I trusted from the bottom of my nonexistent heart. Though he is not immortal and I can feel the deep void that starts to form when I think of the impending end, the time that is now and from now till then would be more than enough. Sometimes he doesn't understand anything about how I really want my head back, but he has been nothing but loving. I'm not exactly sure if I can return the same kind of feeling. He is someone I don't want to lose, and that thought alone kept me near him.

Thinking about it now, perhaps it was the same with Shizuo.

They hated each other for so long, if one had actually managed to kill the other, would they really be satisfied? They are rivals. They hate each other. They want to kill each other. Yet, every time they fight, they just end up where they started. So I didn't think about it. Perhaps they thought it would continue on like that too.

Just like a fragile human life, though, it had to end somewhere. Maybe it was today…

Anyways, after the birds I was feeding flew away due to three kids from Raira Academy rushing their way with a unnatural blonde in the lead, I decided to go home. When I was bored, I usually watched movies or chatted with some friends online. One of my online friend, Tarou-san, had recently moved to Ikebukuro. Maybe I would see him sometime. Or maybe I have, and never noticed it. Maybe that timid looking kid who was with that blonde just now was him. Heehee. He certainly looked like a Tanaka Tarou*.

As for the other, Kanra-san, well I think I have an idea who that might be. I just hope that I'm wrong.

So I headed home around late afternoon wondering how the time passed by so fast. After being greeted by Shinra who was also back from work by now, we watched a French movie I didn't understand one bit. By night, I was feeling sticky from the past workout I wasn't feeling in the breeze of the park, and decided to take a shower. Halfway through though, I was interrupted.

That brings us back to where we were. Shinra had barged in, I was shocked, and even more shocked when he tried to explain to a half naked me in a towel about what had happened. In fact, he wasn't explaining at all. All his broken sentences stated was that his friend, the information broker, the rival of the most feared man of Ikebukuro, the human lover, the oddball, the Orihara Izaya, was shot by members of a gang. Strangest thing was, he was apparently being a meat shield for Shizuo himself.

Then with that information I went to go retrieve him. Meeting up with a desperate looking Shizuo, heaving a dead looking Izaya amongst a row of horribly beaten up bodies that I guess was the blonde's doing almost made me laugh. It wasn't because I thought it was funny, but I was scared and somewhat surprised. The nervousness of this whole situation made me want to laugh, and I was glad my head wasn't there at the time.

Did Shizuo wipe out a whole gang for Izaya's sake? That thought circulated through me over and over as I loaded him behind me on my trusted stead.

Sitting here out the emergency room and thinking about this, I felt guilty. I had no idea what was going on, and I feel like I just simply overlooked too many things that day. If I had a head, I might have said some things I really would have regretted now. Shinra might be right…humans talk too much and about stuff they don't understand. Maybe that's why he said I was complete without one…but even so I still want it back.

After a while, Shinra came out. He had a mixed expression on his face, somewhere between truly distressed and halfway proud. Sitting down next to me, he didn't say a word for a long time. I could only try to guess what had happened.

"Well, Celty," He sighed. "He hasn't died yet, but when he wakes up, he might want to."

I could really…really…only guess.

*Tanaka Tarou is a pretty generic male name used in samples. Female counterpart is Yamada Hanako. Or so I've heard. By the way, if Celty does know the owner to the name, then pretend she doesn't lol.

Ummmm. What did you think?

By the way, flames are acceptable as long as you give me a reason why. Reasonless ones I'll ignore.