Hit It Again: Took Two to the Chest

To those returning, welcome back. To new readers, you should probably read Hit It before reading this.

It's been five years, what has changed?

Disclaimer: I do not own SON.


Here. We. Go.


The dirty blonde-haired person looks down at her hand, pulling it from her side. Her dark red lifeline trickles down her wrist.

She lifts her head and looks at her contrast. They could not be further from each other.

Her hair is light; her heart is cold, and her spirit free of conflict, guilt, and true heart-wrenching pain.

Her contrast however,

Her hair is dark, her heart is lukewarm, and her spirit strangled by conflict, guilt, and heart-breaking agony.

The fair one glares and raises the gun, her strong fingers tugging the trigger, setting off a too well known deadly chain reaction.

Ashley Davies was still in shock from injuring Dylan Morrison, when she felt searing pain ripping through her right shoulder, grabbing her arm screaming in pain; lifting her head to look at the blonde still holding the gun, her eyes darken.

Inhaling, she feels her senses reaching out, reaching beyond her norm. She is becoming aware of everything and feeling every part of her body, feeling every emotion flickering through her body: fear, rage, wraith, love, sadness, and arousal. She sucks in cool night air still feeling the arousal Spencer Carlin always sends through her body.

She hears her heartbeat increase in reaction to the trauma.

She hears the voices shouting behind her and sirens getting closer, people running in all different directions.

She smells the copper scent the wind pulls across her nose in the slight night breeze, reminding her of her contrast across from her, eyes darkening further, a growl rising from her chest, baring teeth, testing fate and fire. She hears the steady drops that accompany the red river.

The blonde faltered and her hand sunk, Ashley turns and she sees outlines of her friends. A blonde screaming at her, while the others hold her back.

She reached her hand out towards the person, "Spencer." she whispered, walking slowly towards her.

Hearing two shots behind her, she turned back towards Dylan Morrison, now facing away from her. A tall brunette was standing just in front of her, her body jerking as the shot ripped through her abdomen, "Sam!," a smaller brunette rushing to her side.

Ashley saw someone else fall just outside of her peripheral and someone running to his or her aid.

Dylan was raising her gun at Morgan Helding, rushing to the fullback's side, "No, Dylan, it's me you want. Leave Sam and Morgan out of this," Ashley was moving towards the dirty blonde.

The blonde-haired girl, laughing, blood leaking from the corner of her mouth turns and points the gun at Ashley again. A tilt of the head and pressure upon the trigger sends a bullet whirling towards Ashley, ripping through her black vest and her white dress shirt, running along some surface near the girl's heart, slightly changing the trajectory of the bullet.

Screams echo her name, as she is collapsing to the ground. Grabbing at her chest, she felt the warm liquid spread across her white dress shirt, the taste of blood in her mouth and she felt the small box in her pocket, managing to smile in spite of her situation, thinking of Spencer Carlin.

A body was blocking the light around her when she opened her eyes again, "You're right," they were growling, thick liquid spewing from their mouth, Ashley could smell the copper scent invading her senses, as the drops descend on her face. "I do want you, now I have you and now I end it," The gun was back in her eye line, consciousness fading slowly from her, hearing the crisp click as it cocked.

Her mind thought of nothing but blue eyes and blonde hair, as she sunk further and patiently awaited the end. Multiple, frantic clicks met her ears, forcing her eyes open she saw that the gun jammed.

Smirking, she leaned up and spit blood in her rivaling keeper's face. The butt of the gun rapidly drew closer to her head, when a body, or two, went soaring above her crashing into Dylan Morrison.

Coughing, trying to catch her breath.

Blue eyes and blonde hair hung above her, "Spencer," smiling, reaching to place her bloody hand against the girl's cheek.

"Shh, it'll be-," Ashley cut her off.

"Spence," she breathed, her hand falling from her wound.

"No, no. What are you doing, keep the pressure? You'll make it through this, please." She cried.

"Nathan would say, 'but, you've already saved me dear.'" Shocking to say the least, Ashley was singing. Spencer, feeling confusion and showing terror, needed to be comforted. Ashley simply grabbed her hand and pressed something into it, "Remember me, I love you," her last words passed her lips as darkness engulfed her.


A raven-haired woman was walking through her home after a morning run, sweat running down her back and under the waistband of her shorts, shirt hanging from the front of them. She cracked her neck as she was swinging the black refrigerator door open, grabbing water.

Turning, she quickly made her way through the kitchen and to a large staircase, quickly ascending them, muscle bulging, putting emphasis on the large scar running down her thigh.

Walking through the door of her bedroom, she heard light humming coming from the bathroom. Standing still, she watched a woman in a white robe walk out and lean over the king sized bed in their room.

Smirking the brunette makes her way towards the beautiful woman, wrapping muscled arms around the slim waist, immediately attaching lips to a slightly wet neck, pushing long hair out of the way, "Mmmm, morning," the woman moans as hands untie the sash holding together her robe. They move past the clothing and against her toned stomach, up to her breasts, running her fingers across wet nipples.

"Morning to you too," the deep chuckle rumbles against her ear softly.

Arms move from around the slim waist, pulling the robe off the lithe body, lips trailing kisses down a smooth back, down to the small of the woman's back, the robe hitting the floor quietly.

The woman's body turns, the lips kiss up her inner thigh, a tongue stroking through the wetness that has pooled, teeth nipping at her clit; before her hands grab the raven hair and pull, bringing their lips into a deep kiss, as two fingers enter her.

A loud groan erupts from the woman's throat, "Fuck me,"

"My pleasure," the raven-haired woman growls, pulling a leg around her hip and increasing the speed of her thrusts into the woman beneath her as moans and whimpers resonate from the parted lips.

"More please." Adding a third finger and thrusting harder into the woman, the brunette joins the woman in heavy breathing and pants.

"Oh fuck!" the woman screams as her orgasm races through every inch of her body, the brunette's body stiffening above her as nails dig into her back.

After catching her breath, the younger woman speaks into the ear of the person laying above her, "Hi," she kisses the ear and moves sweat matted hair from the brunette's forehead, "Mmm, I love these mornings… when you come back frustrated." She grins as the brunette pulls back and kisses her deeply.

"As do I, my wife." She moves her hips against the younger brunette who groans.

"No, not again," she scolds, "we have a birthday to get to." She reminds.

The sweaty muscular woman whines, "Please," she tightens her abs and rubs slowly against her wife. "I can make it quick and good."

The younger woman starts to respond, moving the body above hers, she whispers brokenly against soft, but rugged lips, "That may be, but you know what they say?"

Resting on her hands, the brunette presses against the heat below her harder, wetness mixing with her sweat, "What's that?" she asks trailing her tongue across soft lips, dipping in to share deep kisses, biting a lip and a trickle of blood. She removes it with a flick of her tongue.

"Oh fuck," the woman throws her head back another orgasm building, lips move across her neck as soon as she displays it, nipping, licking, sucking, and biting, "It may be fast and good, but it certainly won't be cheap." She stammers.

Her hands move and grasp the firm ass, pushing harder and faster against the early morning riser's toned stomach, loving the feel of the clenching and quivering muscles against her clit.

"We are so going to pay for this… Ahh!" she called out as shudder wracked her entire body.

It still was amazing to her that her wife could do the simple thing or movement and it would make her cum and writhe just like the first time. It was amazing that after five years, they could still make each other tick with a look, a touch, a word, a wave, or a smile.

Granted, everyone around them knew this but that would have taken the fun out of it, wouldn't it?

She began chuckling at her thoughts.

"What?" her partner asked, she just shook her head. Her wife smiled and kissed her, groaning in reluctance as she pulled away and looked at the clock next to their bed, "Do you think Spencer will really be mad if we miss Cian's party?" she husked.

"We've known Spencer Carlin for five years and those are the words that come out of mouth? I thought you were some genius Kyla Carson Davies," the woman smiled adorningly.

"Well, Amanda Renee Davies, I am. I just thought I would try." She rolled off her wife and sighed, sitting on the edge of the bed; she stood and held out her hand, "Shower?" she smirked.

"Of course," Amanda said into her ear, turning them around and kissing Kyla with passion, she pulled back, against Kyla's protests, "I get this bathroom and you get the one down the hall." She grinned, running into the bathroom, shutting and locking the door.

Kyla groaned and turned towards the bedroom door, "Women," she shook her head, as she moped all the way to the guest bathroom.


Five years ago

Light faded into the room slowly as eyes blinked opened. She looked to her left and saw a dark head of hair on her bed, "K-k-kyla?" Ashley Davies murmured.

The person did not move, she moved her hand towards the hand and gently stroked the dark hair, "Carshy?" she tried again, a little louder, her throat burning in protest.

The head shot up and the person looked surprised then a smile spread across the younger girl's features, "Oh my god, Ash." tears rolled down the pale cheeks, as the saline filled up the bloodshot eyes.

"Amanda?" Ashley asked, the girl just nodded her head, "Where's- wheshere's, Ky?" she asked.

"She should be coming soon," the girl promised, "Do you remember what happened?"

Ashley nodded, slowly muscles protesting, "Dylan, hadsh a gun, and I shhhot hwer, then shwe shhhot me," the keeper said slowly.

"Yeah," Amanda nodded, "Dylan survived." The girl said in voice mixed with rage, disgust, and sadness. "Sam got clipped in the side and Kyla took a bullet to the thigh. She's in a wheelchair, but will fully recover." The defender explained.

"What about shwpe-Schpence…" she tried without success, frustrating her.

"Ash, it's okay," Amanda grabbed her hand that was forming a fist, "You hit your head pretty bad when you went down, and when Luigi and Aiden tackled Dylan the gun clipped your head too. You might have trouble talking for a while, but you will get better, you Davies girls always do," she smiled sadly.

Ashley listened to the news and tears unwillingly made their way down her cheeks, then she remembered Amanda had not answered her, so she turned back.

She squeezed the girl's hand, "How ls-sl-long?"

Amanda sighed, "About three weeks."

Ashley fought the tears this time, "Where ish Schpencer?" she repeated.

Amanda dropped her head and cried against the white sheets of Ashley's hospital bed, if the gunshots had not killed Ashley this would.

"Schmanda?" Ashley softly touched her head.

"No one knows exactly," she began, "Spencer was here every day and every night, the first week. She left a note saying, she listened to how you would scream out her name, and she couldn't deal with what happened, thinking it was her fault." Even though she could see tears welling up in Ashley's eyes she continued, "She just left, somewhere in Europe, took her passport and her savings and left. Paula and Arthur are trying to find her."

Ashley blocked out everything else, she could see Amanda's lips still moving and could hear the faintly beeping of the machines she was attached to, she blinked and the floodgates opened. Her mind took her three and half weeks ago….

"Not even a bullet to the heart could take me away from you or you from me."

She wasn't imagining that was she?

Spencer had spoken those words to her, after she accepted her proposal to Formal, hadn't she?

Of course, she had.

I got shot, I'm not brain dead, she thought to herself.

Amanda was calling her name but she was not responding. She had not noticed that Sam, Morgan, Kyla and Hayley had come into the room trying to get her attention as well.

"You were wrong Spencer," she spoke aloud and with perfect ease, no slur; confusing the other five girls, "I should have just died with my father." she lost consciousness, collapsing to the bed.


Kyla Davies, steering her SUV through the streets of Columbus, Ohio making her way to Spencer Carlin's home that she just bought, rubs her thumb across her wife's hand, in deep thought, "Hey, Mandy?" she says wearily.

"Yeah, babe?" Amanda responds, immediately turning down the radio.

"Do you think we welcomed Spencer back too quickly?" Amanda's brow furrows in worry, "I mean I love Spencer to death, as if she were family," Kyla chuckles darkly at the irony of her statement, "but, what she did to Ash…" she lets the sentence trail off.

Amanda sighs and turns to face Kyla, "I know what you mean, Kyla, really I do, but Spencer did what she thought was right." Amanda sighs, trying to decide if she should tell Kyla what she had the right to know or leave it for Spencer to tell. She smiles thinking of her hot-blooded wife, getting her answer, "You know that by some weird and fucked up series of events, Dylan healed quickly," Kyla nods, controlling her anger.

"Well, she started bugging Spencer. At the park, wherever she could get Spencer alone. She gave Spencer an ultimatum," Amanda pauses "Stay with her or Ashley wouldn't wake up." The brunette feels Kyla's hand tighten around hers, veins and muscles start to pop in her forearm, and Amanda gently strokes the arm, trying to relax the Davies twin.

"Spencer went to Luigi and Tony, told them what happened and that was the last time she was seen."

"Are you trying to say that it was justifiable for her to leave for fucking Europe, rather than stay with the person she loved, the person who loved her, got fucking shot for her?" Kyla explodes.

"Sweetie," Amanda coos, "that's not what I'm saying. What I'm saying is that she needed to get away, it doesn't make it right and it certainly does not make it right that she came back just a few months ago, but it's what she needed."

Kyla comes to a stop outside of Spencer's house, seeing other cars lined up. She puts the vehicle in park, "You know Ashley wants nothing but happiness for Spencer. She would not have a problem with this because she knows that when the time comes she will have to deal with it. So, please, understand where Spencer's coming from, she's had to suffer too."

Kyla looks at Amanda, to the house, then back to her wife, sighing, "Fine, okay." She nods, grabbing Amanda's hand and kissing the ring on it with a smile, "I love you."

Amanda tilts her head and smiles, "And, I love you, Kyla." She grins leaning across to kiss the runner, "Let's go. Cian is probably waiting for you to corrupt him some more." She teases.

"Hey!" Kyla defends, "I can't help it that boy loves me," she grins.

"Well, at least he won't become a sissy boy," Amanda smiles, getting out of the SUV. "God knows, with all of those girls you have hanging in the gym, when he's a teen he'll be glued to our house." She rolls her eyes, "Geez, Ky, you are such a horrible role model, I can only imagine what our children will deal with, they will probably little hellions too." She takes off towards Spencer's front door.

"Why I oughta," Kyla gives chase, catching her wife around the waist, lifting her up.

"Ky! Put me down!" the runner complies.

"Don't disobey me again or you will be punished," she smiles.

"Promise?" Amanda leans forward and kisses the strong brunette, Kyla nods into the kiss with a smile, pressing the fullback against the porch wall.

"Seriously," Kyla says pulling away, "Do you want to have kids? With me?" she looks nervous.

"I mean we haven't talked about it, but yes I'd like to have kids with you. Why? You don't?" Amanda places her hand against Kyla's chest.

"No, I mean yes. Yes I do, I just… do you really think I'll be a bad parent?"

Amanda kisses her, "Oh baby, I'm sorry. Of course, you'll be a great parent." She reassures the runner.

Kyla was going to kiss her again, when something attached itself to her leg, "Carsy!" a little boy squeals.

"Hey, Cian," Kyla lifts him up, hugging him tightly. "How's my boy?" she runs a hand through his dark hair.

"Good," he giggles into her neck.

Amanda gives her a look that says, 'I told you so'.

Kyla grins, when a slightly husky voice greets them, "You know if I didn't love him as much as I do, you'd three make the perfect family." Spencer Carlin grins leaning against the door, smiling.

Kyla did not think through her comment, intended as a joke, "Well, if you hadn't escaped to Europe and Ashley wasn't in L.A., I'd say that this was your guys' child."

Spencer frowns, Amanda' s mouth drops open, and Cian has a look of confusion flash across his three year old face, before he asks, "Ashwey? Who is dat? Mommy?" he says cutely, causing Kyla and Amanda to smile.

Spencer's eyes fill and she turns away, going back into the house.

Questions? Comments? Issues?

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Thanks for reading!
