This is a Bella/ Caius fanfic. Nothing more to say. Enjoy ^^

- Edit 2016 – Hey everyone. It's been years since I've finished this story, and I feel inclined to leave a brief note for any future readers because of some of the criticism I've been receiving. Look, it's… old. I wrote it when I was thirteen, back when my writing was underdeveloped and my grammar was poor. I thought it was the best story ever at the time, but now I understand that there are parts to it that can be cringe worthy.

So I'm leaving this here as a warning. Is the grammar perfect? No. Is it at all serious? Not really. Are Caius and Bella in character? Well, I did my best as a thirteen year old, but not particularly. The way I structured SM's characters are purposely humorous and exaggerated a bit, with a crazy, light-hearted story all to their own.

So please keep in mind that I wasn't the best writer when this was created, and I haven't made any touch ups to it since it was finished all those years ago. It's old. It's impractical. It's silly. And I'm going to leave it that way for all the lovely fans that have found a way to look past all of that :)

Thanks guys- and don't say that I didn't warn you!

Chapter 1

Another clap of violent thunder and showers of dark mist shook the whole house. The storm was obviously getting stronger by the second. Stupid storms. I hated storms. Slowly, I wrapped an arm around Edward Cullen, my gorgeous vampire boyfriend and rested my head against his shoulder. He placed one hand on my shoulder for support, but it didn't exactly help my desperation of finding warmth. He realized this suddenly, and removed his hand at once.

Alice was the center of attention in the Cullen house. Her golden eyes were deathly still and unreadable, her perfect lips in a straight line. It almost looked like she was hypnotized, but I knew she was having another vision. Jasper hand a nervous hand through his honey blonde hair, and held her hand for support. Nobody wanted to disturb her in any way, since this vision might be about Victoria. I shuddered, and this time it wasn't because it was cold.

"Can I get a blanket?" I whispered as softly as I could to Edward.

"Shhhh," He murmured carefully. Edward had been really focused, too. He must be reading Alice's thoughts. If he didn't even care about the thought of me freezing to death, he, like Alice, wanted no disturbances.

Suddenly, Alice jerked back into reality, her expression shocked and confused like someone just bitch-slapped her.

"Well…?" Carlisle asked cautiously form the kitchen.

Alice didn't answer right away. She put both hands on either side of her head, her eyes wide with fright. "Oh my…"
"What did you see?" Jasper demanded, holding both of her hands tightly.

"Vampires," She uttered, staring straight ahead. "Over…Over a hundred… newborns…"

I immediately looked up at Edward who didn't return my worried gaze. He was still dead frozen. Over a hundred newborn vampires? That was automatically not a good sign. Who was the monster that had changed all those humans…? I didn't need to answer that question once everything clicked together in my mind.

"Victoria created a whole army just so she could finish me off?" I was flabbergasted. Everyone glanced at me with concern, while Alice seemed to be calming down.

"She knew we were going to be well armed," Alice realized.

"Seems she hasn't completely underestimated us," Esme added boldly.

"We can still take her," Emmett's fist balled up and he punched it a couple times into his other hand.

"Still, the number of vampires she has collected is a threat," Carlisle reasoned.

I glanced up at Edward who was still just watching his family argue. Even with the help of the werewolves, we still would probably not be completely safe. There would be too many distractions. I would die at Victoria's hand. Or worse. Someone else on our team would die…

When I picked back up on the argument, I only caught:

"Bella shouldn't stay in Forks."

"I agree," Edward suddenly stood up, looking at me gently. "This is too big a risk if Victoria is bringing over a hundred newborn vampires ordered to kill Bella. We should take her somewhere else, somewhere safe. I'll go with her."

"Edward, she'll know you'll be with her," Alice explained innocently. "That was another thing in the vision. About one hundred and eighteen vampires all want to kill her. We can no longer use force and war. We have to hide her somewhere safe."

Edward's lip curled in rage. "I am going with her. You separated me from her when James tracked her, and look what had happened. She was in the hospital for weeks. I repeat, I will be going with Bella."

"Listen to her!" Jasper suddenly snarled back, motioning to Alice. "She knows what she's talking about. You can't be with her this time either, Edward. It's for Bella's own safety."

Edward quickly looked down at me, his eyes full of worry and sadness. The thought of me being around when a bunch of vampires were going to slit my throat the second they saw me really wasn't the way I wanted to go. I nodded once; encouraging him that Alice and Jasper were both right. He sighed.

"This 'safe place' better be damn safe," Edward growled in defeat.

"Wait," I interrupted. "Um…what about everyone else in Forks? Won't the vampires…like…maybe…for a snack…?"
"We should be able to take care of that," Carlisle answered with much assertion. "With the help of your scent, we might be able to lead them away from the cities completely so they can't kill. Then we could face them and probably fight them. It would be much easier to kill them off if we didn't have to protect you."

"Alright," I nodded a couple times. "I'm all for this plan. But…where do I go that's safe?"

There was a long silence, and all the vampires looked at each other doubtfully. Great, so they were as clueless as I was. My scent would probably be all over my mom's place, so that was an automatic NO. Ugh, what other places did I have…?

"You can always just take her to the Volturi," Rosalie suggested casually.

Everyone turned to the beautiful, golden haired vampire that had been sitting in the corner of the room with nothing to say all day. Edward snarled menacingly, and even stood up at her remark. I could see why he was so vicious.

It wasn't that long ago I had travelled to Volterra to save Edward from revealing himself. That, and I met the Volturi, the group of "royal" vampires who weren't considered our 'best friends forever.' I guess they didn't completely plan to kill us on the spot, but anyone would tell that they secretly despised me in particular.

I knew Rosalie always hated me in some way, but suggesting them to protect me was a really sick joke. Everyone knew if they just left me at the Volturi, I would be baked at 350. I would be their dinner.

Edward's voice was dangerously low. "You dare suggest that I leave Bella with those-"
"It's not that bad of an idea," Rosalie reasoned. "Volterra is a very far and hidden sort of place. That and they're all really skilled vampires who could protect her."
"I agree, Rosalie, but what makes you think they'd protect her?" Carlisle asked. A couple vampires nodded in agreement.

"Well, didn't you work with them at a time?" Rosalie raised a perfect eyebrow at her father. "You said they wouldn't break a promise, right? Maybe we could make them promise to protect her and not eat her."

"Right, but what's in it for them?" Emmett added.

Rosalie threw her hands in the air. "Hey, at least I'm coming up with ideas unlike any of you!"
"Calm down Rosalie. You too, Edward," Carlisle glanced at him still snarling. He refaced Rosalie. "Maybe your idea wasn't all that disturbing."

My eyes flashed up to Edward's. Would Carlisle really take Rosalie's side for something like this? He knelt next to me. "I need to talk some sense into them. Don't worry. But…maybe you should go home. It wouldn't be best for a human to stay with a group of arguing vampires."

"Sure," I agreed, standing up. "I'll leave my window unlocked."

He half smiled. "Good."

The whole rest of the day, I buried my face in my pillow listening to more thunder and wild rain. Other than that, I kept wondering where the vampires were going to send me until Victoria was destroyed. Hopefully Volterra was out of the question. I mean, the place was beautiful and all that, but the vampires just freaked the hell out of me. Jane, with that lethal grin. Aro, with that delightful attitude. Marcus, with that bored expression. Caius, with that death glare. All of the Volturi, with those scary, blood red eyes. I found myself needing more blankets.

Suddenly, I heard the squeaking sound of the window, and a tall, dark figure wobbled in. He closed the window behind him, and shook off the water in his hair like a dog. I sat up.

"Well?" I asked him.

Edward sighed, and looked at me seriously. "Pack your bags. We're leaving for Volterra in the morning."

The first chapter sucks, I know. Please review though! ^^