Why was Soul standing in on the front porch of Lord Death holding a skirt? Maka had insisted he return it to Liz for her, even though it was currently 1:44 am. He sighed tiredly as he rand the doorbell. Hopefully she was still up, but he doubted it. Maka really could be strange some times.

He looked up as the door opened cautiously. The weapon's eyes widened at the sight that greeted him. Death The Kid was standing in the doorway wearing a knee length night gown. It was black with white lace around the bottom, neck, and sleeves. His hair was standing up in places, but still somehow symmetrical.

Rubbing his sleepy eyes with his fists, he addressed his late night visitor. "Soul? What are you doing here?" Kid asked surprised.

"Uh..." Soul gulped. His gaze was glued to Kid's clothing. He licked his lips unconsciously.

The bleary eyed shinigami didn't looked annoyed exactly, just curious and tired. "Come in. It's cold out." Said the boy. He motioned for Soul to follow him as he closed the door.

The entire interior of Kid's home was black and white. Not a single thing was out of place. (If something was Kid wouldn't be able to sleep) The young decorator of this abode lead him to a black sofa with white cushions. The meister curled up on this piece of furniture and hugged one of the pillows to his chest. Soul joined him awkwardly.

"So why are you here?" Asked Kid, "Not that I don't enjoy you visiting, I just don't think this is the most practical time." He added hastily.

"I..." He glanced down at the article of clothing in his fist. "Oh yeah! Maka made me bring this over here," He offered the skirt to the boy, who took it carefully as if he thought it might randomly bite him. "It's Liz's,"

"I'll give it to her in the morning. Patty has been wanting to wear her matching one, but then they wouldn't match." He folded it carefully and set it on the couch beside him. "Thank you." He said smiling softly. The shinigami pressed a pale hand to his mouth to stifle a yawn.

"I'm sorry I woke you up," Soul swallowed and eyed the boy's bare skinny legs. "Maka insisted I take it now. She's been acting strange lately,"

Kid looked down at his legs puzzled. "What do you keep looking at?" He asked, innocence stamped on his face. He got no response from the scythe. "Soul?... Oh your nose is bleeding!" He reached forward and wiped a small amount of blood out from under the weapon's left nostril with the sleeve of his night gown. "There! Now your symmetrical!"

Woohoo! My second fic! :D I wrote this at 2am while watching Futurama. It's for my Great Aunt Bibbits, just like my last SoulxKid fic. (Pretty much all Soul Eater fics I write will be for her)

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