Author's Note: Well, this is the final chapter! I hope you guys have enjoyed reading! I don't own Alvin and the Chipmunks or the Chipettes! Enjoy!

When Simon opened his phone and cleared out the messages that informed him of his missed calls, he opened his recent text message. He smiled when he saw who the text was from.

Hey u – Jean

Simon quickly moved his fingers across the keypad and pressed send. Jeanette had not been waiting long when she felt her phone vibrate in her hand. She quickly opened her phone and smiled widely.

Hey u 2. How r u? – Si

Jeanette giggled as she responded.

I'm wonderful. What about u? – Jean

I'm great. Really great since u text me – Si

Jeanette's smile grew wider.

Tonite was absolutely amazing – Jean

I no. I wish I was still there w/ u – Si

Jeanette sighed deeply as she read the text.

Me 2. If only all our nites were like tonite – Jean

Yeah, I'd love 2 wake up w/ u in my arms all the time – Si

Jeanette's continued to smile as she read the message. There was a slight hesitation to her response, and her smile disappeared.

Should I tell him that my sisters know? She thought.

A few more minutes passed before she made a decision. Her fingers moved quickly as she compiled her message.

Listen, I need 2 tell u something – Jean

Simon became worried as he read his new message.

What's wrong? – Si

Well, I didn't cover our tracks very well – Jean

Simon didn't understand what Jeanette was trying to tell him.

What do u mean? – Si

My sisters found out – Jean

As Simon read the text, he was only slightly surprised. It was shocking to learn that Jeanette's sisters knew about their night together, but his brothers found out too, so it was nothing to be upset about.

Oh – Si

When Simon didn't say anymore, Jeanette became worried.

I knew I shouldn't have told him, she thought. Why did I tell him?

I'm sorry. Plz don't b mad at me – Jean

Sweetie, I'm not mad – Si

Jeanette was shocked by Simon's response.

Ur not? – Jean

Of course not. In fact, I need 2 tell u something 2 – Si

Oh. What is it? – Jean

My brothers found out 2 – Si

Jeanette felt a wave of relief as she read the message.

Well, at least I don't have to feel guilty anyone, she thought.

Oh, well, at least we don't have 2 keep secrets from them – Jean

Yeah, true. I'm kinda surprised – Si

Y? – Jean

Alvin was actually supportive – Si

Jeanette giggled.

Alvin Seville? Supportive? lol I wish I could've seen that – Jean

Simon chuckled.

Lol me 2. How did your sisters take it? – Si

Surprisingly well. Funny thing is they kinda expected it 2 happen – Jean

Haha. That's exactly what my brothers said – Si

Really? I guess we can't keep anything from them – Jean

Guess not – Si

A full minute passed. Jeanette couldn't think of anything to say, but Simon decided to take a chance and ask her a question.

So, r u doing anything next Friday? – Si

Jeanette's curiosity came in full swing as she read Simon's message.

Um, idk. I no Ms. Miller is going out of town again – Jean

Simon was surprised by this new piece of information, and a smile played across his face.

Really? – Si

Yea, y do u ask? – Jean

Well, u no, Dave is gonna b out of town again 2 – Si

At that moment, Jeanette knew what Simon was thinking. She smiled as she sent him a new message.

Oh, really. R u thinking what I think ur thinking? – Jean

Depends, what do u think I'm thinking? ;) – Si

I think u want 2 show me how great u r the 2nd time ;) – Jean

Simon chuckled as he typed his response.

U know me 2 well ;) So what do you say? – Si

Well, if we can get rid of our siblings, I say c u Friday nite – Jean

Simon's smile grew wider.

Same time? Same place? – Si

Absolutely – Jean

All of a sudden, a new thought came to Simon, and his smile vanished.

How r u gonna get rid of ur sisters? – Si

All I have 2 do is ask – Jean

Really? – Si

Yea, my sisters said they'd b willing 2 ask ur brothers to double date. U no, so we could b alone ;) – Jean

Simon's smile came back.

Wow, I can't believe ur sisters would do that – Si

Me either, but I'm glad. The sooner I can b with u the better ;) – Jean

And the sooner I have u in my arms the better ;) – Si

Another minute passed before Jeanette responded to Simon's text.

Well, as much as I hate 2 say bye, it is late – Jean

Alrite, my Juliet, I'll c u 2morrow – Si

I'll b looking 4ward 2 it, my Romeo : ) – Jean

Me 2. So next Friday? ;)– Si

Jeanette giggled.

He's so anxious, she thought.

It's a date ;) – Jean

Wonderful. I'll b counting the moments – Si

As well I. Goodnite. – Jean

Goodnite, beautiful. I love u – Si

Jeanette smiled as her body began to feel warm by his message.

And I love u. Sleep well – Jean

With that last message, Jeanette put her cell phone back on her dresser and rolled on her side. She closed her eyes and replayed the entire evening in her head. A smile formed on her face as she drifted off to sleep. After reading Jeanette's final message, Simon placed his phone back on his dresser. He removed the covers and placed them over himself. He laid on his back and closed his eyes. Jeanette's image came to him again, and he smiled as one last thought came to him.

Tonight was the best night of my life, and it only gets better from here.

The End