Disclaimer: I don't own KHR(you know the rest…)


"Don't you think this is a great view, Kyouya?" the blonde haired guy said as he folded his hands and gazed at the sun about to set which can be perfectly seen from the rooftop of Namimori Middle School where they are right now.

"What's so great about this view?" Kyouya said. Honestly, he also liked the view of the sunset but was irritated by something that's why he can't enjoy the scenery that's in front of him right now. He was irritated because of a certain beautiful blonde-haired man gazing at the sunset. Kyouya was annoyed by the way the handsome blonde-haired guy captivated him. The way his eyes naturally glisten like a star and the face he's showing at this moment which…almost anyone will describe if they saw him right now as the face of an innocent angel brought down from heaven. All those things seem to draw Kyouya closer to him which he hates to admit. What's more, he got more irritated because he thought that the view of the man was even greater than the sunset.

"hehe…I guess you're right. You've probably seen a much better view than this one am I right? But you know what makes me think that this is a great view?"


"…It's because I'm watching it with you..."

Kyouya woke up after that.

"Ugh! It's him again", Kyouya said as he scratched his face and hair. Feeling annoyed once again at the dream he keeps on having these past few weeks. 'What's happening to me?! Am I sick or something?! I keep on dreaming about a guy I don't even know over and over again and it's always the same guy almost every night'. It was still early when Kyouya looked at the clock. '4:45. Dammit! It's still too early to wake up but I can't sleep anymore. Stupid dream!! If I could bite you to death, I would!!' Seeing as though whatever he'll do, he won't be able to sleep anymore, Kyouya sighed and decided to get out of bed. He's not hungry yet so he thought of reading a book to kill time.

Although it may look like he's reading, Kyouya's attention is really on the dream he just had. Actually, he really started having dreams of the blonde-haired guy about a year ago but it only happened about two times in that year so he really didn't mind it. He's just wondering why in the past few weeks, he keeps on dreaming about that guy again almost every freakin' night. What's more, he doesn't dream about the same things but with the same guy. Sometimes, he dreams about that guy at the rooftop of Namimori Middle School. Other times, he dreams of the guy fighting him and there are also times when that guy just stands there and looks at him. Kyouya thought that maybe that guy had some connection with him. From the past dreams he had of the blonde-haired guy, it felt like there was obviously a deep bond between the two of them but the problem is, he absolutely doesn't know who that guy is. But then he thought, maybe that guy had something to do with what happened to him last year. But what? As Kyouya was so absorbed in thinking about the mysterious person he keeps dreaming about, he didn't noticed that the sun was already out. when he finally noticed, he quickly prepared breakfast and started to get ready for school. It was another typical day for the chairman of the Disciplinary Committee of Namimori Middle School, Kyouya Hibari.

This is my first time writing a fanfic so please be nice if you're wondering about what happened to Hibari last year, it will be told in the next chapter…I think. So anyways, I hope you review this, it will really help:D