Greetings and salutations, everyone! Today is my Golden Birthday, as I am 28 on the 28th, and I just happened to see a review earlier that reminded me how much the story has been followed over the past five years. With every review, favorite and author alert that has popped into my email, my husband has pestered me (albeit, lovingly) to continue the story. The past five years have brought drastic changes, and I worried I wouldn't be able to continue to keep the characters as they had been written. Also, I was certainly worried I would let my readers down. BUT! I think the time has come to at least give it a go. If I fail, I at least attempted, versus failing out of fear.
That said, wish me luck, and here we go...

World & Characters Belong To Stephanie Meyers!

To say that Alice was relentless was more than an understatement but, in that moment as I sat amongst towers of various bridal magazines, it was the only word that came to mind. I wondered how Jasper coped with it all these years before a quick glance around the room gave the answer - nowhere to be seen. Smart man.

Not that I wasn't grateful to that infernal fashion fairy, because I was. What I wasn't, however, was coordinated... in any sense of the term. Be it fashion or hand-eye, you name it and I was uncoordinated. That lack of skill left me drowning in a sea of patterns, styles, colors... and that was only for the dress!

Alice's head popped over one of the stacks that surrounded me with an energetic grin, her baby doll eyes gleaming.

"So... what do you think so far?" She was trying so hard to spread that contagion that was her enthusiasm. Like my mother was starting say in her new found southern life, "Bless her heart."

I sat back, letting a shaky breath go as my gaze swept across the expanse of periodicals before me. "I, just... dunno where to start."

"That's why we're starting with the dress!" That said, she plopped yet another glossy stack of pages onto my lap and I managed an exhausted smile as I pulled my hair back into a ponytail. Right... to work I go.

Something about my actions must have finally made a sense of realization dawn on Alice, as her face sobered some and she placed a hand over mine. "Hey, okay, I get it. You're lost. That's why you have Alice GPS!"

I couldn't help but snort at the thought of Alice's voice chirping in place of Siri's. She would probably do a better job. Again, I was so grateful to have the help, but it was about more than just the dress or the reception... who and where... I still had so much to take on myself, graduation namely, but also dealing with the people in town.

Let's be honest, it... this... we... Carlisle and I looked bad. There was no way around it, or the whispers and glances that continuously littered the social landscape of Forks. We couldn't hide away forever, as it would only make the gossip that much more grandiose. Plus, why should we have to? I mean, technically, we hadn't really done anything wrong. I was so over the sanctimonious moral compasses trying to act as though they and they alone knew the right way to navigate our lives.

A hand waved between my face and page of patterns I had zoned out looking over. "Are you in there?" Alice inquired, her brows crunched in concern. I sighed softly, giving a small and reassuring nod before rising to stretch my cramped legs.

"I'm fine, yeah... and I think I know how to be even better." I walked as I spoke, heading up to Carlisle's office with a determined gait. We were going to fix this or, at the very least, smash it to pieces and rebuild it as we saw fit. Like Emmett once said to Carlisle: Let haters hate.