*sigh* Ok, so first things first. This is not the original ap69, I am his girlfriend who for once lost the bet for the first time. Anyways, he chose pearlshipping, so here, Dawn's POV.

I had been travelling through Sinnoh with Ash for exactly 1 year 2 months 7 days 3 hours and 27 minutes. And out of that, I've had a huge crush on him for 1 year 2 months 7 days 3 hours, for the 27 minutes at the beginning. I know you think I should just tell him, but even I could tell that he liked May.

It was night; Ash and Brock were asleep on their pokemon center bunks. As for me, I was thinking about my love life... Nothing. I suppose I should just give up, I knew that Ash wouldn't feel the same way to me. I think.

The next morning we continued on our way to sunnyshore city for Ash's final gym badge, or we were before team rocket came in. And this time, we all got blasted off, me with Ash and that's all I knew

"Ok staraptor, go see if you can find Brock" Ash released the pokemon

"so, what do we do until we find Brock" I said aimlessly

"I dunno, look back at our journey?" He said jokingly

"Talk about our feelings?" I suggested

"Sure" He said "I'm hungry"

"As always" I said "may as well stop for a break" I said as I stopped by a river bank

"May as well" He agreed and sat down next to me "now then, what's on your mind?"

"w-what?" I stuttered

"Come on, I'm not that thick. Even I know if something's up" He said almost laughably "what is it?"

I sighed "A boy" I admitted

"obviously, so, who is it, Paul?" He asked

"Eww no" I said getting more nervous

"Then?" He asked.

I had one option, I leaned forward and gently kissed him on the lips, as I was pulling back I felt him kissing back. I knew pulling back would be stupid so I continued for what felt like several hours only pulling back at our lungs urge for oxygen.

I saw a goofy smile on his face "Does that explain who?" I asked

"Nope" He said smugly

"Then let me clarify" I said before leaning forward and kissing him again, but this time it was harder and more passionately. I felt his tongue waiting for entry into my mouth, and I gladly let him. The rest of this Journey was going to be a good one.

So there, hope you enjoyed my first story. R&R.