The Morning After

Inspiration by the movie The Best Man.




Disclaimer::All things JONAS belong to Walt Disney.

Now that the sun was finally in its place in the morning sky it slowly creaked in between the blinds giving light to the darkened room. It wasn't much but the little that did settled right on the tip of his eye lashes causing them to twitch. Slowly he rolled over on his stomach, trying to escape whatever was trying to wake him from his slumber. It didn't help much seeing as how he was now up. He grumbled lowly, hating the fact that he was such a light sleeper. Now there was no way he'd be able to continue his rest because once he was up, he was up.

Deciding to rebel a bit he kept his eyes shut letting the warmth of the bed consume his body. After all he was still tired. This week and the ones before it had been so hectic, he couldn't remember the last time he'd gotten a good nights sleep. He moved his legs out from beneath the sheets, stretching them when he felt his joints pop letting him know that they'd been too stiff for his own good. On a typical day this would be the part where he would slowly drag himself from bed and make his way into the shower, to heal the soreness of his muscles from nights of touring and rocking out on stage but today … he just couldn't do it. His arms felt heavier than usual, his back ached more than he could ever remember and his thighs … he didn't even want to begin to explain what they were feeling. Yet at the same time he noticed that he'd never felt more relaxed in his life. Sure his muscles hurt but they tingled too giving him the notion that whatever he had done the night before, he must've enjoyed it immensely.

So he decided that he liked this strange feeling, sore muscles and all.

Slowly but gradually he could feel one of those rare smiles surface his lips. The feeling of being content did wonders as he happily dug his face into the warm cotton pillow and inhaled deeply. An aroma so divine filled his nostrils, 'God' he thought as he inhaled again, trying to get as much of the scent as he possibly could. The smell made him slightly dizzy as it put him into a state of pure bliss. It was so alluring, so hypnotizing. One sniff and he smelled the subtle hint of vanilla and another, coconut but then there was something else. He inched closer, was that … sweat? His brows furrowed together turning his relaxed face stern. Thinking it was just his mind playing tricks on him; he sniffed once more and received the same sweet smelling smell including the particular musk. As odd it seemed it still remained intoxicating and even drew him in further. Lazily he shrugged, for once in his existence deciding not to worry about something so insignificant and small. For all he knew it could've just been his scent mixed in with the smell of the sheets.

Not caring seemed like the perfect thing to do at the moment, that is until the bed shifted somewhat and the alluring smell had vanished and was replaced with something that smelled faintly of chocolate with strawberries and … he sniffed harder and alcohol as it was practically blown in his face. With the discovery of this new found smell, his nose twitched as it traveled along the lining of his pillow in search for its source. A low moan left his throat when coming across it; he wanted more so he dug his nose into the source finding every bit of it fully captivating. 'Gosh, these sheets smell fantastic!'

"Nick, would you stop. I'm trying to sleep." A girlish moan rang in his ears and he paused, his heart beginning to pick up its pace.

Last time he checked bed settings weren't suppose to talk … unless he was of course resting his head on one of Kevin's crazy stuffed animals but how would they know his name?

He swallowed harshly trying with all his might to with stand the major freak out he could feel coming on. If it was one thing you learned about being a world famous rock star was to never, and I mean never, ever wake up to a strange women in your bed. The outcome could never be good for any reason, one being the ever popularized impregnating her therefore being what you would call 'trapped.'

Slowly he backed away until he felt his legs dangling over the mattress. He dare not open his eyes, too afraid of what he might see. Not that it would matter anyway because the deed was already done.


If it was one thing that he learned from his parents was to always see things optimistically and maybe the outcome wouldn't be as bad as it seemed. Like the time Joe and Frankie were running through the house and 'accidently' kicked a whole through his drum set. It took everything in his power not to strangle the two but with the help of his mom he'd eventually calmed down. He sold the drums to some JONAS fan and gave the profits to charity … making him feel good inside. So maybe there was no reason to get so hot and bothered when maybe nothing even happened.

He sighed momentarily relieved when he felt the sheets move against him and he knew that he was bare underneath. So just because he was naked didn't mean she was to, right? Tentatively he inched his hand under the covers and slowly made his way to her body, when his hand felt instant warmth he knew that she wasn't wearing anything either.

'Damn, how could I be so stupid?'

Okay, so this would be the perfect moment to make his escape unfortunately for him though, she'd seen his face already. And not to make it seem like his ego was huge but who would ever forget a night with him. I mean he was Nick Lucas after all. Suddenly his body tensed as he felt her shift on the bed once more, her legs settling on his waist and her head on his shoulder. There was no way he'd be able to escape now.





The constant chants ran through the young rock star's mind. This could not be happening to him. Things like this just couldn't happen to him, they happened to other people. People who couldn't control themselves and he had plenty of control. After all he was the smart, sensible and serious Nick of JONAS! Slapping a hand to his forehead he forced himself to think, and think hard, about what had happened.

"Come on Nick, think. Think."

Nick glanced down at his watch for a third time in the last five minutes. To say he was slowly growing impatient would've been the understatement of the century. "Joe!" he hollered up the stairs for the thousandth time in the last twenty minutes. "Would you please hurry it up?"

Up from above he could his brothers' frantic foot steps on the hard wood floors. That's really all he's been hearing, his brother pacing back and forth. He hoped that he wasn't thinking about backing out, surely not. I mean he wouldn't would he?


"I'm coming!" He heard a door slamming and then heavy footsteps rushing down the stairs. For the first time in a long time Nick saw worry in his older brothers eyes as he came into view, meddling with his bow tie. "Stupid tie," he heard him grumble before finally getting fed up and snatching it from around his neck, throwing it on the floor.

"Are you okay?"

Telling by the cold glare his brother was giving him he knew that he was far from it. "Sorry."

"No," Joe's dark mess of hair fell into his eyes as he shook his head," it's not your fault. It's the dang tie. Stupid thing won't cooperate."

"Well, maybe if you just calmed -"

"Calm? There is no time to calm down." He spat, angrily picking up the tie and placing it back around his neck for one more try. He tied it, going through the routine of fold and pull until it looked perfect … or so it seemed as it once again fell apart. "Damnit!"

Nick had never seen his brother so angry before and was actually kind of scared for not only his health but his brother's too. He looked like if the tie didn't stay he would surely choke himself out in the attempt. "Whoa…" Nick rushed over to his brother taking the dark piece of silk from his grasp, "let me get that for you big guy."

"Why bother? It's obviously broken."

"Joe, the tie isn't broken, you're just nervous causing your aggravation with the tie." Nick concluded, bringing some sense in to the situation.

"Well … it's just it has to be perfect. And if things aren't perfect today it could mess everything up."

"I seriously doubt your tie will deter today's purpose."

"It could," he protested, "You know how Stella likes our clothes at there finest. And today of all days it's going to be a mess. How do you think that's going to make her feel? She'll get angry and … and probably do something drastic like … like," he gulped not being able to finish the thought.

"I highly doubt that."

"It could happen."

"Not today. Any other day I wouldn't bet against it but today" he patted his brother on the shoulder finally finished with his tie, "I have a feeling she's going to have her eye on something else."

Joe looked down at his tie to see it done perfectly, glancing up at his younger brother he breathed a sigh of relief, "thanks man."

"Hey, it's what I'm here for." He patted his brother's back reassuringly before pushing him forward, "now go, say hi to everybody and wait. I promise you, everything will be fine."

Joe took a deep breath taking a step forward before pausing and turning back to Nick for reassurance. With an encouraging nod he was able to open the wooden door and step through.

Woo, first chapter completed so like drop me a line and tell me what you think! [=