Dragon Ball Z: A Super Saiyan's Heart

Disclaimer: I don't own DB/Z/GT, Toei, or anything else.

Chapter 1: A Household Divided

Doors slammed, and voices were raised in the Son homestead. Two adults were very angry with each other, and Gohan could barely stand it. He sat on the edge of his bed, with his knees against his chest, nervous over what might happen. His mother had always been a loud aggressive person, but never this bad. And Goku had usually been one to cower at her rage. But not this time.

When Frieza had arrived on Earth, even Vegeta and Piccolo believed the Earth was finished. But Goku appeared out of nowhere, just in time. He effortlessly defeated Frieza's forces, and then Frieza himself. King Cold, Frieza's father appealed to Goku's mercy, and Goku let him off with a harsh warning and beating besides. Ever since Goku got back home from that Chi Chi was bombarding him with complaints and accusations. At first Goku just acted afraid as usual, but Chi Chi persisted, and Goku had had enough cowering.

"All you care about is fighting and endangering my little boy! Instead of being here to support your family, you're off playing hero with all of your buddies!" Chi Chi yelled at Goku from across the room.

"Well all you care about is twiddling your thumbs while doing nothing here! You don't care about this planet, and you don't even seem to care about yourself! How can you just live out here alone, with no one to be friends with?" Goku demanded.

"I'll have you know I've devoted my life to supporting you and raising Gohan! So I'm not doing nothing!" Chi Chi argued.

"Bull shit!" Goku vented back. Chi Chi shut up for a moment. "You barely even know Gohan, or his interests. He may be want to be a scholar, but he's also a fighter. He's good at it, and he's a hero. He's done his part to keep our planet and our friends safe, but you can't seem to give a damn about things like that," Goku spoke. "I admit I haven't always been here. But in my defense, I've either been saving everyone's asses, or I was dead after saving everyone's asses."

"Don't get sanctimonious with me! This just confirms it! You have deluded yourself into believing you have legitimate excuses for abandoning your family," Chi Chi said. "I'm leaving." Goku's mouth dropped. "And I'm taking my son with me." Goku's brows furrowed. His aura began to turn gold without his realization. A burst of gold light made Chi Chi fall back against the wall in terror. Goku had turned Super Saiyan.

"You think you can just leave?! Just like that?" Super Saiyan demanded in a frightening tone. "I built this house, I planted the crops, I kept us safe, even at the cost of my own life!" Chi Chi trembled at her husband's appearance and booming voice.

"You think you can push me around because you're some super delinquent?" Chi Chi shot back, though not from a very commanding stance.

"I think you weren't always like this," Super Saiyan replied, ignoring her comment. "I love you, and I think I did since we met, even before I knew what that meant. But back then, you were fun, strong, and adventurous. You have a natural talent in fighting, and you could be just as strong or even stronger than Tien or Krillin," Super Saiyan went on. "I guess I'm saying you're not the woman I married. But I am the man you married, whether you realize that or not."

"I didn't marry a delinquent!" Chi Chi yelled back.

"Fine," Super Saiyan replied, admitting defeat. His golden power vanished, and Goku returned to normal. "But I think Gohan should have a say in his future. He deserves that much."

Gohan was already standing on the stairway, having watched the whole conversation. Tears welled up in his eyes, knowing full well what was about to occur.

"Gohan, son, what do you want?" Goku softly asked his son. Goku's heart was feeling the pain of this moment as well. "Do you want to stay with your mother, and just see me every once and a while, or do you want to stay with me.

"You both are confusing me!" Gohan spoke out loudly, his tears falling quickly now. "I don't know! I don't know!"

"This is pretty sudden," Goku admitted. "For now I'll let you go with your mother. If you change your-"

"No!" Gohan yelled. "I'm going to go stay with Piccolo! He's always there for me!"

"Piccolo!" Chi Chi boomed. "You can't stay with that monster! You-"

"Shut up!" Gohan yelled back. "You don't understand mom. Piccolo, Krillin, and the others are my family now, just as much as you two. But you just can't accept that. But they can. Goodbye for now." Gohan jumped down to the ground floor and ran through the front door. Chi Chi ran after him, calling for him to stay. But as soon as she made it outside Gohan had flown off. Chi Chi turned back to face Goku, murder in her eyes.

"This is all your fault! You're the one that did this to my angel!" Chi Chi screamed. She grabbed anything she could find in her kitchen and began hurling it one after another at Goku. "I hate you Goku! I hate what you've done to us!" Goku just took the hits, knowing most of the objects couldn't really hurt him. Goku marched forward, the rain of thrown objects just bouncing off him. His anger was written all over his face. Chi Chi wept and cowered. Goku grabbed her wrist and forced her to look him in the eye.

"I'm used to settling disputes with my fists," Goku began. "But I love you, and I don't want to hurt you, no matter what you may think of me. Get out of this house."

A few hours later, Chi Chi stormed out of the house carrying anything she might need. Her father was there to pick her up with his truck. Goku had been training outside, mostly to vent his pent up feelings. He stopped to see Chi Chi leave. He looked into Ox King's eyes. He could tell Ox King was disappointed, but that he didn't entirely blame Goku . The two drove off, without Chi Chi even turning to see her husband or her house one last time. Goku fell to his knees and wept. No matter how strong, even a Super Saiyan's heart could be crushed.

To be continued…