Through the Eyes of a Predator

A Jurassic Park Fanfic

Chapter 1: Caged Animal

The cow was lowered into the cage. It has a blue harness tied to it as a crane gently descended the mammal to its doom. At the bottom, waiting in the shrubs, was the hunter. It looked up hungrily at the beast. The dumb animal mooed in confusion, not understanding what exactly was going on. As the cow landed on the ground, that's when the predator struck.

The raptor hissed as it launched itself onto the cow. It mooed in surprise and terror as the ancient beast sunk its razor sharp teeth into the animal. The cow tried to run but the harness prevented it from doing so. The foliage around them shook and rocked back and forth violently as the raptor attacked its prey. Then, as quickly as it started, the fight ended. The cow lay dead underneath the dinosaur and the raptor celebrated its kill but devouring it.

As the prehistoric predator finished it's meal it saw the cage roof open as the harness that had delivered the cow to him rise. He saw his opportunity to try to escape again and took it. He collided with the fence and a bolt of electricity surged through him. The raptor hissed in anger as it fell back into it's prison. As the harness left the cage it began to close again.

The raptor looked up sadly as he saw that he was still going to be prisoner in the small territory of his. He hung his head and looked towards what was left of his meal. There was nothing but bones and a few pieces of fur. The dinosaur, who called himself Claw, looked at the corpse in disgust. There was no honor in killing and devouring an animal if it can't fight back or try to escape. It was the law of the hunt to give your prey a chance for survival. The laws of their kind stated that they were to hunt their own prey, not be given prey by others. However, Claw had no choice, rules or not. It was either eat the meal given to him, or die of starvation.

Claw curled into ball on the ground and slowly closed his eyes. There wasn't much else to do in this prison except eat and sleep. How he longed to be free and run wild with other raptors. He wished to feel the wind on his scaly face and the thrill of the hunt. As sleep finally took him Claw dreamed of escaping. The only thing he ever dreamed since he came into existence and was held captive by the strange two-legged prey. He was so ashamed of himself that those things had him prisoner. Him! A raptor! One of the deadliest predators ever! He would get his revenge on the two-legged weaklings and reclaim his honor.

Hope you liked the first chapter. Please no hateful reviews