A/N: Okay so I don't really like this one and I feel especially bad because it's been so long.

Spock blinked; his mind was empty and clear of emotion. He turned the corner into the corridor on the heels of the ambassador, the air was cooler here and he easily managed to control the shiver that tried to leap up his spine, his eyes peeling up from the floor and landing on two men grinning at him.

The vulcan stopped and squeezed his eyes shut to hold back the rush of emotion that threatened to implode the walls in his mind, he let out a shivery breath certain he had simply imagined these phantoms. His eyes shot open and yet they were still there, still smiling, still shining brightly beautiful. Well Jim was, the doctor looked pleased at least and Spock took a step forwards a hand reaching out before he could stop it and he quickly moved it behind his back.


It did not seem possible that he had made it here, made it to the colony and yet Jim Kirk was renowned for finding a way in, a way to win so it was to be expected.

The blonde man beamed his hair hand styled, cheeks flushed, his beautiful smile, white teeth and plump lips, those eyes and Spock sucked in a haggard breath as the captain laughed joyously running full pelt down the hall and jumping up his arms, grabbing at Spocks neck his arms dragging him down encasing him in a tight embrace, a shuddering breath that vibrated in his own chest and he let his arms fall to his side and then up, pushing Jim from his chest so he could wrap his own arms loosely around the slim waist of his lover.

The stood in silence just holding each other in the thrumming air and Spock fought to reign in his emotions, to block the love the joy the overwhelming relief he felt here in the captains arms.

"Spock…why didn't you call and you've been silent on the bond and…you're still doing it? Sweet pea what's going on?" he was whispering in the vulcans ear and Spock suppressed a shudder slowly releasing the shorter man.

"Jim it is not appropriate to speak here. You must wait for me in my lodgings. I am expected to return in three minutes."

Jim gaped at him, his expressionless face, his calm even breathing and Spock straightened his shoulders looking away from his lover and up to the ambassador.

"Will you escort the captain and doctor McCoy to my lodgings? Please ensure they are not seen wandering near my accommodations, the situation is delicate and it is imperative that…"

Footsteps were heard approaching both vulcans blinked at each other in silent understanding. Spock turned back to the captain, who was staring up at him a hurt expression in his shining eyes.

"Jim please you must go, you cannot be discovered here."

Jim nodded a sad smile playing on his lips, tone unsure. "I missed you."

"And I you."

He ducked is head and Jims eyes narrowed for a second, his face softening. He had seen something in Spock's features that had shown him the relief he felt, the joy, and the Vulcan cursed himself, how was it that despite his best efforts he was unable to control his outward displays of emotion.

Or was it simply that Jim could see them regardless?

The small group hurried away and Spock turned clenching his hands as he battled with his emotions, building powerful barriers to keep his mind clear and excise all emotion from his features.

Two ministers rounded the corner ahead and greeted him with polite nods of their heads the shorter female looking up at him, earnest.

"Commander. A hearing has been put into order for the matter of your bond with captain James Tiberius Kirk. You will be expected to attend at noon in front of the population committee in two days."

Spock raised an eyebrow "I was not aware it was protocol to be informed of such events at such an early phase in proceedings. It was my understanding I was to be informed as and when the case began."

The woman turned her head to look at her male companion and the shared a quiet moment before turning back to the commander.

"You would be correct. It was the opinion of some of the council members that you should be given time to prepare your case."

Spock dipped his chin a fraction of an inch and fixed her with a piercing stare "Then my gratitude is with those council members."

The woman nodded and together the pair walked around Spock leaving him alone in the corridor his mind whirring into action before he returned to the laboratory.

Once again time seemed to slow and the commander glared at his test tube stopping himself once he realised he may be expressing his emotions. The scent of Jim still lay painted on his skin and he longed to see him again, to hear him speak, to argue and joke and listen as Jim explained some bizarre human tradition or interaction.

Soon the harsh beep that signalled the end of his shift at the academy sounded and he rose from his seat entering the last bits of data and walking calmly out of the building across the warm slightly breezy landscape and towards the looming grey structure, the accommodation block.

He entered the lift and stood in silence with his fellow scientists careful to keep his breathing even and soft as he exited and quickly made his way to his door opening it in a swift familiar motion and locking it behind him.

Turning he titled his head in confusion, doctor McCoy and the ambassador were absent and Jim was lain curled in a ball on the sparse sheets, shoes lying haphazardly near the door, a luckily faint pink blush covering his face and neck where his skin had been burnt by the harsh sun.

Spock licked his lips placing his work on the desk and silently making his way over to sit beside the captains head on the hard mattress. He snuffled and the vulcan was again over whelmed by the urge to call this display 'cute' and so he allowed himself a smile, cheeks aching with unfamiliar strain, hand reaching out to run through the soft scrub of blonde hair at the nape of the captains neck.

A snort and the captain blinked blearily up at him a smile forming on his lips and he yawned stretching his arms out and pushing himself up so he was sat side by side with the vulcan.


His voice was soft, quiet and Spock leant against his shoulder "Hello."

"How was work?"

"The research is continuing as expected."

"What's going on?"

Spock licked his lips and faced his lover, his chest heavy with concern as he prepared to explain the situation. "I was informed that in two days I will be subject to a hearing in front of the population committee with regards as your request to bond."

"Great, that's good right?" he sounded hopeful and Spock looked away.

"It would seem that is not the case. When I arrived here I was greeted by several ministers who informed me I was to be kept on the colony until further notice and I was not to contact you or Starfleet. It was made clear that the council's suspicion was that it is my intention to bond with you and disappear into space with little to no contact or involvement with the new vulcan settlement."

"That's ridiculous! You are always buried in paperwork and reports and letters about the new colony! Lobbying for culturally sensitive issues and everything, I don't know where they are getting this from."

"I do not know Jim. However the actions of some of the ministers has improved my estimations somewhat .As you left two ministers approached me and informed me of the date and time of the hearing. This is unheard of in cases such as this. I fear that the xenophobia concerned with humans will be an issue in our defence."

"It's not very logical to hate someone just because of their species."

"This is true."

Jim just smiled up at him and pressed a soft kiss to the area just below his ear. "Well it doesn't matter. I'll just go in there and tell them straight."

Spock sighed his face aching with the relief as he had spent so long holding back his expressions and now alone with Jim he was once again allowed his freedom. "I daren't wish that your testimony is enough."

They spent the remaining evening alone reacquainting themselves with each other in the dead silence of the accommodation block, leaving them sated and clasped in a tight embrace beneath the sheets.

Spock had finally allowed his emotions to flow in thick stream into his mind and up the bond, Jims eyes lighting up and his answering love, tenderness, and joy seeping back over and spreading through the Vulcan's veins making him feel warm and peaceful almost as though he had become encased in a large thick blanket that wrapped around his mind and made him drowsy and so with a smile he closed his eyes.

The next morning Spock awoke at his customary time, slipping reluctantly from his lovers grasp. He washed and dressed quickly combing his hair in the plain square mirror in his cabinet, turning his head sharply as Jim awoke with a yawn.

"Good morning."

"Good morning Jim."

The captain slipped from the bed unashamed in his nakedness and Spock looked away blushing slightly. He was resplendent, his skin glowing in the soft morning light and he longed to run his hands over the supple expanse of his shoulders. Eyes shocking and bright against pale cheeks, hair sticking straight up in a golden halo, lips peach pink and luscious. Jim scratched his stomach and Spock slammed his comb down blinking at the loud crack in the quiet morning air.

His control was slipping and fast.

Jim turned to him in surprise a smug grin growing on his face when he noticed the Vulcan's shaking hands, the flush to his cheeks. He moved slowly over to the commander touching him lightly on the back of his hand and grasping his wrist, using it to pull him around so they were facing each other.

He kept those shining blue eyes locked to Spocks as he guided the commanders hand up his chest and over his shoulder and then readjusting his grip pushed it down so Spocks fingertips dragged gently over his bare buttock and the Vulcan let out a shuddering breath reaching out and yanking him closer, hands clenching on his exposed skin, lips pressed to the smooth joint at the base of his neck.

Jim pulled his face up and kissed him, softly, sweetly and with such care that Spock actually whimpered. The captain chuckled and pulled back a little, thumb smoothing over the high cheekbones.

"Jim, I must dine alone if I am to keep the illusion that you are not present, at least until the trial."

Jim smiled cupping his cheek. "Right, okay. Well the old man said I needed to learn a few things about Vulcan culture and courts and stuff anyway. So I'll just do that while you work."

Spock smiled and kissed him, a soft peck to the corner of his mouth. "I shall miss you."

"Aww I will miss you too sweet pea."

They parted ways, the Vulcan finding it difficult to turn his back on such beauty, taking a deep breath at the door and almost too easily slipping back into his blank state, pure logic.

Well, almost.

His blocks held up against his desire to see Jim again until the short lunch period in which he hurried to the ambassador personal residence knocking politely on the door until the older man's face appeared on the small screen beside him.

"Ah Spock. Come in."

He bowed his head and pushed the door open walking carefully though a more ornately decorated dwelling than any other Vulcan home. The walls were beige but bright hangings and strange alien artwork dotted the rooms, the air thick with meditation incense. Spock made his way to the open back door and out into a slightly cooler shaded garden where he found Jim and the ambassador, paper strewn around them. At a second glance he noticed the doctor lying further away on the short red grass, hands over his eyes, stripped of his jacket and shoes.


The captain looked up grinning and quickly got to his feet striding over. He leant up and pressed a soft peck to Spock lips hand on his chest and then turned back to where the older man was luckily facing the other way, a slight smile on his face and Bones let out a grunt which seemed to take place of a greeting.

"Spock. The old man here was just telling me about the whole breeding program thing."

Spock raised an eyebrow and followed him to the papers settling on the ground beside him the vulcan men sharing an understanding look. "Jim is an excellent student. Surprisingly interested in the finer points of Vulcan culture if lacking the eloquence needed to describe it."

Spock leant his head towards him and allowed his happiness slip across the bond, the captain beaming in response. "Commander. Do you believe it is necessary for the captain and doctor McCoy to remain here? If I am able to disguise them Jim has professed a wish to see more of the colony."

Spock blinked at his lover and fought the urge to roll his eyes, of course the more incorrigible captain wanted to go outside, wanted to do the risky thing. He never chose the safe option.

Jim's hands were clasped up his chin much like a small child that could barely contain their excitement, his azure eyes impressively wide and pleading lips quivering slightly and he found himself unable to refuse.

"I do not see why in proper disguises you cannot show them more."

The ambassador bowed his head. "That was my estimation."

Jim beamed and jumped up wrapping his arms around Spocks neck and pressing a wet kiss to his blushing cheekbone. "Thanks sweet pea. I'd love for you to show me..."

"My apologies Jim. I regret that I may not see my culture anew through your eyes."

Jim smiled sadly and McCoy groaned as he moved himself up to his elbows. "But it's so hot. Why can't we just stay inside? What are these disguise exactly? I'm not dying of heat stroke because Jim can't sit still for five bloody minutes."

Spock had returned to work his chest stirring with emotion that he fought to keep from his mind. He was anxious about the trial, anxious about informing his father of the bond and he longed to spend his days back on the ship back at work.

He craved the comfort of the job, the routine and the adventure.

When his shift ended he all but ran to his lodgings closing the door behind him and striding into the room, Jim leaping from the desk to wrap his arms around him. He shuddered under Jims touch, he cried out in the night air and when they were sated and sleepy and warm they spoke of their adventures, the gossip from the ship what Jim had done that day anything that wasn't Spock's experiments, that wasn't about the impending trial.

Spock didn't wake until his door trilled late the next morning. He frowned as he woke, arms wrapped around his lover, the sweet scent of his skin engulfing him. He did not want to rise but the trill was insistent and he slipped from the sheets wrapping a long gown around him.

Today was his day off, the experiments needed time to brew and he was not expected so this was not related to his work. The door slid open and he carefully blocked any view of the bed and the still sleeping captain.

"Commander Spock, you have been called in front of the population committee in two hours."

He lifted his chin "Understood."

The fierce gaze of the official flickered down his form and then he was gone leaving the Vulcan to turn back and stare helplessly at his lover, smiling as he dreamt. "Jim, Jim you must awake. We must be in the council chambers at noon."

The captain moaned and rolled over revealing his bare torso and the beginnings of the curve of his backside. Spock inhaled sharply and shook his head attempting to control his desires. He dared think that he may never come to find such a sight as mundane. Jim cracked an eye opened and grinned up at him smugly.

"Like what you see?"

Spock blinked down at him and then glanced in the mirror, his face was flushed, hand's clenched, eyes wide. He looked back to Jim who licked his lips and rolled from the bed. "C'mon. Let's shower."

Spock raised an eyebrow confused for a mere moment as he was led by the wrist to the small adjoining bathroom Jims throaty chuckle ringing in his ears.

Eyebrows rose as they strode step for step towards the tall thin building that held the council chambers, Vulcan's turning to stare at the stranger and yet every single one knew how he was, voices following them like the roar of a swarm. Vulcans by nature did not gossip, they mused, pondered on occurrences and dissected them logically.

Never 'gossip'.

Guards greeted them at the plain doors side stepping to halt their movements. Spock raised a Vulcan salute and they returned the gesture. "My name is Spock. I have been called to the population committee; this man here is my co-defendant in the case."

Then men regarded Jim carefully, stiff gray uniforms making their serious expressions even more severe, matching haircuts and cold eyes. "Human, what is your name?"

"I am captain James t. Kirk of the starship Enterprise."

They turned back to Spock in perfect synch. "You may proceed."

And in one swift elegant movement the pair stepped aside and Spock strode forwards Jim trailing only little as they entered the impressive and somewhat humbling council chambers, Spock weaving and winding his way through what seemed like endless staircases and corners completely and disconcertingly empty of all life.

Finally they arrived at the correct room and Spock turned on his heel to face Jim. They had arrive a full minute before proceedings were due to begin. "Did the ambassador inform you of proper protocol?"

"Uh I don't speak unless spoken to?"


"I'll do my best."

Spock smiled and raised his hand Jims fingers meeting his instantly. "I am aware of that."

He turned sharply and his heel and Jim straightened his shoulder trying to keep his usual nervous smile from spreading over his features. Spock felt pride and passed it over the bond receiving a short tense smile from Jim in return, this hearing was but a proceeding, if they were denied then they could still be together, it was not imperative.

The door swung open at noon and together they walked to a small stone podium in a large empty room. Above them high on a stage type area the council as seated, the head minister slightly higher than the others. He looked down at them with the same snooty expression he used for every person he met. The council were dressed in identical grey robes that hung off them cutting regal figures in the barren room.

It was cold here, colder than anywhere else on the colony and the vulcan easily suppressed a shiver.

Jim flexed his hands beneath their podium and Spock placed his hands behind his back staring the minister's in the eye. There were two crowds of citizens to each side of them, impassive faces staring at them like accusatory walls.

"Spock son of Sarek you have been called in front of this committee due to your request to form a bond with... "

His lips twitched and Jim fought the urge to scowl his annoyance slipping across the bond to Spock who sent only love back. It was important to remain calm.

"James Kirk. A human."

Spock titled his chin up high his shoulders straight posture perfect.

"This council cannot accept your request; did you not consider the repopulation effort? Or perhaps you feel that your own personal desires outweigh the continuation of our race?"

Spocks eyes flickered over the other council remembers and he almost rose an eyebrow. The majority were now staring at the head minister, a stunned light to their eyes. He raised his baton to bang to ceremonial drum and Spock dropped his hands frowning. He could feel Jims anger radiating not only through the bond but between the short distance from his own arm to Jims slightly shaking shoulders.

"I believe it is my right to defend my request."

The minister licked his lips glaring at the commander. "If you believe it will help."

"It is not my intention to bond with the captain and simply leave this colony. I have contributed just as much as any surviving Vulcan, my father remains here as do my colleagues. I cannot abandon my duties to them and to my heritage."

The minsters lips quirked in a Vulcan smirk. "You expect us to take your word for it? You, Commander Spock, a vulcan who left our home planet to cavort with humans to study at their academy with their scientist than those of your own people? It would be illogical."

Spock's eyes narrowed and Jim opened his mouth to speak, hands slamming down against the podium with such force that a hush filled the room. It was then another voice piped up from the crowd.

"Ministers, as Spocks father I believe I have the right to express my opinions to this committee."

Spock turned his head sharply and met the eye of Sarek, his face betraying nothing, voice demanding of respect even in front of the ministers.

"You may speak."

Sarek stepped from the crowd and crossed he room in silence, graceful movements and perfect posture, Jims shock was answered by Spocks and they inched just a mere inch closer to each other in hope.

"Minister, I believe this entire trail you have brought against my son is illogical in its very nature. Is it not true that you, Soran, lobbied to have Vulcan removed from Starfleet, to break ties with the humans. Is it not also true that captain Kirk is my sons t'hy'la, therefore to deny their bond would be illogical. I can only conclude that your judgement is unjust due to your hatred of humans and subsequently your hatred of my son's relationship with one."

The minster glared at him, and Spock blinked as time seemed to slow, every breath every tremor in the ancient face of the head minster sending shivers down his spine.

It was unheard of for a leading figure in Vulcan society to make such a claim in front of the full council. Sarek had been standing in front of Spock and Jim whilst he spoke and now he turned staring blankly at his son before continuing his statement.

"Furthermore if this is the case then I move to submit this ruling to a vote due to bias amongst council members."

The minister almost snarled his eyes black as he stared down at the unflinching man. Spock heart thudded in his chest, his eyes growing just a fraction as he watched his father take control of proceedings, his regal air commanding respect with a simple dip of his head.

"Ministers if you will, raise your hands if you would grant my sons request."

There were nine ministers present and Spock watched breath catching his throat as 1...3...5...7 minsters raised their hands leaving just the head minister and a rather stern squat Vulcan female near him with their hands on their laps.

Jim beamed looking to Spock in his joy and Spock raised an eyebrow making the captain blush as he tried to bite down on the blinding smile.

"Thank you ministers."

Sarek turned and exited the echoing room not sparing a glance to the ecstatic couple still stood stock still at the podium. Spock's hands were shaking as he placed them behind his back again and fought to stop his own grin from bursting forth on his features.

Jims overwhelming joy was like electricity across is mind and he took a rattling breath, blinking slowly as he tried in vain to calm his squirming insides.

The head minister almost growled out his closing words. "Due to the council's vote, Spock son of Sarek I have no option but to accept your request to bond with Captain James Kirk."

He banged the drum its metallic ringing filling the room, almost eerie in the silence and Spock was struck with a strange thought, how odd that a ceremonial drum can sound so much like jubilant bells.

"Ministers. I wish to thank you for your consideration."

He turned sharply on his heel glancing across to his lovers, his bright eyes, still fading blush and barely hidden grin and together they walked out of the doors and into the cool outer chamber. As soon as the doors shut behind them Jim beamed and jumped up wrapping his arms around Spock and hugging him tightly, laughing and whooping with joy.

"Oh love I can't believe it. Your dad is the best!"

Spock smiled and placed his hands on Jims hips, the excitement was clear in his eyes and Spock felt it himself, a thrumming vibrating pulse in the pit of his stomach that made his hands shake and heart bet thunder in his chest.

"I must admit I was surprised. We have had a distant relationship... although I am curious as to how he learnt of our impeding bond."

Jim titled his head shaking it slightly. "I love you."

"I love you Jim."

The captain stepped back and tapped his fingers to Spocks, joy and love and Spocks immense relief filled the tiny room and together they turned to leave winding through the hallways until, two floors down the vulcan stopped hearing familiar voices ahead.

"God dammit, you vulcans just love to be mysterious don't you."

It was the doctor, his annoyed tone failing to dampen his spirit, blinding bliss filling his veins and pouring from every cell in his body. They rounded the corner to find a rather amused ambassador, a slightly affronted looking Sarek and Bones glaring grumpily up at the Vulcan. They all turned to face the couple and Jim ran up to his friends grabbing him and hugging him tightly with a loud and excited whoop.

"They said yes Bones! Yes! I can't believe it I thought I was going to die with shock."

Bones laughed and patted him on the back his eyes meeting Spocks. "Congratulations Jim, Spock."

Spock ducked his head, eyes bright, shoulders relaxed. Sarek stepped forwards hands behind his back, chin raised. "Spock."

The commander ducked his head respectively and faced his father. "Father"

"Spock to know that you have found your place in this universe is gratifying."

"You have my gratitude."

Jim let Bones go and rubbed his hands on his pants stepping towards his lover and puffing his chest out. "Sarek... thank you. I can't express how much what you did means to me...to us. You have made me and Spock so happy."

Sarek raised an eyebrow glancing at his son who had the grace to look offended at the notion. The ambassador stepped forwards also placing his hands behind his back.

The commander felt Jims amusement slide over the bond and he smiled internally, clearly the fact that this pose was common among the three vulcans was humorous to humans.

"Spock I believe your services are no longer required at the academy. You are free to return to your service aboard the enterprise."

Spock sighed and nodded to his older counterpart. "Then I must ask a favour of you ambassador, Jim, the doctor and I will require a ship to return to star base."

"I am sorry Spock, I must refuse."

Jim frowned his confusion and hurt slicing across the bond and Spocks eyes flickered between his father and Selek and then he understood. Jim sighed glancing at Spock and then back to Selek his eyebrows knitted in confusion.

"The enterprise is currently orbiting the colony. I believe Mr. Scott will be able to beam you aboard from the transport pads at the visitor centre."

He was smirking; his lips only barely curved, eyebrow raised just a fraction eyes alight with humour. Jim blushed smiling sheepishly at his lover.
