The wind howls between the twisted peaks
A trapped soul, not unlike my own.
Searching for a place to rest
Among these tall towers
Or at least be put at ease.
I have come far, lost so much.
The rose now rests among the darkness
And taken with it my open heart
Leaving me empty
As the wind that howls around me.
If only I were as free
As that gale that's blowing by.
To travel amongst the stars
Immune to the will of Fate...
If only it could be.
But time has passed opportunity
Ever since the carriage struck
That lone and fateful day.
Now there is but one way
For me to resolve
My inner conflict.
I know what I must do.
There is no escaping the fate
That I have been chosen for.
Though I may lose the battle
I may at least be reconciled
By the final resolution
Death will provide for
My eternally troubled soul.

The sounds of the immortal souls
Flying 'round these ancient spires
Hoping that someone may find solutions
To the puzzles they left behind.
I take a step up
Reaching closer to that towering door
With each nervous step.
My companions are close behind me
Offering their support
While I am left to wonder

They risk their lives for me
Yet they've known me such a short time.
They don't even understand
Fully what I am.
But of course, neither do I
And that's what this is all about.
A battle to decide what fate awaits me
And how this epic saga
Will choose to end.

The wooden boards creak
The metallic walls moan
As I climb this glass staircase
Afraid of shattering
It's crystalline spirals
While the whole of it all
Is bathed in the surreal glow
Of the moonlight flowers
Which dwell within.
Yet I am still in wonder;
Who, or what, am I?
My very being is split in two.
I cannot decide
Which one is the stronger
Or if they might yet live in harmony
Providing me with a strength
Beyond that of any other alive.
I am unique: the only of my kind.
No one understands
The conflict tearing me apart
I would not wish this
Upon even my worst enemy.

Finally I reach my goal
After facing many trials.
Not even giants or griffins
Can keep me from
My final destination.
For if I were to fall here
Fate's web would be destroyed.
So there is no choice,
No decision.
I must succeed, and carry on
Towards my ultimate end
And the destiny that awaits.

The final staircase awaits me
I approach with mixed feelings.
Blocking my way is one I hate
I wish him dead
So he dies.
Next comes one bound by loyalty
A Lion caught by a trap
Unable to do what
She knows is right.
I sadly must defeat her
For my end lies beyond.
She leaves me a gift
Gold as the sun
And fierce as it's namesake.
I wear it with respect
For the one who gave her life
To the hardships of duty.

I approach the final gate
The arch which leads to destiny.
My allies attempt a warning
But my decision is made for me.
I must destroy the one who
Both created and destroyed my soul.
This is where Fate steps back
And leaves me on my own
To overcome the trial before me
With only my friends to guide me.
Yet still, in the end,
I am alone.
But how my Saga ends
Is left up to the individual.
I can only hope
I will find peace or
I will find oblivion
But I will find myself.