Ok, another update!! Don't own Twilight…..

Bella and Edward had gotten back to her apartment by ten. Bella was sure that Charlie would have let Riley stay up past her bed time. They kissed outside of Bella's doors, definitely a sign of another date.

Bella pulled out her keys and unlocked the door. "You wanna come in?"

He nodded without saying anything.

As soon as the door was open, Riley dashed across the room, chocolate ice-cream on her hands. Charlie was asleep on the couch. Bella chased Riley into the kitchen, where she found a chocolate mess on the fridge.

"Look mommy, I made you a picshure (picture)." Riley smiled. It was of Riley, Edward, and Bella holding hands, though it was impossible to tell because the ice-cream was slowly sliding down and onto the floor.

"I am so sorry." Bella said to Edward. "I--" She started to babble.

"Do you need some help?" He asked. "I can go clean her up."

"Thank-you. That would be great."

Edward took Riley's hand and led her into the bathroom, while Bella went into the living room. "Dad, wake up!" She shouted. "Why did you let Riley get into the ice-cream? And why did you let her rub it all over the fridge?"

"I was gonna clean it up." Charlie protested.

"Yeah, sure you were." He tried to speak again, but Bella cut him off. "No, Charlie. This is your granddaughter. Your granddaughter. Some creep could have came in and… Just forget it, dad." She went into the kitchen and cleaned up, before heading into the bathroom where Edward was wiping off Riley's face with a paper towel. Her hands were clean, as well as her face, but not one drop of chocolate soiled Edward. His clothes and hands were spotless.

"How do you do it?" Bella asked.

"What do you mean?" He asked, tossing a chocolate-stained paper towel into the trash-bin.

"You have her completely clean, and you don't have even one spot on you."

"Well, I have a little brother." He smiled.

"Ugh, now I have to give her a bath. …Wanna help?" She asked.


"Okay, great." Bella started the bath. "I need to get her pajamas, so I'll be right back." Bella returned a few minutes later with Riley's pajamas. Riley was in the tub, and Edward was getting her to "please stop eating the bubbles?"

Bella kneeled down next to Edward and rinsed Riley off. Riley started splashing, getting both Edward and Bella wet. They all started laughing, including Riley. Especially Riley.

"I'm sorry." Bella apologized.

"No. It's okay." He said.

Bella got Riley out of the tub and got her dressed. Riley went to go say goodbye to Charlie while Bella got one of Charlie's old shirts and gave it to Edward to change into. She changed out of her dress, and then returned to the bathroom. The door was cracked, and she could see that Edward was still shirtless. She gaped at his muscles, but frowned when he put the shirt on. She backed up a little so it didn't look like she was spying on him changing. They went to go get Riley from the living room, and then took her into her room. Bella put her to bed and then tucked her in. She kissed Riley's forehead. "Goodnight, baby."

"Goodnight mommy." Riley said. "Are you having a sleepover with him?" She looked towards Edward.

"No honey." Bella said. "Just goto sleep."

"Okay mommy. I love you."

"I love you, too." Bella shut the door, but left it cracked. Edward followed her into the living room and they both sat down on the couch. They talked for a little while, but then Bella heard Riley coughing. She got up and rushed into Riley's room. She had a fever and a slight couch, but no flu, like Bella had thought. That stupid ice-cream probably had something to do with it, stupid Charlie for letting her have it. Edward wondered what was going on, so he headed down to Riley's room.

"She's sick." Bella told him. "Could you watch her while I go around the corner to get some cough syrup?"

"Sure." He said.

"Thanks." She kissed Riley's cheek. "I'll be right back. Be good for Edward."

Bella pulled on a jacket and then left the apartment, and headed to the corner store that was just minutes away. She went inside and grabbed a basket, deciding that she should get some other things as well. She picked up some couch syrup, some juice, and a new thermometer, since she was in need of a new one anyway. She stepped into the growing line and waited to pay for her things. By the time she got back to the apartment, it was 11:30. She went to get a spoon from the kitchen and then returned to Riley's room.

"Open up." She placed the spoon in Riley's mouth, watching her face at the taste. She set the spoon down and gave Riley a cup of juice. After a few minutes, her fever started going down.

"Mommy, my tummy hurts." Riley said. Bella picked her up, and all three of them went into the living room and sat down on the couch. Bella rocked Riley, trying to get her to go back to sleep, but it wasn't working.

"I want Edward." Riley whispered.

Bella handed her to Edward and he rocked her to sleep.

Bella went to the bathroom, and came back to a sleeping Edward. She picked up Riley and put her in bed, and then tip-toed back to the living room and kissed Edward's cheek. She headed into her room and then went to sleep.

Okay, even if it was fluff, it was cute! I just had to have Edward and Riley have some type of father-daughter like attraction.

Please Review, I didn't get any reviews on the first chapter!