Ummm... WOW! MAJOR fucking fluff for this chapter. LOL! This is the first chapter that I've written with real REAL fluff in it... And *insert scary music HERE* This fics one year anniversary is coming up in a few days... WTF! O.O lol

Chapter Twelve

Look After You

Adam grinned indulgently as he traced the bare skin of Joe's back with his fingertips, watching goosebumps rise up on his tan skin (it was hard for people people in California to get truly white even during winter). When Joe still didn't wake he pressed his lips between his shoulder blades in light, barely-there kisses. He had no idea why he was doing this and he didn't really care... it felt good.

He had woken up about five minutes ago with early afternoon sunshine streaming into the room and pressed up against Joe with a hard on the size of Texas pressed against Joe's back... After resisting the urge to rut against Joe (frottage is for teenagers, not for men, he reminded himself) he'd ended here trying to see how much he could get away with while Joe's was sleeping.

He slid his arm around Joe's stomach and pressed his lips against the back of his neck before running his tongue along the shell of Joe's ear. He felt triumphant when Joe's whole body shuddered.

"What are doing?" Joe asked, voice muffled with sleep.

"What do you think I'm doing?" He asked teasingly, nipping his ear lightly.

"Raping me in my sleep?"

Adam chuckled. "I was just trying to wake you up."

Joe turned over (brown eyes slightly bleary and a sleepy smile on his lips), "It worked, but you know I could have you arrested Mr. Lambert."

"Hey now, I'll just tell them that I woke up and found you in my bed."

He saw confusion cross Joe's face for a brief moment before realization crossed his face. "Oh. I forgot where we were."

"Where did you think we were?" Adam asked, amused.

"Nowhere." He muttered, looking slightly awkward.

Before Adam had a chance to press him for an answer, Joe was sitting up and pushing the the tangle of blankets off of himself and standing up. Adam watched appreciatively and lustfully as he stretched, causing his borrowed sleep-pants to ride low on his hips.

Joe caught him looking and flashed him an evil grin as he headed towards the bathroom. "I think I'll take a shower... you can join if you want."

Adam grinned and laid back on the bed, tucking his hands behind his head. "What would you do if I said no?"

Joe laughed. "You won't." He cast him one more mischievous glance and disappeared from view.

Adam managed to stay where he was for a moment, then he heard the sound of the shower running and practically jumped off of the bed in his haste to join.

By the time he got to the bathroom Joe was already naked and standing under the hot spray of water, dick already half-hard between his thighs. Adam licked his lips, cock hardening instantly as he drank in the sight.

"Are you just gonna stand there staring all day, or are you going to do something about this?" Joe asked, gesturing down to his now fully hardened cock.

"Why don't you touch yourself for me first?"

He saw Joe hesitate and the uncertainty in his eyes at the request. Guess he not quite ready for that yet.

Adam climbed into the shower before Joe had a chance to get too self-conscious and immediately captured his lips in a bruising kiss, his right hand reaching down to wrap around around Joe's cock.

Joe moaned into his mouth as Adam jacked him off with slow leisurely strokes. Using his left hand he reached around and let his fingers slide down Joe's ass, squeezing briefly then sliding between his legs.

Joe hissed softly when Adam'sfingers brushed his still sensitive hole.

"Are you okay baby?" Adam asked as he continued to work his cock.

"Yeah, it's hurts a little, but I'll be oka- ahhhh!"

He leaned his forehead against Adam's shoulder as his middle finger penetrated him, pushing deep and brushing against his prostate.

"That's hurts," Joe said breathlessly, biting into his shoulder for revenge.

"Sorry," he said, sort of meaning it as he continued fingering him, Joe's hips moving in time with his hand. "I can stop if you want."

"Don't uh you dare, uh."

Adam let go of Joe's cock and pressed their bodies together so that their hard-ons rubbed together in the most sinful, devastatingly slick rythm, helped along by warm water a pre-cum.

Joe's sporiadicbursts of breath in his ear drove Adam insane, but when Joe reached down and grabbed Adam's ass hard, pressing them more firmly together he came unexpectadly, shouting something unintelligible that echoed off of the tiles.

Joe came too a second later, biting into Adam's shoulder again, his warm cum splattering between them.

They held on to each other for a little over a minute, breathing heavy, until they were both sure that they had regained their balance.

"Can you get that? It's probably Danielle!" Adam called from the bathroom.

After their shower, Adam had kicked Joe out of the bathroom so that he could get dressed... and do his hair and make-up and nails. Joe had forgotten to bring extra clothes along (again) and was forced to wear his ones from yesterday. Which weren't too badly wrinkled (thank God).

"Okay!" Joe called back. He felt stupid for being so eager to answer a stupid phone, but Adam actually was letting him pick up one of his calls! Couples did that kind of stuff right?

He picked up Adam's iPhone and answered without checking the caller I.D. "Hello." He said as calmly as he could. He heard silence at the other end of the line.

He frowned slightly. "Hello?" He asked uncertainly.

"Sorry," he heard the women on the other end say, "Is, is this Joe Jonas." The woman didn't sound like Danielle. He should probably hang up, what if it was someone from the press?

"Who is this?"

"I'm Leila, Adam's mom..."

Joe felt his whole body go numb with shock for a moment, his mouth gaping open. He sat down on the edge of the bed quickly. "Hi Mrs. Lambert. yeah, this is Joe." He said, feeling stupid.

"Are you at his hotel right now?"

"Yeah... he's in the bathroom getting ready."

"Getting ready for?" She asked kindly.

"Ummm, we're gonna go out to lunch and go shopping I think."

"Ah, well, why don't you two wait there and I'll come over to meet you there? We can eat at the hotel."

"I'll go ask Adam if-."

Leila laughed softly, "Nope. I'm coming whether Adam wants me to or not. I've been waiting to meet you for a long time now and I refuse to wait any longer."

"O-okay... I mean yeah, I've been wanting to meet you too." He'd never even thought about it, he was too nervous about his own family's reaction to their relationship.

"Don't sound so afraid, I'm not gonna bite."

He nodded dumbly, before remembering that he was on the phone and she couldn't see him.

"I'll be there in a little less than an hour."

"I'll tell Adam." Was all he could think to say.

"Bye darling."


He set the phone down on the bedside table and got up, walking to the bathroom and knocking on the door. "Can I come in Adam?"


He turned the knob and walked in. Usually the sight of Adam in nothing but his briefs would have made him extremely horny but he was feeling too queasy for his cock to do anything but give a slight twitch.

"What's wrong angel? You look like you've just seen a ghost."

"It wasn't Danielle on the phone."

Adam eyes widened and his brow creased with worry. "Who was it?"

"Your mom. She's gonna be here in a little less than an hour to have lunch with us."

Adam's worried face disappeared instantly and he smiled hugely. "Really?"

"Yeah. She said that we don't have a choice, she's coming no matter what."

Adam hugged him, body trembling with excitement. "Great! I haven't seen her yet and she hasn't met you yet! We're killing two birds with one stone this way!" He placed one hand on Joe's neck and and kissed him deeply for a few moments (was it possible to taste happiness in someones mouth?). Adam pulled away, pressing his lips softly against Joe's several times, leaving him breathless for more contact. "Let me finish getting ready, baby."

Joe backed out out of the bathroom disappointed (accidentally bumping into the wall on his way out).

'What was I worried about again?'

'I remember now.'

Joe and Adam were sitting down in the Sunset Marquis cafe waiting for Miss Lambert to arrive, looking through the menu. Well, Joe was pretending to look through his menu.

"Jesus, that's getting fucking annoying angel."

Joe looked up, perplexed at Adam's exasperated tone. "What did I do?" He asked, slightly hurt.

"You won't stop tapping your foot under the table."

Joe was about to tell him that he was insane, when he realized that he was tapping his foot. "Sorry, I didn't realize."

Adam put down his menu and reached across the table, brushing the backs if fingers against Joe's cheek. "Don't be nervous, it's just my mom." Joe could smell the fresh coat of nail polish he'd applied only fifteen minutes before and he realized that he loved the smell... Nail-polish, leather and Dior. The smell of Adam basically. It was becoming a sort of aphrodisiac to him he realized.

Joe grabbed Adam's hand and before he could take it back, kissed the Eye of Horus tattoo on the inside of his wrist. Adam's eyes glowed warmly back at him. "I love you." Adam smiled, but before he had a chance to respond- "Mr. Lambert?"

They both turned to the waiter (who was watching them with barely contained amazement). "Your mother is here. Would you like me to show her in."

"Of course."

As the waiter walked away to fetch her, Adam gently extricated himself from Joe's grasp and stood up. Joe followed suit a moment later.

The waiter came back with a pretty dark haired women in tow. Adam rushed forward and hugged her tightly. Joe hung back slightly until Adam gestured him forward a little impatiently.

"Hi Miss Lambert." He held out his hand uncertainly.

Her dark eyes seemed to dance as she looked up at him. "Don't be ridiculous, you're going to call me Leila." And with that she ignored his proffered hand and hugged him instead.

Joe hugged her back, peeved at himself. He'd never been this nervous before meeting a girlfriends parents. And he hadn't been been this nervous when he'd met Adam's dad the other day... maybe it was because Adam was actually hereright now, or maybe it was because he and Eber hadn't discussed their relationship. But Leila was a women (no offense) and he could already see the questions in her eyes.

After they were settled into their seats and Leila had been brought a glass of water (and ordered some tortilla chips and salsa), she rested her chin on her hands and leaned towards him from across the table. "So, why don't you tell me how you two met? I have a lot of catching up to do?"

Re-counting their first meeting was so much different than telling his own parents. First off, he wasn't worried about being rejected, and Adam was playing footsie with him under the table.

After he and Adam were done explaining their first encounter (Joe wondered how many times he was going to have to do this in the future) she started bombarding him with questions about himself.

"So, Joe," she smiled a little, "how old are you?"


"Favorite color?"


"Adam tells me you're a good cook."

"That depends upon your palette I guess. Maybe he was just humoring me."

"Nope," Adam chimed in, "I woulda told if you sucked angel."

"Angel?" Leila eyes widened and she pressed her hand to her mouth. "Is that your nickname for him?"

"Guilty."Joe had gotten so used to Adam calling him that by now that it felt natural, he'd never thought about what other people might think if it.

"That's really sweet." Joe was surprised by her sincerity. "So," she said, waving off the earlier topic and taking another tortilla chip, "What's your sign?"

He leaned toward her confidentially, "Are you trying to pick me up Leila?" He pretended to whisper.

Joe grinned as she laughed and Adam rolled his eyes, getting up to use the bathroom, saying over his shoulder, "Keep your hands off, he's mine mom." Which only made her laugh harder.

Leila wiped her eyes and took a deep breath, staring down at the tablecloth for a few long seconds. "You really love him don't you?"

Joe tried not show his surprise. "I do."

"I'll warn you now, Joe. I love him so so so so much and I don't want to see him... get hurt if you decide not to go through with this."

"You mean if I decide not to come out to everyone you mean?"

"That or you break up with him over the stress of coming out after the fact."

"I would never-" he spluttered in protest.

"I know," Leila interrupted, "but, just love him won't you? Can you promise me that? He really loves you Joe, probably more than you realize and I'm just worried for him. He's a good man and he deserves a good man as well. He deserves to be happy." She finished awkwardly and smiled sheepishly.

He wanted to tell her that there was nothing to worry about, but that wasn't entirely true he guessed.

"Sorry, I'm probably coming off as such a bitch right now-"

"No! Don't worry about it! Adam'll probably be getting the same talk from my parents when he comes over to my house for Christmas."

"He's doing what on Christmas?"

Joe laughed as he explained.

He he he! Next chapter is CHRISTMAS! ;p