Macy Bee Lucas

Part two

Also i forgot to mention Macy looks more like her dad than her mom . So that's why it wasn't so obvious . Plus every day 12 children are switched at birth :)

A year later

Bee's POV

Sunday night dinner again. Still the same old boring dinner that I can't stand . I still want to puke because I can't stand being here . Just because I have found my parents and they are together again doesn't mean that I have suddenly come to love my family and appreciate them more . Though my feelings about Uncle Kevin have changed , though he still is the worst uncle on the Planet.

Though instead of there being the whole Lucas clan being Mom , Dad , Uncle Nick , Aunt Macy , Uncle Kevin , Aunt Danielle , Grandma , Grandpa , Uncle Frankie , Aunt Michelle , and I . We are missing Kevin and Danielle since they are in Spain , and I visited them for a week with mom and dad , whom I still live with . Though I usually spend the weekends with my Uncle Nick and Aunt Macy . Though in reality they are my parents , Aunt Macy just considers this a certain type of an open adoption . Which my mom is happy with because she doesn't think that she ripped a child away from her mother.

Did I mention I am getting a little brother? My mother and father started the process of adoption . They wanted to adopt a child or tween though . My mom wasn't ready to have another baby because it would bring back memories. I really don't mind though m because at least I could befriend my sibling since I am going away to college next year.

Also my mom/aunt is pregnant again . She isn't that far along , but hey at least she is engaged to my Uncle Nick and we are ready to welcome the new baby into the family which is in like 5 months.

My Aunt Danielle is also adopting a little Spanish toddler . They met her last year on their trip to Spain and fell in love with her , and since they have the money and have a secure lifestyle they can afford to take care of Mercedes. They also visited Spain to check up on the adoption and at the end of this month Mercedes could be coming home with them .

"So how has your day Bee?" Uncle Nick asked .

"It was the same as usual , school is in a few weeks so I worked on my summer reading. " I said to Nick .

"What book are you reading?" My grandma asked.

"I am reading Perks of Being a Wallflower. I finished the book this afternoon. Thanks again aunt Macy for letting me borrow the book." I said to Macy . She is now my second favorite relative , because no one beats Uncle Nick. He is so cool even when he is a daddy to be.

"No problem Hun . Anything to help out my favorite niece." She smiled . My mom also smiled because she thinks her life is finally perfect. Has 2 kids and a picket fenced house . She has the classic american woman dream. Plus no one is as styling as her.

"So Bee have there been any guys in your life lately?" My Aunt Michelle asks .


Haha who is the mystery guy and when Kevin comes back there will be drama I tell you