
All characters from Gilmore Girls are properties of Amy Sherman-Palladino, Dorothy Parker Drank Here Productions and Hofflund/Polone in association with Warner Bros. Television. No copyright infringement intended. So that means I am not making money from this, and I am writing this for personal gain.


She had everything, Money, Friends, Family, Good grades and was an Up and Coming Journalist. He was the exotic stranger that too had Money, Friends and Family. He was best friends with her cousin. She hated one of his best friends. Their grandparents thought it was a match made in heaven. Their friends thought they were just friends and were having fun and nothing more. But we know that's not true.

Authors Note:

Sorry it has taken so long to update this story. But I have been working on a latch hook that my Grandma had started before she passed away and that needs to be finished before Christmas (which hasnt happened). I have also been working a lot and have had university exams to take. I do have the next too chapters written however I just have to fix them before I post them. I hope tp post the next chapter before Christmas and if not New Years.

Happy Reading and please let me know what you all think.

Chapter 3 - CPOV

'I could tell that the others were annoyed that I am texting Rory and not talking to them. It's just the only person who really knows who Rory is, is Finn and I don't think he remembers her. But I just couldn't believe that she would walk up to me when Logan was here, but I guess Trix is a bit scary.' I thought to myself

"Who's the Girl Colin?" said Colin's best friend since middle school, Logan Huntzburger.

"Oh that's my cousin on my mother's side's daughter. We get along fairly well since my mum was one of her mother figures and looked after her when no one else could. She just wanted to let me know that great grandma Trix wanted to talk to me on the phone and let me know that I was expected at the family Friday night dinner. Which is usually really cool," replied Colin.

After that nothing was said about the girl but one exotic Australian couldn't keep his eyes off her thinking that he knew who it was as Colin didn't say her name at all, and if he was correct then he was in for a bit of a shock.

Back to Rory and the gang - RPOV

"So did you talk to Colin?" asked Tristan who also grew up with Colin.

"Yeah and he's coming to Friday night dinner on Trix's orders. She found out he was back from his holiday with his mates. And he now knows about the Room in the town house so he can crash to get away from Logan. He even said that Logan doesn't know about 'True' society as both Mitchum and Shira aren't a part of it, so he hasn't said anything to him about it just made up excuses to go to the 'True' society parties which always seem to be more fun than the society parties with the new blood," I said.

"Yeah that's true. 'True' society kids grew up together and are a lot more closer than the 'new money' in high society. Plus we actually like the idea of taking over the family business when they hate the idea," said Paris like it was no big deal.

"So are you both ready for Friday nite dinner with the whole family there?" wondered Lane who knew that all three of them were worried about a big argument about when the next full high society would be done.

That Friday Night

"Rory darling how are you. I haven't seen you since you came to stay with me in London for Xmas?" inquired Trix who was already sitting in the seat Emily always sits in when it's at the grandparents, Chris and my cousins.

"Oh I am ok Trix, trying to get used to School and the times when I have to get up early for an early class," Rory said before taking a sip of her coke.

"Well I'm glad that you are enjoying it. I do hope that you and the others are going to be coming to visit me sometime during your breaks!"

So after dinner Trix and the other adults went to Richards study to discuss business and Rory, Colin, Tristan and Paris just talked about their plans for the weekend, what they were going to wear and who they were going with to the next 'True' High Society parties.