six months. six FUCKING months! oh hot damn, where did the time go? i really do apologize for the wait but if i tell you the reason your just gonna think yah right! so i'll tell you the reason. it was my birthday and i was having a wonderful day then while i was crossing the road, i got hit by a car. in germany. on. fucking. vacation. i was in a coma for a month then had to do some recovery...feel sorry? doesnt matter...cuz IM kidding! alright here's the real deal, i was a fucking lazy ass and during a lightning storm left my charger in the wall. well guess what? it fried. then my parents were like, well screw you! your not getting a new one so i was all alone, chargerless. and they wouldnt let me use theirs OR go to the library so i was screwed. i also lost all inspiration for my stories. the thing with me is that after a while i'll lose interest and go to something else. thats just who i am. but my new interest and amazingly longest in my ENTIRE 14 years is final fantasy. i am OBSESSED! like holy shit. i got kingdom hearts 1 and 2, final fantasy 7, 8, x, x-2, crisis core and dissidia. i'm aiming to get 9 and origins but i it worth it? i cant wait till kh birth by sleep is released! i am also interested in devil may cry and i will be writing stories for that as well as final fantasy. i'm slowly trying to get back into khr and bleach and hopefully that works out or god help me! also i would LOVE a beta reader to back me up please! so if your interested then email me. also tell me which final fantasy is better? ix or origins? also i will get updating REALLY soon! so just be a little more patient, and thanks for the reviews guys. i really appreciated them!