It's only been a couple of hours after I posted my first GA fic. But I had this story stuck in my mind for awhile so I had to post it. Anyway, I hope no one had done a story like this before. If there is, VERY sorry. Like I always day, great minds think alike!

The timeline for this story? Not sure...somewhere in between. Haha! This is just to satisfy my craving for GA since the last chapter update. :)

Completely a NxM fic. Enjoy :)

Here's a little something to play while reading this. It gave a very bright, cheery day at the Alice Academy feel :) You can find it on YouTube :D

Everwhere Freesia - Meet Joe Black OST

"It's that time again!" Narumi-sensei exclaimed energetically to his Class B.

"What time?" Mikan wondered.

"He means the secret penpal month," Linchou explained.

"The what?" but Mikan's eyes shone.

This was something new to Mikan. However, she loved the idea of writting letters to people and receive back their replies. Penpals meant not knowing the other person you were writing to, wasn't it? she thought. It was exciting all the same. Maybe she would even be able to write letters to people from all over the world!

"Every year we enjoy receiving letters from different students in our academy. Our tradition will remain the same. We will draw our numbers," Narumi said.

What? Letters from within the academy only?! Mikan sighed. Well, it was alright. She didn't know everyone in the whole school. Perhaps she'd discover new people. Or even a good looking senpai from the higher division! Mikan almost drooled at the thought of that.

As everyone crowded around the front of the homeroom to draw lots, the tiny little paper in Mikan's hand read 2701. What does that mean? Is it some sort of address? Or code number? Mikan naively wondered.

"No, Mikan. It's your letter box number," Hotaru shook her head, as if she read Mikan's mind.

"Letter box number?" Mikan tilted her head in wonder.

Out of nowhere, Permy arrives happily, "Yes! During this period, there will be thousands, millions of letter boxes put up all over the school!"

Linchou nods, "And the number you hold now in your hand is the one you share with you penpal. Someone in the academy will get the same number as you!"

Mikan's eyes sparkled brighter, "Really? Sounds exciting! Are any of you 2701?!"

Hotaru, Linchou and Permy all had different numbers. Kokoro Yome's smiling exterior walked over to see other people's numbers. Even he did not have the same number as Mikan. Well, the Academy is huge. It could be anyone, Mikan thought.

"It wouldn't be fun if the penpal was in the same homeroom as me anyway. There wouldn't be much to write about," Mikan decided.

Hotaru smiled slightly, "I hate this event. I never write."

"Why not?!" Mikan demanded.

"I've got nothing to say."

Mikan realized she understood. She saw Hotaru in person everyday and she didn't talk much either. Narumi-sensei explained the rules to them. None of the students in the elementary division were allowed to deliver the letters to the post boxes themselves without going through their homeroom teacher first. Narumi assured his younglings that their letters would not be read, only scanned to see if there were any harmful things placed inside.

"You can never be too careful nowadays," Narumi chuckled, although Mikan felt he wasn't kidding.

Life in the academy had become more and more dangerous these days. Nowhere was safe. No one could be trusted. There were only a few people she trusted in her heart. Hotaru and Ruka-pyon were definitely one of those people. From the front of the room, Mikan turned to look over her shoulder from where she was standing.

She gazed at the empty seat next to Ruka-pyon. She could feel herself blushing slightly. She knew she trusted him with all his heart, perhaps maybe even more than anyone else now.

"Natsume's been away for some time now," Linchou shook his head worriedly.

"On random missions for the academy, maybe," Hotaru bluntly answered, forgetting Mikan could hear. Mikan sighed and sat down to start writing her first letter.

Dear new friend,

How was she going to start? Was the receiver a girl or a boy? Was it even a human? What should she ask? Are they allowed to ask them who they are? Perhaps not, since the event was called 'secret' penpal.

Hi! I am from the elementary school division! Which division are you from? This is actually my first time writing a letter to someone I don't know. So I'm a bit nervous. It sounds funny saying that since we'll probably never meet so there isn't a reason to get nervous!

"I'm making no sense with my ramblings..." Mikan winced.

Yesterday I went by the main gates of the academy and saw a peek of the outside world again. I wonder what it is like now out there since we have no contact from the outside world once we come in. My only family is my grandfather whom I miss very much every day. I worry whether he can manage things by himself now that I'm not there. How many people are in your family?

I don't know what else to say for now. I am sorry! Don't be angry! I promise to write more if you will reply me, whoever you are!

"Hotaru! What do I sign my name as?"

"You can put a nickname if you want."

Mikan thought long and hard before finally signing it and giving it to Narumi-sensei.

Love from, Howalon.

It was her favourite food! Well, among others, it was one of her most treasured feasts. Many people liked Howalon. There was no way anyone would figure out it was her. Besides, even though Linchou said that everyone usually gets their replies, what if her pen pal did not write back?

"Mikan-chan! Let's go eat!" someone called, interrupting her thoughts.


Narumi watched his students pile out of the homeroom. Then, his notices Ruka glancing at two pieces of paper in his hands.Why does he have two lots? he wonders. Ruka stuffs them into his pocket before making his way out with the crowd. One of the two numbers was 32.

The other was 2701.

What do you think? Love it? Hate it? I was thinking of making quite a few chapters. Haven't really got a plot. It's been awhile since I made a long running fic. I prefer doing one-shots. But this story was calling for me! Reviews are love! :))