Naruto Shippuuden New Edition


When the boy awoke he saw a sea of blood and a man with long, white hair lying on the ground. He walked to the old man, to see if he was still alive, but it was in vain. The old man had no pulse and didn't show any sign of life. The boy was afraid to get caught in this situation. He didn't know anything what happened prior. He just knew he had to get away or else he will be held responsible for the death of the old man and so he began to run. He ran with all his might until he collapsed. He ran all the way to the borders of the Fire Country.

A lone figure was walking up to the boy lying on the ground and picked him up. He carried him to the nearby village. As he entered the village through big gates, on which was written "You are now entering Kitsune Village". The village itself was lively and looked friendly, but a big castle stood on the hill at the end of it. When the figure entered, a woman came to him welcomed him.

"Yoshitsune-dono you have returned welcome back" said the woman as she closed in to Yoshitsune. "Oh and you picked up a kid, he looks pretty bad should I treat him?" she asked. Yoshitsune looked at her and then said: "I would appreciate that, Yukiko. I will bring him to the castle so come with me." "Oh, do you intend to make him your apprentice?" "Yes, he has a good physique and even if he says no, I will still teach him. Hehe. What does he want to do against the number one Samurai-Ninja in this country?"

"Ugh, where am I? No, more importantly who am I?"

"Huh so he doesn't remember who he is, that makes it easier"

The boy slowly opened his eyes and saw that he was in an eastern-styled tatami room. There were three other persons in the room. Two men and a woman. One of the man looked like a samurai, because he had a katana lying at his right side which showed he meant no harm. The other man sat in seiza, lightly bowed to the front showing that he was a servant and the woman sat in seiza also.

"What makes it easier if I can't remember?"

"Making you my apprentice of course" Yoshitsune said.

"Huh, but I don't even remember my name, so how can I become a samurai apprentice?"

"We'll just give you a new name."

"A … new name? But is that ok? Just taking me in like that?"

"Of course it's ok. Haha. You have a great physique and you look like a ninja so you are already half where I want you. Cuz' I'm not any samurai I am a Samurai-Ninja. My Nindou is the Bushido, the way of the true warrior. And that's what I'm going to teach you. Ah, by the way I'm Yoshitsune. You can call me Shisho. So now for a name for you how about …" "Don't even think about choosing his name." interrupted the woman "You probably want to name him something like Tetsunosuke right?" "But that's a very cool name is it not?" "Maybe 500 years ago but not now. We'll call him Akira, that's a good name. My name is Yukiko. You can call me Yukiko-sama"

Akira thought: 'How scary, I think I don't want to get on her bad site'

"Y-yes Yukiko-sama"

"So now off to your welcome party!" Yoshitsune said while grabbing Akira and he hurried down.