Hi, Amu Tsukiyomi, Authoress here. I am writing this as if I was Amu. None of this has actually happened to me. Actually, I could never write about what does happen to me, I'd get flustered and embarrased... Also, I can't promise that I'll update often. I can be very, VERY scattere-brained and I might forget about the story entirely, though I will try my best to not do either of those two things.

Anyways, here's the story!

Chapter one: The boy behind the hedge

This story is true. I would know, it happened to me. Oh, sure, you're thinking 'what's with this crazy chick? She believes she IS Amu? She really needs help…..', well it shows how much you know. I guess most people aren't aware that most "fictitious" stories are actually true... This may come as a shock to you, but I AM REAL. Well, fine, don't believe me, but remember, if you find a Neko near your house passed out, that I told you so.

She was outside, riding her bike back from the grocery store and it was RAINING. "Why did I decide that I just HAD to have more potato chips? I have more than enough at home….. but I didn't have these chips and these chips are soooooo tasty…… ARGH! I should've staye-" If she had been paying any attention to where she was going, our heroine would have seen the big hole in the sidewalk and avoided it.

"OOOF!" she cried as she and all of the chips she had bought flew off of her bike and onto the cold, wet ground.

Looking up at the sky and glaring, she picked herself up off of the ground and started to search for her precious chips. After looking for fifteen minutes she had found all of them and a surprise. Hidden behind a hedge, a boy of about 17 lay on the ground. If this wasn't unusual enough, he had midnight blue hair, a very handsome face MAJOR understatement….. *drools*- and oddest of all, cat ears and a tail. Thinking to herself 'What is this guy thinking, passing out while it's RAINING!?!? Does he WANT to get hypothermia and die?' our heroine decides to pick up the guy, not knowing anything about him, and take him home.

Thankfully her house wasn't that far from where she'd wiped out on her bike, which she really needs to go back and get….. Anyways, she had half-carried, half-dragged the stranger to her house –he was really heavy, what can I say- and once she'd gotten him inside, she went to go put her chips away, only to find that all of the chips in her pantry had been EATEN.

Annoyed that her chips had been eaten once again, she went over to her neighbor's house and knocked on the door.

"Come in! ….. Oh, hi Amu-chi… Lovely day, isn't it? I love rain, just love it, it is soo calming and you kno-" Amu gives her neighbor and friend, Yaya, a death glare. "You broke into my house and ate all of my potato chips!" Yaya looks around hoping to find a way to get Amu to calm down. "But Amu-chi! I was hungry!" "I don't care! You have food here! And now there's a random stranger in my house out cold and I know nothing about him!" By this point Yaya had escaped into the kitchen, looking for some candy to eat. "Oooooh! Can I come over and see him? Please?" Folding her arms as she entered the kitchen Amu stared at Yaya incredulously. "You think I am going to let you into my house after you ate all of my chips? Why should I ever let you back? Give me one good reason." Of course Yaya pulled out her infamous puppy-dog eyes. "Amu-chi……" whined Yaya.

"Fine!" Yaya squealed happily and ran to get her coat. "Thank you Amu-chi! I promise not to eat your chips again!" and then Yaya ran out the door.

'That girl….. she's always doing something and then apologizing……' Shaking her head Amu follows her skipping friend back to Amu's house.

*sigh* Sadly Ikuto's shemxiness has not yet made a conscious appearance…..

Ikuto: What did you say about me being shmexy?

*gives Ikuto a head smack* You heard wrong.

Ikuto: Whatever, but I know you want me.

*blushes* I married you, didn't I?

Ikuto: I guess I was just to shmexy to not marry, my Strawberry.


Ikuto: *laughs* yes……. My Strawberry.

*grabs Ikuto by the shirt collar, throws him out of the room and locks him out* Let's see you be so cocky now! ……….. Maybe I shouldn't've done that...

Tadase: Hi Hinamori-san.

……….!!!!! When'd you get here?!?!?! And I'm not Hinamori-san! *opens door and shoves Tadase outside with Ikuto and locks the door again* Where'd he come from????

Anyways, you can review if you want to, but I'm not going to hold you/something you love hostage.

Ikuto (From the other side of the door): No one believes you!


Also, there is a poll on my profile and I'd like more people to participate in the poll, please.