~~**~~ lol So I'm back, y'all ;3 I had alot of people suddenly add me to their deviwatch and give me llama badges on DA, so I told them all that I'd write a TON tonight to thank them for being such great fans XD I mean it, y'all just don't know...I've never had fans before XD It's SOOO nice to have someone tell me my writing is at least mildly entertaining other than my mother and close personal friends, like, y'all just don't know lol Anywho! I know that was a little bit to read, but it's only cause two chapters look like this! XD I have a question though! It's really important!

Should I stop here? Like...this would be a cute way to end it...and this is getting RIDICULOUSLY long...and this COULD be the cute set up to a SEQUEL if enough people want one/think I should stop this one lol So? I'll keep going if you want, but if you think I should stop and start a new one, do tell^^ I'd love to hear! Thankyou so much for reading and commenting! :heart: Enjoy! ;3 ~~**~~

Hiccup sneezed, wincing afterwards and letting out a quiet groan of pain. He shifted in the bed, his head swimming as his body tried to decide if it was hot or cold beneath the suffocating furs. Tuffnut started to cough, making him look over with half lidded eyes, watching the boy's body shudder as the cough ripped through him from the bottom of his lungs. When he stopped he fell back into the stack of pillows behind them, gasping for air behind closed eyes, hands fisting at his side as though he had just won a hefty battle. Boots walking over wood made Hiccup frown and slowly turn to look out into the fire lit room, shadows playing over the rafters of the roof wildly before snaking over the walls to twist and meld with other, more stationary, shades. Tuffnut groaned loudly, clearing his throat before sneezing, his body jolting with the force of it, the bed jerking with him. Hiccup shivered, still managing to sit up, his frown letting up a little more as he swayed a bit and forgot what made him frown in the first place.

Ruffnut walked over stirring a bowl with a wooden spoon, fragrant steam rising out of it to coil around her frustrated and annoyed scowl. "Ugh...CUTE as it is that y'all are together again..." She grumbled, stopping near Hiccup and looking up from the stew she was holding, arching a brow at the sight of his willowy body swaying like it was caught in a cross-breeze. Shaking her head she pushed his shoulder, watching him fall back into the pillows almost too easily, a slightly stupid smile plastered over his face. A coughing fit took over him though, forcing him to lean up on one arm, making him cover his mouth halfheartedly with a fist, his coughs tinier and lighter than Tuffnut's own. He collapsed against the boy Thorston when he was done, dropping his head onto the solid and bony shoulder of the groaning male twin with an exhausted comfort. Ruffnut rolled her eyes and threw her hand up in the air, "I am NOT taking care of your sick asses! You should'nt of stayed out in the fucking rain!"