Aaron Hotchner looked at the woman in front of him in shock. He couldn't believe that he just heard her say what he did. He wasn't sure if he should respond or even how he should respond. He couldn't believe this was happening to him. He comforted her one night and now here she was in his office telling him something he wasn't expecting.

"You're what Prentiss?" Hotch asked.

Emily Prentiss looked him straight in the eyes. "I'm pregnant Hotch."

Hotch opened his mouth and then shut it. "Are you sure it's mine?"

Prentiss gasped and turned on her heel and ran out of his office. She wouldn't let him have the pleasure of seeing the hurt he had inflected on her. She walked to her desk fast and grabbed her stuff and left the bullpen of the BAU before anyone could say anything to her or try to stop her. In her head her thoughts were running in a million different directions.

Prentiss got in her car and peeled out of the parking garage. She had no clue where she was going. All she knew is that she had to get away for a while. She couldn't believe he had asked her that question. She couldn't believe that he thought so little of her. Well she knew one thing and that was that she didn't want him in her life or in her child's life. She couldn't believe that she had fallen in love with a man who could be as cruel as he just was.

Prentiss picked up her cell phone and made a phone call.

She waited impatiently until she heard the other line picked up and the person on the other end say "Rossi".

Prentiss took in a deep breath and said "Dave, its Emily. I need you to do me a real big favor."

Rossi who was sitting in his office at the BAU looked out into the bullpen and noticed that Emily was not at her desk. His brow furrowed in concern.

"What is it that you need Emily honey?" Rossi asked.

Prentiss took in a deep breath and said "I know we agreed that nobody would know what our tie to one another is but Daddy I need you to pull a few strings. I need you to get me on leave for a while. I need to get out of Quantico and D.C. for a while."

Rossi's mouth went slack. He couldn't believe that his Emily had just called him Daddy. Yes, he was her Dad but nobody but her, the Director of the FBI, her mom, and him knew this.

Rossi finally got his voice back. "I can do that honey but what is wrong? Why do you need to leave? What has happened?"

Prentiss sucked in a breath as she tried to stop the tears that were flowing down her face. "I just have to Daddy. I will call you and let you know that I'm safe. But please you have to promise not to let anyone know where I am or anything. I'm going to shut this cell phone off but turn on my other one. You and Mother are the only two with that number. Promise me Dad. You won't tell anyone especially Hotch."

Rossi growled low in his throat when he heard Hotch's name. The man may be one of his best friends but so help him if he found out that Hotch had hurt his precious Emily.

"Alright honey calm down. I promise not to tell anyone. Just keep in contact with me. You have to make that promise to me Emily." Rossi said.

Prentiss nodded even though she knew he couldn't see her. "I promise I will Daddy. Just please don't worry about me and remember I love you."

Rossi smiled and let the adoration he felt for his daughter show on his face. "I love you too Princess. Just be careful."

After hanging up her cell phone Prentiss made a quick stop by her apartment and grabbed some clothing. She wasn't sure how long she would be gone. It could be days, it could be weeks or it could even be a couple of months. All she knew is that she needed to get away for a while to get her head cleared. She also needed time to mend her broken heart because even if she didn't want to admit it Aaron Hotchner had broken her heart into a million little pieces and she wasn't even sure if she would ever get it put back together.

Authors Note: Well here is the first chapter of this story. I hope that you all like it.