: Lost child of the night:

Summary: A young girl is thrown into the world of death and partying and she can't remember a thing about her past only that the boys are something she wants to keep in her world and keep for the rest of eternity. Raina a young girl with the ability to draw a person in with just a glance of her silver orbs but what happens when she draws Marko into her eyes and he doesn't anything more than to protect her.


I was tired.

I couldn't remember the last time that I hadn't felt the pull of my body telling me that I needed to rest but, that's what happens when you feel like you're dying I guess?

Oh yeah I guess I should start with why your reading the end of the story first well see this is how it all happened. I die so that I can be reborn in their world younger a little stronger but still vulnerable and without a sense of myself.

My name is Raina and this is my story of how I came to be in the world of Vampires stick around you may get to see how I'm damned into another life just to see it come to its shitty end.

Just cause I'm dying doesn't mean you can sit comfortably reading. I never wanted to see it come to this but here it goes.

Welcome to my world

Santa Carla the night I met- them.

The merry go round was turning as the occupants sat and tried to enjoy the ride. A child of the night is what Santa Carla called the troubled youth of their small lost little town. An active boardwalk during the night brought out a variety of people, but the only thing that Santa Carla couldn't hide were the many faces stapled to her walls and polls. Missing, runners or just the plain hopeless littered its streets. Yes she was definitely a town worth staying in if anything for the partying.

Rides, concession stands and everything you could think of to keep the youth satisfied for all of time or at least eternity.

Tonight was no different from any other night but for some reason it held a sense of danger as people crowded around the merry go round for a ride or a front row seat to the upcoming fireworks between a certain group of rivals that ruled the boardwalk at night. A particular young woman slowly made her way onto the merry go round without the handler noticing otherwise. As the young woman made her way onto the merry go round she twirled around the ride in good natured fun enjoying the old fashioned music of the ride only to come to a halt when she was blocked in by a group of muscle headed surfer Nazis. Drooling with their over baked tongues hanging out of their mouths the hulking mass's of muscle advance towards the young woman slowly backing her up against the a seating area near their boss. Snickering the and gleaming with ill content the boys reach out towards the young woman to come short as their mesmerized by her gleaming silver eyes. Stepping back slightly gives her the opportunity to jump up slightly onto the seat balancing like a tight rope performer. Stretching her body the young woman reveals to the crowd of teenagers her real appearance rebel with a lost cause.

Adorned in a jacket made of faux fur the whitest anyone had ever seen in Santa Carla ended just above the rib cage and underneath the vest a loose shirt that was cut above the shoulders so that it hung loosely off her arms. Falling behind the white vest of fur a waterfall of blood red curls with blonde streaks flowed with the soft breeze. And shorts that ended allowing endless legs of creamy mocha color to be shown off. Where her feet delicately balanced on the seat were gladiator black heels with death written all over them. All together, her outfit spelt outcast and rocker at the same time. Dancing around the surfer Nazi's the mysterious young woman didn't realize that she had an audience in the form of four young men captivated by her movements and dancing steps around their rivals.


"What do you think boys?"

"She's interesting… almost like she belongs with us in some way"

"Paul you think every girl belongs with us…" shoving at his brother Dwayne caught his youngest brother's expression. Moving closer to his brother Dwayne found that Marko was indeed smirking that Cheshire cat grin of his. Looking from the young woman to his brother Dwayne was able to put the two together.

"So Marko what do you think?" turning back over towards his leader while pulling Marko along Dwayne could feel Marko's grin reach the rest of his brothers.

"I think I need to get her name"



Author: Sorry that is all I could come up with at the time. I loved the outfit from the music video Tik tock with Kesha so I used the one from when she's in the room with all the glitter falling thought that would be a good description if no one could put her outfit together in their mind.

Anywho please review would like to know what everyone is thinking will be updating when I get the chance I start work at like 5 in the morning don't get off till 1 sucks to be me

Anyway toddles till next time