Did you forget?


I felt arms encircle my waist. I already knew who it was after all he was my soul mate. Soul mates. What a beautiful word. Well words. I leaned back against Morgead's chest. We were waiting in line at the cinemas. Although most likely we weren't planning on watching the movie what we were planning on was a two and a half hour make out session. For some reason Morgead smelled even better than I usually thought he did. It wasn't a cologne because I would've have been able to smell the alcohol. If I had to say one word that it smelled like I would've said love. I mentally snorted at myself "You're becoming such a sap Jez, pull yourself together." I felt Morgead shift behind me. He leaned down and whispered in my ear "Jez? Do you want to know what the smell is?" I nodded and he continued. "You were right… it's my love for you." I laughed and pulled away from him. "Now you're the one who's turned into a sap." I said. He laughed along with me. We finally got to the ticket counter. "Two tickets for The Proposal." Morgead asked. The cashier rang up two tickets. "Fifteen dollars and thirty-eight cents is your total." He says. Morgead turns to me and says "Crap I forgot my wallet. I'll pay you back later." I glare at him. "Fuck you." I say. He smirks at me and says "Yes please. Oh and never mind. I have the money." I was just about to smack him but then he was already walking away.

3 hours later

I was tired. Yes I know I'm a night person but I can't always be the energizer bunny. It was almost midnight. Morgead and I were inside his car driving back to his apartment. He had one of those cars where the front seat is a bench seat. I was a little cold too. I scooted across the bench seat until I was right up against Morgead. I breathed him in. He smelled like moonlight and raspberries and all my other favourite things in the world besides him. He put his arm around me and I snuggled into his side. I felt safe and that nothing could ever go wrong in this perfect world in which I lived in. I soon fell asleep with Morgead's arm around me.

I don't remember Morgead pulling up to his apartment building or him picking me up and carrying me to the top floor. I don't remember him taking off my jeans and shirt (but leaving on my camisole under it). I don't remember him putting me on the bed and pulling the covers over my body. I don't remember him getting undressed to his boxers. I don't remember him crawling into his bed beside me or him wrapping his arms around me, spooning me. I don't remember him breathing in the scent of my hair. I didn't remember any of these things because I was fast asleep, lost in the comfort of having my soul mate, Morgead, near me.

The next morning around 9

I woke up slowly. I remember falling asleep in Morgead's car. I glanced around me. I was in Morgead's bed. His arms were around me. I relaxed a little and I decided to enjoy the moment a little. But first I looked down at myself to see what I was wearing. My tank top, bra, and panties. Wow Morgead was more trustworthy and had more restraint than I'd originally thought. Now to deal with Morgead.

I turned over in his arms so that I was facing him. I ran a finger down his chest. Nothing happened. I pushed him on his back. Still nothing. I straddled his waist. Nada. I leaned down and oh so gently put my lips on his. Nope still no signs of life. Damn this was annoying. I leaned down again my hair falling down it gently brushed his face. I kissed him again but this time I used my tongue to trace his lips. He moaned "Yes response!! Success!!" She thought to herself. Morgead moaned again and flipped them over. His tongue gently slid into my mouth. I sat up on my elbows so I could get closer to him. Then Morgead opened his eyes. He jumped off the bed like I'd shocked him. "Why are you kissing me?" he asked me. "What? Who did you think it was kissing you? Val?" I asked him sarcastically. "You don't even like me. Just yesterday you were mad at me. You were mad that I wouldn't take you to the bookstore." He said. "What are you talking about?" I asked him then a thought occurred to me. "What day is it?" I asked him. He looked at me like I was crazy. "It's July 3rd, 2005." I groaned. "What is it?" he asked me. "You think we're 13. Today's date is April 7th, 2010. Look at me. Don't you think I look a little older than I did "yesterday." I asked him. He studied my face. Then his eyes traveled down my body and back up to my face. I tried to think back to what he was like five years ago. That was 3 years before I was going to leave. "You do look older but why have I suddenly forgotten everything?" he asked me. I shrugged. I became aware that I was just in my panties and tank top. I blushed and pulled the blanket up a little.

Morgead sat down on the edge of the bed thinking everything over. I tried to think of what I knew about memory loss. Maybe he would get his memories back earlier today or tomorrow or maybe he could be this way for a month or a year… or forever…

Author's note: review that little button thinks you're sexy so click on it!! anyway if you have any suggestions review because i just hit a major mental mind block and i cant think of what to write next so if you have any suggestions write it in a review or send me a message or something....

hugs and kisses,
