Title: And There Will Be Blood

By: Jezzi B.

URL: visit jezzibness . livejournal . com for all chapters in a cleaner format.

Fandom: Vampire Diaries (Book & TV)

Pairing: Damon/Bonnie

Rating: M +16

Type: Multi-chapter

Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to the show, book series or the characters. The writing here in is for no profit and simply a fan work.

Summary: Bonnie receives an unwanted Christmas gift from Damon with a shocking message. We go back five weeks into the past to see how things lead up to Christmas. Bonnie is now experiencing a new life in New York with her boyfriend—who happens to be Elena's ex—Matt. Her abilities seem to have dissipated, allowing her to finally lead a normal life. Everything seems picture perfect until Damon shows up in town to deliver her a message that someone close to her will die if she doesn't retrieve her powers.

NOTE: I am going to write the characters as they are in the current show, but incorporate elements from the book series. Try your best to remove what's happened in the storyline of the show/book, I'm touching on those elements, but I've written this story from the angle of Bonnie not fully knowing what Damon is. I wanted to take this approach because it works better for the story.


Chapter 10: A New Beginning

The four stood outside of the house, standing in the snow watching the flamed consume the structure as the Alaskan sunrise began to peer over the chilly, white horizon.

"It's really over," Elena breathed deeply. "The tome, the creature, everything is over."

Bonnie stood at Elena's side as Stefan helped to assist Damon's movement.

"For now at least. We're not normal, not any of us. Something else will happen," Bonnie said those words with newfound excitement.

"Stop," Damon pushed Stefan away from helping him, "My wounds are already healing; I'm not as weak as you."

Bonnie's eyes met with Damon's once more. She could see his walls were coming back, she could feel something inside of him closing.

"There's no point in me staying here anymore, the book's gone," Damon was adjusting his torn coat.

Elena was perplexed, "Um, what about Bonnie, aren't you guys—"

"Elena, it's okay. We're not anything," Bonnie interrupted before Elena's could finish.

There was an awkward moment of silence and understanding shared between the four. Elena entwined her fingers with Stefan's, leading him carefully towards the suburban parked close at the scene. Stefan caught on quickly to Elena's implications to give his brother and Bonnie privacy.

"We'll be waiting in the car for whoever would like to join us," Stefan offered before stealing away to the vehicle with Elena.

Bonnie felt like screaming. It always had to be so difficult with Damon, why couldn't they simply just find a way to make it work?

"So that's it then?" She questioned him.

As Damon's wounds slowly began to seal, all of his cocky nature was returning back to him. The tenderness she felt from him in the burning building was fading away.

"I warned you never to mistake my actions for kindness. We don't get a happily ever after. I am not like Stefan; I feast on human blood. I can't control my impulses around you. All I hear in my mind is 'kiss & kill'," Damon waved a hand dismissively as if this information didn't affect him.

Anger was rushing quickly to Bonnie's small frame. She wanted to hit him. She wanted to tell him how horrible and wonderful he was at the same time. She wanted to tell him how terrible and amazing he managed to make her feel despite all odds and differences.

"I see," was the only thing Bonnie actually said.

Damon didn't like these situations; he obviously wasn't familiar with handling them. He stepped closer to Bonnie hooking an arm around her waist to sharply jerk her against him.

"Stop!" Bonnie protested.

He didn't listen.

"I can't change what I am. I am a carnal bastard by nature. I am not doting. If you want that entire gross romantic fluff that Stefan and Elena have, that's with Matt," Damon's voice still spoke light of the matter.

"What happened to the whole 'no one can touch you' deal? You really want me to return back to Matt?" Her eyes challenged his.

"Well, plans change since I—you know—almost killed you today. My plans were to kill you, obtain the ambrosia, and then to make you a vampire…"

Bonnie's heart was pounding. He never intended for her to be gone, he wanted her to be what he was so he could be with her through immortality.

"If you were a vampire, there would be no more issues with my instinct to consume you," Damon was coaxing the idea.

"Damon, I don't want to be one. I can't even think about something like that right now," Bonnie's fingers tried to touch his coat.

Damon pulled away from her completely, actually back stepping from her. His devilish smile was back.

"Humans offer you a ring to symbolize immortality, but yet they say 'til death do you part'. I offer you forever with me—"

"Damon!" Bonnie quickly tried to interrupt his train of thought. "I knew this wasn't going to be easy, but I fell for you. I am not asking for miracles, just hope."

Damon's expression was borderline disgusted, "How about I give you a new ultimatum, hm? I'm going to vanish from your life, let you see how much you like going back to normalcy. On Christmas day, you'll have my decision."

Damon was turning away from her, she couldn't think of anything else to do, but yell after him.

"What do you mean?" Bonnie called after him.

"Fate will be decided, await my present. And whatever you do, don't peek before Christmas day…"

Bonnie couldn't stop the pain that swelled in her heart and the fury. She had no time to release any more words—he had vanished. She knew that he wouldn't come back again…

Christmas was looming near. Elena had received all her gifts by hand from her most important friends, even Matt. They were no longer dating, but she was grateful that he still wanted to be a close friend. New York would have been lonely without his support.

One gift arrived in a strange fashion.

It was left in the passenger seat of her car (which she was sure she had locked); decorated with shiny black black wrappings.

The box was far too great a temptation. She knew it would provide her with a simple answer. Could Damon attempt to control his nature and be with her, or was the call of her blood too great to resist?

On a moments impulse she opened it beneath the Christmas tree far too early and on cue, as if he'd always been watching her, Damon appeared…

I'm really disappointed in you—" Damon sighed side-stepping to walk towards the tree "—I went to so much trouble to prepare the perfect surprise for you…"

Bonnie dared not to even attempt running, she knew it'd only excite him and she wasn't about to give him the satisfaction.

"I've never been good with surprises," she answered dryly, vainly trying to mask her nervousness.

"That is painfully apparent. Unfortunately though, in this case, it really pays to wait. Seems I have no choice, but to make Christmas come early this year…" He wasn't even facing her as he spoke.

She swallowed hard, her body felt numb all over. She clenched her fists tightly; she refused to grovel. If she was going to die, it was going to be bravely.

"Just take it! I know what you came for, just take my blood!" She shrieked at him, causing the dark waves of hair to curtain the sides of her face.

Damon turned to her, revealing his monstrous face. Once green eyes now were tinged with blood red and purple veins. Sharp canines were revealed in the most wicked and eerily beautiful smile.

"With pleasure—" He produced delicately through his horrible teeth before he began his lunge towards her.

Bonnie closed her eyes to brace for the impact. Nature had won over nurture. She knew that he was too far-gone and that she was going to finally be dealt with.

A hot sensation touched against Bonnie's neck.

It wasn't supposed to feel like that…

Damon wasn't biting her; he was kissing her. At a moments realization she couldn't stop herself from running her fingers over his body and pulling him tight to her. Time & distance, anxieties & fears were washing away under the desire. She was losing the fight and finding herself falling into Damon's essence.

Bonnie's voice was quiet and between her heavy breaths.

"Were you going to kill me?"

"The present was my decision to make you a vampire. I told you to wait—which you failed miserably at—incase I changed my mind I could present you with my new decision," Damon explained.

Bonnie didn't even care anymore, she knew the complications, but somehow their roots had already become entwined.

"And what is your new decision?" Bonnie asked him.

Damon carried a smile that would even make the devil think twice.