
Summary: Drabble (Slash – Charlie/Ian)

Pairing: Charlie/Ian Edgerton

Warning: Slash
Can't breathe without it.

Disclaimer: I'm not making money with this fanfic. The tv-show Numb3rs and the characters appearing within it belong to their producers and creators. Any similarities to living or dead persons are purely coincidental and not intended.



Ian pulled his boyfriend's warm body closer, gently pinning him to the mattress with his weight. His hand caressed Charlie's pajama-clad thigh, finding its way towards his hip. Charlie's eyes were nearly black, the night's shadows casting patterns on the furniture. Ian's lips found Charlie's, catching them in a gentle kiss. His free hand brushed dark curls from Charlie's forehead before his lips dropped another kiss there.

Charlie's fever-hot skin elicited a comforting mutter to fall from Ian's lips.

"That's how you take a temperature?" Charlie asked, smiling weakly.

Ian wrapped him up in his arms. "Only yours," he whispered.

