Hi. I'm sorry. I'm going to completely screw over all the rules of the Harry Potter books. That goes for Yu-Gi-Oh as well. I think this would probably take place around book five (you'll be able to guess when I get to the Harry parts; it's Umbridge's first year of teaching, BTW), but all six just kind of blur together for me, like days in the summer-time when all I do is lie on the couch.

Ryou is fifteen, turns sixteen on September 2nd. Harry Potter is sixteen. Ryou has a somewhat limited control over the shadows (he has the Millennium Eye), but Yami Bakura's got the whole sh-nazz.

So. Um. RYOU! YAY!

I'm thinking about only posting this when I finish the entire story, to make sure I don't disappoint anyone by dropping it five chapters in. Uh. Not sure, though.

No yaoi. Yami Bakura is not a love interest for Ryou. I mean, come on. YB basically killed all of Ryou's friends, took away his freedom, permanently marred his body, tried to take over the world, etc., etc.... So, I really don't think Ryou would want to MAKE OUT with this guy. PLUS HE'S STRAIGHT, I SWEAR!

PAIRINGS: HarryxCho, HarryxGinny, Yami BakuraxShadows (just kidding), and RyouxNO ONE.

Rated 'T' for f-bombs and other curses, plus some violence on YB's part.

DISCLAIMER: I don't own Harry Potter or Yu-Gi-Oh. Obviously.

Ryou Bakura was a rather unfortunate soul. In the past year, he had been possessed by an evil spirit by his unknowing father's hands, had his life stolen by that same spirit, gave up all hope of being 'normal', and had learned the truth of why all of his friends ended up in comas after playing games with him. Not to mention the sudden loss of his father. No, it wasn't proven that he was dead, but he had gone missing during a dig in Egypt a month ago.

And so here we find Ryou, walking around in God-knew-where after waking up in a dark ally in the middle of the night. The surrounding area was actually quite neat and pristine, in comparison to the small space.

"Oi! You there!" Ryou jumped and spun around, eyes wide.

"W-what? Who's there?" He asked in Japanese to seemingly no one. "Wait… Oh, Gods, no…" He muttered, the reality of the situation dawning on him. The man who spoke through the darkness yelled to him in English. 'Please let this be a dream. Please, please, please let this be a dream.'

"Fuckin' foreigners…What're you doin', sneakin' around at night?" The voice demanded, still in English, although slower now and more pronounced. A rather large man stepped out of the shadows and into the circle of brightness given off from the streetlight. The man had a squashed face and was wearing dirty, mud-splotched clothing.

"Um," Ryou started in his native tongue. "C-can you tell me where I am?" He mentally smacked himself. 'Stupid! You don't ask creepy old men sleeping in ally-ways questions while they're interrogating you!'

Surprisingly, the man answered his question. "Yer in England, on Privet Drive. Where'd you think you where?"

"A-ano…" The whitenette started before swiftly turning around and running the opposite way down the street. The spirit must have had something planned. This was near the house Ryou's father bought for the summer, when he had time off.

He darted down a few more streets, clawing through his mind for the house number his father sent him in a noncommital letter months ago. "Oh!" He exclaimed out loud, stopping abruptly in front of a small house. He walked through the grass onto the porch, where a dead plant hung from a hook. He dug through the dirt for the spare key he knew was inside.

'Just what the hell am I doing?' He asked himself before he inserted the key in the lock. 'Honestly, why am I not fazed by how completely absurd the situation is?' Stopping to consider the question, he stared at the Millennium Ring that dangled from his neck, a somehow malicious glint coming off of it. Instead of turning back and finding the nearest airport to get the hell back to Domino, he though of how much pain the Spirit would put him through if he defied his obvious wishes.

Ryou sighed. 'So much for my peaceful weekend.' He turned the lock and stepped inside, simply deciding to accept his fate and deciding to just get on with it.

/Good Host.../ Ryou jumped at the complete suddenness of the voice, eyes wide.

/Just what are you doing?/ The white haired boy shot through the mind link before he could stop himself.

Surprisingly, the Spirit of the Millennium Ring answered the question calmly. /Well, I didn't want you to have a panic attack from finding yourself in a strange house. You could alert the neighbors./

/And that made it a good idea to ditch my body in that Ra-forsaken alley with no knowledge of where I've been?!/ Ryou immediately regretted ever saying anything. Waves of anger poured through the mind link from the unstable spirit.

/Insolent mortal!/ The spirit took control of Ryou's right arm and smacked him across the face, forcing Ryou to stumble back a few steps from the force of the blow. /This is not your body,/ the spirit snarled, /and you do not talk back to me!/

Ryou was stunned to say the least, large brown eyes wide and beads of sweat forming on his forehead, fearful for his mental and physical well being. /I-I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! I'll never... never.../

The spirit was silent.

Ryou realized just how fatigued his body was, from whatever it was the spirit was doing while it possessed him. Eyes drooping, he slowly walked over to the couch sitting in the center of the room and plopped down on it, but sleep didn't come soon.

Harry Potter was a very bored teenager. A very, very bored teenager. He'd been left completely with nothing to do or sulk for over the summer, receiving only the occasional absent minded letter from his so-called friends. Nothing about the Order, or anything else he actually needed to know about. Just thinking about it made him seethe in anger.

He was currently on a walk through the community park. These walks had become more and more frequent, as there had been very little to do around the house, exept be screamed at by his uncle, be forced to do the most grueling and mundane tasks around the house by his aunt, and be clubbed by his morbidly obese cousin. None of these choices quite appealed to him.

The heat, though, was almost unbearable. Harry trudged down sidewalks, trying to stay as much in the small shadows of the not-quite-large-enough trees that lined the way. When he reached the park, however, he saw a figure sitting on his favorite swing. It looked like a girl, with pretty, shiny long white hair and a slim figure. She was wearing a blue and white striped shirt and not-quite-skinny gray jeans. Her back was turned to him, though, so he couldn't see the face.

Eager- or perhaps desperate- for intelligent conversation with another human being, he practically leaped at the chance that was presented to him. To think, on the most boring of all days, a person who he hadn't seen before was right in front of him.

"Um, hey...!" Harry called out when he was just behind the girl. She jerked and turned around swiftly, revealing wide, doe brown eyes and a very pale complexion. There was a dark bruise on the right side of her face. "I haven't seen you around here before. Are you new?" 'Yes, Harry, very intelligent. 'You new around these parts?' Wonderful.'

"Ano... Yes," she replied almost hesitantly. She tucked a strand of hair out of her face delicately around the bruise. "I'm Ryou Bakura."

"Harry Potter... It's great to meet you!"

They stared at each other for a few seconds.

"Ooooh, Potty-boy, you player!" Came a call from a little behind Harry. "Is this your new girlfriend...?" Dudly asked tauntingly, his large friends flanking him on either side. Ryou's face donned a light blush, and 'her' eyes widened even more with shock and anger.

"G-Girlfri-" Both Harry and Ryou started.

"Ha, I bet you two've already-" One of Dudly's friends began, but was soon cut off by Ryou's undignified yell.

"I am not a girl! I'm a boy, dammit! I don't even look that feminine!!"

Both Harry and the group of brutes stared at Ryou like he fell out of the sky and started to do the chicken dance.

"You're... what?!"

Ryou abruptly stood off the swing, hands clenched and face screaming "I hate you" and walked away, disappearing out of the park and down the road.

The group of boys plus the one 'lone-wolf' stood and gawked after Ryou. One of them whispered to another, "Dude, that's gotta be the prettiest guy I've ever seen," and Harry had to agree. Not that he was gay or anything. Cho Chang would always be first in his heart. (Glad to set the record straight.)

"Yeah, well, sorry, Big-D, I've gotta go home before my mum calls the cops on me again," one of the beefy boys muttered.

A chorus of "Yeah, me, too"s rang throughout the small group. Soon, only Dudly and Harry were left.

"Well, I suppose it's only us now, huh, Potty?" Dudly said threateningly. Harry took a step back, and Dudly took two forward.

All of a sudden, the sky darkened and a horrible, cold feeling washed over Harry. Dudly shuddered. The wizard realized with sudden shock what was happening. It was the same experience as when he was attacked during a Quidditch game. "Dementors..." He murmured, horror-struck. Then, in a sudden outburst, "Run! Dudly, you need to run now!"

Dudly just stood there for a moment. Then his brain processed what Harry said and the fear behind his words, and Dudly shot down the road like a speeding bullet. Harry was smaller and leaner and easily passed him by. He grabbed Dudly by the arm and dragged him into a tunnel.

The two of them, breathing hard in the flickering lights, tensed as the feeling of hopelessness intensified as the dementors prowled closer.

"Dudly... Whatever you do, keep you mouth shut, just keep your mouth shut."

The large boy squeaked fearfully and complied. The lights on either side of them flickered out one by one, giving off the impression that something horrible was approaching. The two cowering in the center began to hyperventilate.

A series of events in Harry's life flashed before his eyes- the bright green flash of light that was Harry's first memory, Voldemort's face sticking out of the back of Professor Quirrell's head, the giant basilisk Harry killed in his second year at Hogwarts, Cedric Diggory's death, the revival of Voldemort, a sick, silver hand...

Harry managed to turn his head to the side to glance at Dudly. He was on the ground, a dementor about to kiss him and end his life, it's decomposing skeletal hand paused above his cousin's face. Sure, Dudly was a bad excuse for a human being, but he didn't deserve to die.

The black haired teen drudged up all of his will-power and pulled his wand out of his back pocket. He screamed to the heavens, "EXPECTO PATRONUM!" and a silver, spectral stag leaped into existence. The dementors seemed to flinch back and quickly fled. Harry dropped to his knees and looked to one side. Dudly was on his knees as well, but he was puking up the contents of his stomach. The-Boy-Who-Lived turned his head.

There, standing in the entrance to the tunnel was a thin, unusually pale white-haired teen that looked remarkably like a pretty girl.

And on his forehead was a glowing golden eye, around his feet a swirling mass of shadows.

Ryou stormed down a street close to his house, bristling. Honestly...! He didn't look that much like a girl, did he? The whitenette sighed. He couldn't even kid himself. 'Maybe I could cut my hair?' The thought came with a very dejected tone to it. Ryou stopped suddenly, processing that thought with shock-filled eyes. 'No! I will never be even close to bald!'

The ground in front of him became dark without warning. Ryou looked up. '... It was sunny out a minute ago, right?' Dark clouds filled the once-blue sky, sending a heavy shadow over everything in the area. A feeling of hopelessness and misery washed over him. "What? Is... Someone playing a Shadow Game? No...!"

/Host, run, now!/

Still shocked by the sudden appearance of what seemed to be the Shadow Realm, Ryou's legs just didn't seem to obey him. The spirit grumbled and unceremoniously threw Ryou out of his body and took control. Chuckling darkly, the new occupant of the body ran towards where the feeling was greatest.

Once he was a few streets away, however, Bakura ran into something rather peculiar. He just had to laugh at it. A humanoid clump of shadow magic stood in his way, though it was slowly retreating backwards. Without warning, it turned tail and glided away.

Bakura didn't hesitate. He ran after the freak of magic as fast as Ryou's weak body could go (which was, actually, a considerable speed), stopping near what looked like a tunnel. Inside, he could see two people crouched on the ground, another of the creatures poised above one of the bodies. "Oh, this is just too fun!"

The Spirit of the Millennium Ring opened an active connection to the Shadow Realm. The Eye of Horus appeared on his forehead, glowing gold, just as it had with Marik. The shadows leaped around Bakura, swirling around his feet, almost as if asking for attention from their master. An almost affectionate look appeared in his eyes, if one were to really, really look.

The dark creature seemed to stare at Bakura and sum him up. It tried to run away again, but the Spirit would NOT have that. Shadows sprang up from the ground and blocked the skeletal mass from going anywhere. 'So... If this is what they think of me, how will they react to the Host?' Bakura smirked and tossed Ryou back into his own body.

"What? S-Spirit? What's going on... Oh, of all the bloody things to show up. This." Ryou said, catching sight of the dementor. It, sensing most of the terribly dark and evil presence gone, approached the whitenette. "Umm..." He racked his mind for a possible solution. He had no guns. He was terrible with hand-to-hand combat. He hadn't the slightest clue as to what the hell it was. So, he had only one thing left in his arsenal of possible ways out of a situation. The shadows? Yes, the shadows!

Ryou pulled the Millennium Eye out of his pocket and concentrated on the task on hand. The shadows shot out from beneath him at the dementor, missing it by a hair. It flinched back, slightly alarmed.

"Che." It lunged at him and put an ice-cold hand around his neck before Ryou could move out of the way. Ryou tried again, and this time, with the point-blank range, impaled the cloak. With one last almost scathing look at Ryou, it seemed to evaporate in a dark cloud. The white haired boy sighed, the onslaught of horrific and devastating memories brought on by the creature making him feel as though he had run a marathon. He felt like crying.

"Oh, Gods, I thought I was going to die..." Ryou looked at his surroundings at last. To his left was a tunnel with two people in it, who seemed normal enough, and... another one of those things! "Gyah!" Afraid for his life once more, Ryou let the shadows flow around his feet once more. When the dementor didn't seem to take any real interest in him, he turned his attention to the two people on the ground.

He recognize them at once. One was Harry Potter, and the other was the fat kid that called him a girl. Scowling at the memory, he saw that the dark cloak was directly above the fat one, as though it were going to kiss him. Harry, though, had some sort of weapon pointed at it. The black haired boy faltered for a second, but with renewed vigor, yelled something that sounded vaguely like 'expect a patron'. Ryou raised a thin, white eyebrow, before a silver stag leaped out of Harry's weapon. Ryou gaped.

Its effects were immediate. The nightmare-ish monster left quickly, without a backwards glance.

Harry looked at his cousin, who was violently ill from the ordeal. Then he turned his head and stared straight at Ryou. The whitenette realized with little regret that the Eye of Horus was probably still on his forehead and his shadows were still circling his heels.


"... Ryou...?"


"Um... Hey..."


"What is that... thing... oh your forehead...?"

Ryou sighed heavily and finally cut the connection to the shadow realm. He released the shadows.

"Look," he began with remorse, "I'm not..."

He was rudely cut off, however, when a thin and rather old woman burst into the tunnel.

Harry looked at her, recognition evident in his eyes. "Mrs. Figg? What...?"

"Oh, my, you poor dear!" She was definitely the 'doting mother' type. "Dementors! There were only two in the area... For them to attack you, of all people!" Mrs. Figg pushed a chocolate bar at Harry.

"But I thought you were a muggle?" Harry yelled in an outburst of shock and confusion, ignoring the candy for now.

"No, no, I'm a squib. Haven't done much more magic than transfigured a teapot!" She laughed. Harry took the chocolate and chomped on it.

The boy-who-lived whirled around, about ready to interrogate Ryou. The white haired boy was gone.

Ryou felt like crap. Nothing helped the pounding headache he had, his neck ached from where the creature grabbed him, and the sense of complete despair and depression hadn't left him from last night. The Spirit of the Millennium Ring wasn't helping much, either, throwing in the occasional scathing and insulting remark about how useless he was that he didn't even manage to bring back a finger from the dementors, as the Figg woman had called them.

Really, he didn't care if he ever got up again.

But then, as he was forever plagued by the worst luck and unforgiving fate, the sound of glass shattering rang from the back of the house. Ryou heaved a sigh and swung his legs over the edge of the couch. He levered himself up and shuffled into the kitchen, where he heard the crash.

Yes, the dirty window above the sink had crashed in, a large rock lying in the midst of broken glass. He could clearly hear nervous and giddy giggling coming from outside. Deciding it was nothing more than those damn little kids he shared a block with, he turned back and retreated to his lovely sofa, which he felt in his current state was the most forgiving thing in his life. But, no! Glass broke in the front of the house now.

Suddenly ablaze with fury, Ryou stalked over to his front door, ignoring the shards of his former window, and threw it open. On his doorstep was a very shocked-looking group of people who were extremely familiar. The group of meaty, intimidating (if you hadn't met Yami no Bakura) teenagers who had demoralized him the day before, now with rocks in hand, and the most pathetic looking Harry being tightly held by the fattest one (Dudly, if he remembered correctly).

"Hey, it's the she-male!" One of them yelled, childish giggles following soon after. The rest followed suit, with the exception of Potter, who let out a small 'urk' when Dudly tightened his hold on Harry's arm.

"I didn't know it lived here!" More laughing.

"Hey, maybe we can watch the tranny and Potter make out later!" Okay, that was so it.

"Will you bastards get your fat asses off of my lawn before I gouge your FUCKING eyes out?" Ryou growled dangerously. Oh, no, he wouldn't normally react this way, but with his depression and unusually short fuse, he felt as though this would be excused. The group of teens stared at him blankly, except for Potter, who looked at him with an expression of pity and fear.

"Do. I. Need. To. Repeat. Myself." He looked up, the deadliest glare he could muster plastered on his face (though it was no where near what Yami Bakura could do). The teenagers ran away as fast as humanly possible. Harry, though, managed to slip free, and was left on Ryou's porch, a look of understanding on his face.

"Um, I think you need this more than I do." He said, holding a bar of chocolate out to Ryou. The whitenette just stared.

"The dementors suck out your happiness," Ryou muttered "no, really?", which Harry ignored and instead chose to continue talking. "It's weird, I know, but chocolate really helps."

Ryou sighed and took the sweet. "... Come in." He led Harry in through the doorway and to the small living room, which consisted of a sofa, a small armchair, a coffee table, and an old television. He plopped back down on the sofa and began to eat the chocolate. Harry sat not much more gracefully on the armchair and waited for Ryou to finish.

"So, uh, rough night?" Harry asked, pointing out the white haired boy's noticeably disheveled appearance. Ryou only snorted. "Right, stupid question. What did you do yesterday, when the dementors attacked? I mean, there were two before, right?"

"..." The shadow mage seemed to stare into space for a second, eyes flashing a muddy red color, though Harry knew it must have had been a trick of the light. Finally, the white haired teen sighed. "Magic."

Harry deadpanned. "Well, yes, but what kind? I don't know of any that could do that."

"I didn't think magic was this common."

"It is. You really can't go anywhere without running into at least one wizard or witch, even if you don't realize it."

Ryou seemed to let that sink in. "I guess... If you haven't seen that before, then your magic must be different from ours. I'd, um, really rather keep it a secret. It isn't something I should spread around. Sorry."

"Yeah. I understand." Really, he didn't, but he wasn't about to tell Ryou that. "Oh! Uh, sorry for what my cousin and his friends did to your house... Do you think your parents will be too mad?"

Ryou's eyes developed a sad look way in their deapths. "They're not here."

"Really? Where are they?" Harry asked, not noticing the look Ryou gave him.

The whitenette stared hard at Harry for a long moment and then gave away. "My mum's dead... My dad's missing somewhere in Egypt."

Harry jumped in surprise. "I'm sorry, I... brought up something painful. To be fair, my parents are gone, too. I'm living here with my relatives." Ryou's eyebrows rose slightly.

"Well, this has been fun and all," the white haired boy started, getting up. "But I really should get to cleaning up."

"Yeah, I'll see you later then?" Harry asked, walking towards the door.

"Yes, I suppose you will."

Oh, my, that was a long first chapter.

Not feeling like continuing already, that is, unless I get at LEAST ten reviews!

And I've decided that I'm just going to post this after I go through it a few times. So. Enjoy the long wait for the next chapter! Yay!
