So har iz mai first reel fic, i puted a lot afourd into it, hev fun

prompts of mai luv rissa: in teh park, haiking

Gowadera x Yabamoto, sayd lurv storie

Teh sun wusnt shyning so et was a vuary sad day.

Tukekashi was smieling enywaysd cuz he hed his lurv Gowadera Hayoya hoo was sleeoiping en his lep.

But sumting was boithering him.

"Hoyayo!!" , Takushi hsakes Hatayo awayk.
"Wuht is et? I wus heving may breuatey rast!" , Hoyoya whespared lawdly.
Tasheku wus smayling cos he thinked tath he wus bruasetifol aineywey.
"I wes jost thinkain we shud spaiz up our realautationchip."

Hotoya thinkt deir ralationonship wus alredey spaizey enav butt he egred too lizzen to his lurver.
"Der iz yust one proplam... I maight be preggars... fruwm a beisboll" , seyd Tukushaki to Hotayo and Hioyota fround.
"YU WANT ME TOO DO AROTIC THINKS TO JOO EVAN THO YUR PREYGARS?!" , yalled teh selvar heyred teen, cuz he found tihs inaproipiaet and vent hayking in teh parc.