And here is the reason I haven't updated The Blindside yet. I enjoyed writing Kitten-Harry enough that I wanted to write Emotionally-Traumatized-Baby-Kitten-Harry. So, I am. If you don't recognize it, then I own it. If you do recognize it, than it's probably owned by JKR or whoever owns GW. It is slash, usual pairings of 1x2, 3x4, 5x6. In this fic, Voldemort was completely destroyed that Halloween night, and the wizarding world doesn't care about Harry beyond the fact that he saved them. They were just going to leave him at the Dursleys and not bring him into the Wizarding World. Enjoy.


Agent Duo Maxwell, one of the top agents for Preventers, was on his way to pick up the newly located cousin of one of his friends, from what they believed to be an abusive home. Admittedly, they didn't have much information on the child, but apparently he had been in this household for going on three years and hardly ever seen. And when he was seen, it was reported that he didn't look to be in good condition.

The child had been found due to the mandatory DNA testing that the ESUN had ordered, and Trowa had decided that Harry James Potter would be better off with the Gundam Pilots than with the Dursleys, which Trowa didn't have any interest in actually meeting, family or not. The other pilots had agreed, although the majority of them had admitted to not knowing how to care for a child. Duo, actually, was the only one with any experience on that front, and that had only been because he had helped raise a pack of street kids.

Duo scowled lightly, eyeing the identical houses as he searched for Number Four. Finding it, he parked his car and waited for his fellow agent to do the same. He had grown in the two years since the last year. Medical officials had placed him at two months or so younger than Quatre, making him the youngest of the pilots at 18. He had grown to a respectable height of five eleven, just under Quatre's six foot and Trowa's six three. Zechs was an inch taller than Trowa, and Heero was an inch shorter than Duo. Wufei was the small one of the group, being at only five-three. Although, he seemed to be okay with that.

They had all lost the last of their baby-fat, and now in the last years of their teenage lives, they had grown to be rather good-looking young men. Duo sighed, checking his watch. He wanted to pick up the kid and get back to Heero, his boyfriend since the first war. He and Trowa would be getting back from a mission today, and Duo was anxious to see Heero again, just as Quatre was anxious to see Trowa.

Trowa and Quatre had finally admitted their attraction to each other two years ago as well. As if it hadn't been obvious for eons. And, surprisingly, Zechs and Wufei had also paired up.

As it was, the six worked for Preventers (and WEI, although Quatre's sisters mainly took care of that, and only called them in for emergencies) and Cathy's circus. In fact, they all lived in trailers at the circus, travelling the world and colonies and working as agents wherever they happened to be. As of right now, they were in London, the home base of Preventers.

When his partner for today (as Wufei had just gotten off of sick leave today due to the flu) finally got out of his car, the two of them made their way to the house, noting that the car wasn't in the driveway. Well that would either be a good thing or a bad thing, depending on what they found. If the child was in the house, than it would certainly be easier getting him out if the family wasn't around.

Luckily, they had a warrant.

It was quick work to get the door open and the two agents were inside, looking around. Duo frowned at the almost antiseptically clean house, eyeing the pictures. From what little information they had, Harry had black hair and green eyes. There was no photographical evidence of any child aside from a porky little kid that desperately needed to be put on a diet. A quick tour of the house was accounting to nothing.

However, on the way down the stairs, Duo paused, hearing a slight rattling sound from the cupboard beneath his feet. He frowned, motioning to the other agent, and then moved to the door. Upon opening it, he bit back a gasp.

Harry Potter was crouched in the dark cupboard, emerald eyes blinking against the sudden light. Around his neck was a leather collar attached to a long, heavy chain that was connected to the wall that the child had been yanking on earlier, if the fact that his little hands were still wrapped around it meant anything. He was tiny, about the size of a small two year old, and extremely dirty, with long matted hair that fell in tangles about his waist. However, even under the dirt, the bruises and welts stood out.

Reaching into the small cupboard, Duo wasn't exactly surprised to be met with a panicking child. Harry lashed out, giving a deep growl and snapping at Duo's hand. Duo, having dealt with feral children before when living on the streets. He grabbed the child, being careful not to harm Harry or to allow Harry to harm him, and wrestled him out of the cupboard. This seemed to make matters worse, as Harry's panicking elevated to a whole new level.

Duo's partner was quick about taking the pictures, and they removed the collar, allowing Duo to manhandle Harry into the car. His partner would be staying to arrest the Dursleys upon their arrival home, as the two had enough evidence to charge them with child abuse and criminal neglect.

The Dursleys would get what was coming to them. Harry, though, was probably going to have some problems adjusting.

End Chapter

Note: The trailers that the pilots live in are like Luxury RVs, only larger. Une works in the London office, and the boys just travel around to whatever office is the closest to the circus.