And Another!

Enjoy :)

Hermione walked into Severus's bedroom and looked at Toby. He was still sleeping soundly in Severus's bed. He looked so much like his father.

'He still sleeping?' Severus said from behind her.

'Mmm. He looks like you.' She said moving back so her back was against his hard chest.

Severus wrapped his arms around Hermione's waist and kissed the top of her head. 'Poor boy.' He said.

Hermione laughed and turned around in his arms. 'No he's handsome just like his father, except he has my nose.'

'Thanks Merlin for that.' He said smiling.

'Ewww...can you do that somewhere else.' Toby said as she tried sitting up in bed.

'Toby!' Hermione said as she rushed towards him. 'How do you feel?'

'Sick from seeing you two make out.' He said.

Severus smirked and walked towards his son. 'Shouldn't have been looking then should you.'

'Are you together then?' he asked.

'Well...' Hermione said looking at Severus.

'Yes Toby we are. We're going to make this work like we should have years ago.' Severus said.

'Does that mean you're going to stay here now?' he asked Hermione.

'I have a job Toby. I have to work and I have my own house. I expect I'll sometimes...stay here but not always.' She said.

'What about Christmas?' he asked.

'Well, you and your mother are most welcome here.' Severus said.

'We'd love to spend it here with you.' Hermione said.

Toby smiled at his parents; he finally had a family! It took them long enough.

Over the next few months, Hermione spent more and more time at Hogwarts. She would come straight after work spend some time with Severus in his office and then they would either go to the Great Hall for dinner or have a private dinner. Toby would occasionally spend a few hours with his parent's and then go back to his dorm.

Hermione would then spend the night with Severus. She left early again the next morning. This went on for several months before Severus persuaded Hermione to move to Hogwarts and commute to work. Hermione moved in that weekend and moved all her stuff into his private rooms.

It was weird living with Hermione; they had never lived together before and he found it more than pleasant to have some there when he came home from work and have someone snuggled into his side in the evenings.

Toby also liked having his mother around more. They spent Christmas just the three of them, a little family. Toby was spoilt by both his parents who got him the newest and best model broom and many books to help him with his studies.

By the end of the school year, Severus and Hermione had become like a married couple. Everyone knew of their relationship and every approved. Even Hermione's father who was not best pleased when his teenage daughter said the father of her child was her professor at Hogwarts. Her parents liked Severus, it was obvious to them that Hermione loved him and Severus loved their daughter and Grandson.

Severus asked Dr. Granger, Hermione's father in the July for her hand in marriage. Her father agreed on one condition that he always make his daughter happy which Severus agreed to.

On the 4th of August when the three of them were in Paris he proposed to Hermione who practically tackled him to the floor when he asked her. Toby stood by blushing at his parent's behaviour. His mother looked like she was suffocating his father as she kissed him.

Hermione started planning the wedding as soon as they returned home. They set the date for that Christmas however a little surprise changed that date.

Hermione discovered she was pregnant in late September. Severus and Hermione moved the date forward to the end of October so that Hermione's pregnancy wouldn't show at the wedding.

At Christmas, Severus and Hermione discovered that they would be welcoming a baby girl into their family in a few short months. Toby was pleased to be having a baby sister.

In May, Hermione gave birth to their second child. A little girl who they named Ophelia May Snape. She weighed 6 ounces, much smaller than her brother and looked very much like her mother.

Hermione gave up her work when Ophelia was two months old when she was on maternity leave. She wanted to be a stay at home mum for once as she wasn't able to with Toby as she was trying to get a degree at the same time.

When Toby was in his fourth year and Ophelia was two. Hermione gave birth to another daughter who they named Phoebe.

Severus loved his family very much, he had a strapping son, two beautiful daughters and a beautiful wife who stole is heart.

His family was now complete.

The End...

So there you have it!


I hope you liked. Please review!

Greeneyes xxxxxx