Authors Note

I wanted to send a message out to you all to let you know that this story is on temporary hiatus.

There are quite a few reasons for this. First of all, I'm pulling through my freshman year of college, and I have a lot of stuff going on, and still a lot of things to adjust to. Secondly, I honestly have to say that I've lost my inspiration to continue this story at the moment. I've never attempted a full-length fic before, and it takes a lot of motivation and inspiration for me to write one, so I'm finding out. And currently, I'm desperately lacking both of these things – at least in terms of writing fanfic. When school steps in, you learn very quickly that working with a keyboard can get remarkably tiring when you're forced to be on it all the time.

I'm not saying that I'll abandon this story. I actually really want to see this finished, even more than you guys. I just wanted to give you all a head's up that my non-updating streak is going to continue for a while longer. Maybe by Christmas break, when I'm away from constant work and social interactions, I'll pick this up again. Who knows, maybe even sooner. But for now, it's looking grim.

I truly do apologize to my avid readers for this. You all have been so supportive and kind in your reviews, it's truly overwhelming. Not only do I want to continue this for me, but for you all as well. I hope you'll forgive me for keeping you hanging for so long and then dropping this bomb. If you haven't forgotten about this story already, than I ask your patience and understanding in this matter, as well as your forgiveness.

Again, I'm very sorry, and hope to get things back on track relatively soon!

- LadyBastet92