A/n: Okay here's the last part. You guys reviewed so I didn't have to with-hold long. It's kinda short but it's says everything I wanted to say and that's all that matters. So enjoy! If you don't review now I'll with-hold my next story which by the way is completed and a sensible length.

Disclaimer: See first chapter.

Crashing? How can he be crashing? He was just talking, smiling… breathing. He's my baby boy he can't die, he just can't. What will I do without him? The medic's voice cuts through my haze as she brings the paddles to his chest.


It's amazing how that one word brings everything into focus, makes everything real. Suddenly I realize Spenser is dying. I might not ever see him alive again. Oh my god. Our time together flashes through my mind; our first date, our first kiss, our first I love yous. This can't be happening. I've got to do something, anything to keep him here with me.

"Spence you've gotta wake up, come on stay with me. Spencer please don't leave me."

Still nothing happens. Tears have started to flow freely down my cheeks now. Why does this always happen to him? Even the medics are beginning to gibe up hope; I can see it in their eyes. There has to be something that will show him he can't leave me. I need to show him that I need him right with me. I rack my brains until I remember a song he sang to me about six months ago. We were in the ambulance after I had been caught in an explosion. It's only a simple five line course but maybe he'll hear me and remember it. I start to softly sing my voice barely a whisper next to his ear.

"I want you to live. I want you to love.

I wanna go back to the way it was.

To hear you say my name again.

I wanna see your smile again.

I want you to live."

I reach in and brush a long hair out of his face.

"Come on Spencer I love you and I can't live without you. Please wake up baby."

The medic working over Spencer pauses, and I fear the worst. But her whole demeanor changes and she smiles.

"He's back."

By the way I'm looking for a beta if anyone's interested and *blushes* could explain the program to me. I'm new to this so… Anywho if you're interested message me. Thanx xoxo