I was right back where I started those two long months ago, when he left me. I leaned back against the cold bark of the tree. The ground I sat on was wet from this morning's storm. I barely noticed it though. The only thing on my mind was him, my Edward. No, he wasn't mine because I wasn't good enough. A series of pain shot through my chest, like every other time I dare thought his name.

Ever since he left me I had never been the same. In the beginning, I couldn't walk down the hall without people giving me those sad pathetic looks. Now, they hardly acknowledged I was there. Not even Angela tried to speak to me anymore, not that I blamed her for giving up. It wasn't as though I tried to interact, or even pretend to care that they were slipping away.

I even lost my job. Mrs. Newton didn't want to let me go but I wasn't exactly good at it anymore. I was horrible with customers and often slipped into the storage room to cry when things got too bad, which was most of the time I was there. A customer came in wearing a jacket that resembled his and I felt as though I was suffocating. The doctor called it a panic attack. Yes, the doctor. Mrs. Newton was so freaked out she took me to the hospital so now I have to take these pretty blue pills once a day, though I stopped taking them last week.

The relationship I had with Charlie had been better when I lived with Renee. I hated that he worried so much about me. I had tried to pretend to be okay but I was a terrible liar, so I quit trying. Renee gave up like everyone else. She came down once to try to cheer me up but once she saw how damaged he left me she insisted on coming back with her. I desperately wanted to. Being in Forks meant that everywhere I looked, I saw Edward. His memories were all over, even though he said it would be as though he never existed. I wanted to go but a part of me needed to stay to hold on to the little piece of him I had left. Pathetic, yes, but I stopped caring the day he left me.

With shaky hands I held the balled up shirt in my hand. I had promised to Edward that I wouldn't do anything reckless but I couldn't care less. He promised he would never leave me. He lied, so I did too.

I breathed in heavily, the pain in my chest making it tough. The more I thought about him, or even his name, the more I wanted it to end. I was actually thankful for my friends and family deserting me. Now when I was no longer around I couldn't hurt anyone anymore. Yes my parents would probably be upset at first but they would move on. Renee was easily distracted and Charlie and I had never really been close…

I rolled my sleeves up, revealing the many scars from my previous breakdowns. They all varied in size and how deep they were. I had started on my leg so I wouldn't risk anyone seeing. After awhile though I desired the feel of my skin ripping open so bad I didn't care where I cut, as long as I got him out of my head. Luckily it was always cold in Forks so no one questioned why I was constantly in a long sleeved shirt.

I unrolled the blue shirt, Edward's favorite on me. Blood from old cuts was splattered all over it. Quivering, I grabbed my razor blade. I had tried to stay around for Charlie but, I knew he would be better off if he wasn't watching his zombie daughter crawl deeper into a hole. Though I couldn't put this all off on Charlie, this was the doing of my own selfishness. Edward was my life and when he left I died. I was just finishing what he started.

Even after the many uses the blade was still sharp. I placed it at the start of my wrist and began to slice my wrist open, to finally have peace. But before I could even break the skin a white blur moved in front of my face and the blade was gone.

I froze, my heart literally stopping for a second. Edward? No! I refuse to believe it was him. He left me because he didn't love me, because I wasn't good enough for him. He wasn't coming back. Even with these thoughts a little piece of me still hoped it was him.

Holding my breath, I slowly lifted my head. I gasped. Staring down at me with tortured eyes stood the pale blond vampire. "Jasper…"

"What have we done to you?" he said softly.

His words were my undoing. Tears flushed from my eyes like a faucet. Jasper was too blurry to see but I felt him lean down and wrap his arms around me. A sane person would have run screaming since he tried to kill me on my birthday, but I obviously wasn't sane since I had been moments away from ending my life. Maybe I wouldn't have to do it myself. Maybe my blood would become too much of a temptation and Jasper would just kill me.

I raised my wrist, red with scars, to his mouth. He instantly jerked his head away and readjusted his arms so they were now restraints, the same as comfort. "Please," I begged. "I won't even scream. Please just end this pain for me. Please!" I sobbed.

"Hush Isabella," he said softly as he rocked me back and forth. I could feel he was trying to push calmness upon me, but my emotions were too strong for it to actually take effect.

"Just kill me please."

"Death knows your time and it is not now. I can feel how much it hurts and it's almost crippling me. You aren't alone though…The pain won't always be this strong. I'm not saying that it will go away, but it won't hurt as much," he said soothingly.

As I listened to him my sobs resided. The tears were still flowing freely, forming a massive puddle on his shirt, which was probably expensive. I felt even worse now that I had ruined his shirt. He seemed to realize what I was thinking because he snorted. "Stop worrying about me Bella. I won't get mad at you. Cry as much as you need to, I will be here for you, always." He ran a hand through my messy hair.

A shaky yawn came out of me as Jasper stood with me in his arms. It made since that I would be exhausted, I hadn't slept without nightmares since they left. I unconsciously snuggled closer to Jasper's body. Even if the cold faintly had me think about Edward I enjoyed it. Jasper moved swiftly through all of the trees and made it to Charlie's house. I knew I hadn't been out in the forest all that long because Charlie's cruiser wasn't in the driveway. I was thankful because that meant he hadn't read my suicide note. It was more of letter actually. I apologized for being a horrible daughter and not being able to heal from the break up. I told him how much I loved him and how I was glad that I moved to live with him. I explained how my death was the only option to end my suffering and that I would be happy. It probably was asking too much, but I asked him not to grieve for me and to move on with his life. I had thought about writing a note to Renee as well but there were no words that I could say to her.

Jasper grabbed the envelope with Charlie's name on it off the kitchen table before running up to my bedroom. "Bella you're all dirty. You should get cleaned up."

I looked down at myself, covered in dirt and smelling like the outdoors. I needed a shower but I feared going into the bathroom. I didn't want to see my face, how horrible I looked. And he would probably leave as soon as I left him alone. I wasn't ready for that. I turned my back to Jasper, even though I couldn't care less if he looked or not, and pulled my dirty jeans off. I heard Jasper turn behind me. I exchanged my muddy sweatshirt for an oversized long sleeved thermal.

When I was finished I collapsed on my bed and curled into the fetal position. The tears had stopped flowing, but I think it was because I had reached the maximum number of tears that could be shed in one lifetime. My eyes felt swollen and I was sure my face was red. I was shaking slightly from being outside without a jacket. Now that the rush of death had faded some I suddenly became aware of my human needs. I was starving, exhausted, and freezing. I flinched slightly as I cursed Edward silently in my head.

Jasper sat down softly behind me. Hesitant at first, I felt his hand start to rub my back. With each touch a layer of calmness came over me. "Isabella," he breathed. "…I am unsure of what to say to you. I expected to see you having a bit of trouble when I came back but I never thought I'd see you so…"

"Pathetic," I offered in weak voice. "Ugly, Suicidal…?"

Those were only the few nicer words that I thought of myself. Everything about me just infuriated me. I was weak and worthless. I couldn't believe I hadn't tried to kill myself before. All of my life had been to serve other people and let them use me because that was my only importance; to be used and discarded when done with. No one really ever loved me or cared about me. People, and vampires, were just liars. If only I had found that out so much sooner. I would probably be out of all the pain that had destroyed me.

"I was going to say damaged but yes," he said lightly, "well besides one part. Even with a broken heart you are still beautiful. I will never understand what my brother was thinking when he left you…It is all my fault though and I will never be able to tell you how horrible I feel for it. "

"Shut up Jasper," I said letting my frustration at myself be directed at him. The beautiful remark hurt my feelings a little, adding onto the pain I already felt. I knew I was just a plane stupid girl. If he wanted to try to make me feel better he would have a better chance using his gift then his lies.

"This is all on Edward," I continued. "Do not try to take the blame for what he did. I knew what I was walking into when Edward and I started dating. It was only a matter of time before he realized I wasn't good enough to be with him. I'm just a pathetic little human." I said the last part to myself but of course he heard me.

"Isabella," he paused. "We destroyed your life by leaving as we did. We all should have fought harder against Edward to stay here. I'm so…"

"Don't," I snapped. I was so sick of the word sorry. It didn't make me feel any better and Jasper has nothing to be apologizing for. There was something I wanted to know but I didn't know how to ask without coming off rude. It was almost laughable that even after almost killing myself I still thought about other people's feelings. It was just sad.

"If you're worrying about me killing you I'm not even thirsty. I hunted before I came."

I snorted weakly. "I just begged you to kill me after you stopped me from killing myself. Do you honestly think I would worry about that?"

I heard him growl softly in his throat. "Fine, then what are you worried about?" It didn't take a mind reader to know he was biting his tongue. I was curious to know what he thought about me now. He hadn't really liked me to begin with so I wasn't really sure his opinion of me could get much lower.

"Why are you here…?"

His cold hand was suddenly off my back. "Alice had a vision of you killing yourself and I just couldn't let that happen. I'm sorry if me being here is uncomfortable for you but I had your human life in mind. You would be leaving behind all of your friends and family. Charlie would be devastated." I kind of wanted to tell him that all of the people in my "human life" were all strangers to me now but the thoughts alone made me want to cry.

"I think you would be more uncomfortable here then I would be of you. How are you able to be this close to me? I thought…Well I thought you were the weakest in their family and even he had trouble staying next to me at times."

"The family never had much trust in me because I was the newest in their ways. Of course it was mostly their fault considering I felt all of their emotions. Whenever one was thirsty I felt it twice as bad. I can control myself though. After your birthday it forced me to gain better control over my animal instincts. I won't kill you, even if you want me too."

I frowned. I was just so…I didn't even know. My emotions were going out of control. I was angry, upset, hurt, ashamed, depressed, lonely…It was all too much to feel on a daily basis. Why couldn't he understand that I desperately needed this to end?

"Why the hell do you even care Jasper?" I turned onto my back so I could look at him as I spoke through clenched teeth. "You never went out of your way to get to know me. You don't even like me. What does my life matter to you? If I want it to be over with I should be able to end it without your interference! Just get the hell out! You couldn't possibly understand how I feel, empath or not! You have someone who loves you unconditionally who wants to spend forever with you. Just go back to your family and don't come back!"

His eyes turned the blackest I had ever seen. I knew something I said had caused a great emotion in him and, though it irritated me further, I felt kind of bad. He shifted his eyes toward the window as though he was contemplating leaving but he didn't budge. He started to say something then stopped. He dropped his head into his hands and very quietly said, "I know exactly how you feel actually. Alice, my wife for over fifty years, left me for a stronger vampire that couldn't feel whatever she was feeling and didn't get on her nerves. She replaced me for someone better." His voice sounded a bit choked up. I was sure he would cry if he were able too.

I was in utter shock, numbing all of my other feelings temporarily. Alice had left Jasper? I had thought vampires mated for life. How could she end something that lasted for so long for some vampire she didn't even know half as long as she knew him! It was understandable for Edward to leave me, but for Alice to desert Jasper….I felt dreadful for forcing him to think about it. His pain had to be far worse than mine which made me wonder why he was with me. My depression would only amplify his. I did not envy him for his ability.

"Oh, Jasper I'm s…" I broke off. Apologizing wouldn't rewind time so it was pretty pointless. "That's horrible what she did to you and I didn't mean what I said. It just never stopped hurting, even after all this time and I didn't mean to take it out on you."

"I know," he said simply. We sat there in silence until I heard Charlie pull into the driveway. Before I would have to worry about cooking dinner but Charlie usually ordered something from the station and picked it up on the way home. He always bought me something even though I only picked at it, if that. I hated the way he looked at me to see if I was getting better and every time I was only worse. It was so unfair for him to have such false hope.

"Charlie is going to come up," I warned him. He was suddenly off the bed. I wasn't sure if he had jumped out of the window or was hiding in the closet but he was gone. A little while later I heard Charlie's footsteps on the stairs. He knocked lightly on the door before entering. He gasped when he saw me.

"Bella! What happened?" He ran to my side and dropped to his knees beside me. Thankfully the pizza box stayed shut when it dropped to the floor. Maybe it was Jasper, but for once I actually felt like eating.

I must have looked worse than I thought by Charlie's reaction. I felt horrible for not getting cleaned up before he came. Once again he was worrying about me and it was so wrong. I never should have come to Forks. "I was in the forest for a little bit. I guess I fell a lot," I said weakly.

"What were you doing out there? You know about the bear sightings! Are you trying to get yourself killed?"

If only he knew, I thought darkly. Vaguely, I remembered someone talking about giant bears roaming around and killing people. It hadn't really come to mind when I went out there but a bear attack would have been better for Charlie to handle than suicide. I grimaced slightly. Emmett had been killed by a bear…

"I'm sorry," I whispered. Tears began clouding my eyes. Every thought I had returned to them in some way. It was driving me crazy. I wish Charlie didn't have to deal with this. I was such an inconvenience to everyone.

"Oh Bells I didn't mean to yell at you. I just worry about you. You haven't been the same and I just want to have my daughter back."

I threw myself into his arms when I saw his eyes tear up. I was full out crying again. "I'm sorry. I'll try harder and I'll take the pills. I promise. I'm sorry. I'm sorry."

"Sh," Charlie cooed as he rocked me. He stood and sat us both on the bed. I felt a little bit of comfort as he rocked me back and forth. "I know how you feel Bella. Your mom did the same thing to me and I fell apart but after awhile it got better. It won't always hurt so badly. I'm not saying that it will ever stop hurting but it won't be so bad," he said honestly. It reminded me of what Jasper had told me earlier.

We stayed that way for awhile until Charlie suggested I go take a shower. I agreed to make him happy, the same as promising to eat the whole small pizza he got me. When he left the room Jasper didn't make a reappearance. I figured he decided to take my advice and return to his family. I really shouldn't have spoken to him the way I had, especially since he was going through the same thing.

It was still difficult for me to wrap my mind around what Jasper had told me. It was even harder for me to believe that he was really here. He came back into my life to save me. Alice, the one who actually saw it, wasn't here. Some best friend she was. I wondered if my death would even mean anything to her. It was easy enough for her to abandon me so why would it be any trouble to let me kill myself.

When I returned to my room, freshly washed and clean, I took my pill. Mentally I made a note to continue taking them every day, no matter how pointless I thought they were. I needed to get better but not just for Charlie, for me too. I deserved better than this…And when I stopped believing that I would at least try to get better for my dad.

I changed into a forest green tank top. Usually I would just sleep in my underwear but since I was unsure if Jasper would be returning I pulled on a pair of black shorts. I thought about Jasper as I ate my pepperoni pizza quickly. It had been so long since I really ate anything. I always picked at it or pretended to eat it just for Charlie's sake but I was never hungry. Jasper had to have some affect over that. He probably sent me a wave of hunger before he disappeared. I appreciated it if that were the case. It seems depression and heartbreak is the perfect diet plan. The tank top was baggy on me, the same as the shorts. I needed to start eating again, for Charlie.

Charlie was in bed before Jasper jumped into my room. I was reading Withering Heights as I waited. It had been so long since I had picked up this book. It was always the simplest things that you missed the most. I could feel myself taking a tiny step out of my depression, not saying that I was cured by any means. It would still be a long time before I was back to being Bella. I was just saying that Jasper's presence and him saving my life made me feel cared about…Or Alice leaving him made me feel better because I wasn't the only one that had their heart ripped out. That was horrible of me to feel comforted by someone else's misery so I really hoped it was the first reason.

"I was going to stay away until tomorrow but I got lonely," Jasper said quietly. "I was wondering if you wouldn't mind terribly if I stayed here tonight. I know you have nightmares and I could keep them away, let you get a good night's sleep." His Texas drawl eased out a little as he shifted his weight to his other foot.

Though the fact that he openly admitted his feelings to me caught me off guard I was more interested in what he had said. "You would only know about my nightmares if you were here before. How long have you been here?"

He grimaced. I could tell he didn't mean to let that slip. "This is only my second day here. I wanted to let you see me before but I didn't know what to say to you or how you would react and…I had to adjust to your emotions before I got that close. Not even vampires can hit me with emotions as strong as yours. I find that it's quite…suffocating."

"Oh…" I wasn't sure how to respond to that so I decided not to. "Yeah, I guess it would be okay for you to stay. I won't exactly be the best company."

With his sensitive hearing I would probably make him death when the nightly screaming started. Although he was here before so he obviously take it and I wasn't going to complain about his company, even if I would be unconscious. Just knowing that someone was willing to be around for more than five minutes and not run away was enough to raise my spirits a tiny bit.

"Well I'd rather watch you sleep then sit in an empty house by myself. There are far too many memories for comfort there." He cautiously moved closer to my bed. I nodded as to let him know it was alright to sit. He sat cross legged in front of me. With slow movements, as not to frighten me, he gently picked up my wrist and began examining it. His cold fingers traced over the red scars.

I fought with myself to not jerk away from him. He was the first one to see my scars and probably the only one that ever would. Jasper had no connections to the humans in Forks so he couldn't possibly tell anyone and it wasn't like he would yell at me to go see a shrink. Besides, for some reason I trusted him with my secret. He knew what it felt like to lose someone he loved with all of his heart.

"If you don't mind me asking, when did you start?"

"The day he left. If you think my emotions are bad now you wouldn't have been able to function then. The cutting is the only thing that eases the pain. I know that sounded really stupid but…"

"No it's okay. I sort of understand. Everyone has different ways to release their feelings. When Alice left me I…" He cut short as if realizing he had said too much. I could tell in his face he wanted to talk about it though.

"I won't judge you," I assured him. "It's not like I am in any place to say anything about anyone."

"Oh I'm sure you will judge me," he said darkly, "but that isn't why I stopped. I know you worry about everyone else beside yourself so I assure you Charlie and your friends are all safe, as well as you are."

I frowned. "Alright," I drawled.

He took a deep breath. "I was very reckless and careless. I felt very similar to how you have been feeling which is never healthy for a vampire. You see when Alice decided we were no longer meant to be I felt as though I was alone in the world. I only became a part of the Cullen clan because of Alice. Though I was with them for a long time I never really had a strong connection to any of them and if it came down to it they would all choose Alice over me.

I wasn't thinking clearly. Vampires have covens for a reason. Solitary vampires, nomads I suppose, who lack communication with others, become volatile and insane. Alice left me a week after Edward left you and those few months I spent by myself…I wasn't feeding regularly and one day I was taking a walk through the forest...There were campers, a family. I was so thirsty I hadn't realized what I had done until their bodies lied around me. A married couple and a girl. She was so young, maybe 10 or 11. I had never taken the life of someone so young….I didn't mean to, I swear to you Bella, and it was so quick I am sure they hadn't felt a thing." A broken sob escaped his lips and tears that would never be shed burned in his eyes. "I know I am a monster and I have no right to ask you but please don't force me to leave. I am not strong enough alone. I need you to help me. You are the only one I have left!"

I stared at Jasper with wide eyes as he tearlessly sobbed and begged for me to keep him. Tears of my own welled up in my eyes. What was left of my heart broke for him. Almost a century of his life had been spent with Alice and she left him, taken away his family. There was something I could relate to.

I held my arms open to Jasper who eagerly fell into them. We laid back; Jasper's arms were tightly bound around my waist and his head rested on my chest. I ran my fingers soothingly through his honey blond hair. Thankfully he remembered I was breakable and kept his hold light, well light for him. I was sure there was a possible chance that I would have bruises.

Tears streamed down my cheek. I cried for many reasons. Edward leaving me of course was number one but also for Jasper's new found misery in the relationship he lost and the family he murdered. I cried for the sadness that my mother caused Charlie that he never seemed to recover from. I cried from the life that I had left wither away and I cried just for the sake of crying. Hoping that maybe, the tears that came crawling from my eyes would allow some of the pain to leave all of the broken souls that were no longer loved and no longer mattered.

I wasn't quite sure when I finally drifted off to sleep but I felt more rested then I had in a few months. I glanced at the clock, 5:30 am. It was obviously thanks to Jasper that I had slept so long. He was still in the same position from before. He looked up at me when he realized I was awake. He dropped his eyes and quickly sat up.

"I'm sorry," he mumbled. I wasn't quite sure for what. He hadn't made me uncomfortable or anything. It was nice to have contact with someone, even if he was freezing cold. I was grateful his skin didn't make me think of him too much. I appreciated the help he had already given me just by staying with me and understanding.

"I didn't mind lying with you. I actually think I needed it. This is the first time in months that I hadn't woken up screaming."

He didn't seem to know how to respond so he just lay back, keeping distance between us. I tiredly prepped myself up on my elbow. Now that there was a little light in the room I could see him, his eyes. They were completely red. I felt my heart speed quicken as fear gripped me. It was foolish to be afraid of him as I was mere hours from almost dying. Nothing should scare but looking into his eyes had me totally frightened.

He jumped up and ran toward my window. "No, wait!" I yelled then lowered my voice "'I'm sorry come back. It hadn't clicked that your eyes would still be red…How long ago did you…?"

"Wednesday," he answered still facing the window.

It made me shiver to know just four days ago he had murdered that family but still I sat up and asked, "Please don't go. I don't want to be alone anymore." I hated to hear the desperation in my voice but the thought of being alone made me terrified. What if I wanted to hurt myself again, or worse?

He sighed deeply before slowly turning around. His eyes were focused on the floor as he came closer. He sat down beside me and leaned against the backboard. "I do not want to invade your space or cause you any discomfort," he whispered with a wince.

I tilted my head slightly. I always had that reaction when I thought of something that made me think of Edward. I suddenly felt mad. "Did Alice tell you that you invaded her space?"

He nodded sadly. "I was too clingy and emotional for her."

"Aw Jasper she shouldn't have said that. I saw the way you two were together, the love in your eyes whenever you looked at her. If she doesn't appreciate you the way you are then she doesn't deserve you."

He forced a smile. "Thank you Bella. I know we were never really close but I would really like for us to become friends. It is asking a bit much considering what I did but…"

I cut him off. "What you did is in the past Jasper. It's horrible that they are dead but I know how you regret it. I would love to get to know you better. He never told me anything about you."

"Yes well it isn't a surprise since there are many things I've done far worse than murdering that family. I wanted to get to know you but Edward had the least faith in me. He was always terrified to bring you to the house whenever I was home because he was so sure I would try to bite you. I never once thought about it though, until your birthday…I hope I have your forgiveness for that. I never meant to…"

"Jasper," I snapped. "There is nothing to forgive. You are a vampire, if you were normal it would be a lot worse. You would have killed me when I asked."

He sighed. "You are far too lenient for your own good."

I disregarded that comment and asked, "What is worse than murdering that family?"

He stiffened.

"Oh I didn't mean to get in your business; I just want to be able to understand you better. You don't have to answer."

"I could tell you. It makes me feel better to talk about things but I don't think you would want to hear of what I am capable of doing. Even Carlisle was unnerved when he heard of my doings. I am a true monster. I don't want you to be afraid of me."

I held his hand. "Jasper I won't run away from you if that is how you think I will react. I'm not going anywhere."

He stared at me a moment then told me everything. I hadn't realized how old he was. The fact that he had fought in the war wasn't a complete shock because he was always reading war books but I never considered he was in the Civil War.

When he told me about Maria I was filled with rage. How could someone be so cynical and manipulative? Jasper had been through so much. It had made him a stronger person but it must have been a horrendous thing to experience. I was glad he had such a great friendship with Peter. Even then he still had his humanity when he let him save his mate Charlotte. Jasper truly was a great man, even if Alice was too stupid to see that.

I waited a few minutes to let all of what Jasper told me sink in. He looked so nervous, like he was expecting me to scream and tell him to leave me alone forever. Alice really ruined his trust even further in people. I use to see her as my best friend, as my sister, but after leaving me and Jasper I had no respect left for her. She was dead to me.

I took a deep breath and asked quietly, "Can I see?"

He instantly knew what I was talking about and his fingers began to fidget. "I don't know Bella. They are hideous," he said uncomfortably.

"I showed you my scars. It's only fair that you show me yours," I told him lightly before adding. "If your story didn't freak me out your little scars won't either. Have you forgotten I have one too?" I flashed him the bite mark from James.

He carefully rolled his shirt sleeve up without uttering a word. A gasp escaped my mouth before I could stop it. It was hell to be bitten once by a vampire but Jasper had to be bitten over a hundred times. With a trembling hand I ran my fingers gently over the bites. His eyes connected with mine and all of the anxiousness disappeared.

I smiled lightly. "See? No big deal. And I don't think they are hideous, Jazz."

He gently pulled me into his arms. "Thank you. I know you probably don't want to be compared to Alice but she really loathed my scars. She said she couldn't stand seeing them because it made her think of the vampires that did this to me. I knew it was really because she thought they were repulsing."

If I were a vampire I would hunt Alice down and destroy her. I had always thought she cared so much about Jasper but all she did was lower his self esteem and controlled him. In my opinion, she was just as bad as Maria.

Even though I didn't want to build up Alice I didn't want Jasper to feel self conscious about his scars. "I'm sure she wasn't repulsed by them Jasper." I began to trace the bites very lightly with my middle finger.

"Even if she hadn't told me I could feel her emotions. If I wanted to be in the same room as her, none of my scars could be seen or I would feel her disgust toward me. She refused to be intimate with me unless I wore a shirt. She never asked me to swim with her or just sit on the beach because then she would have to see them." His voice was so sad it made my chest hurt.

With my eyes locked on his I lowered myself to his arm and gently kissed all of the bites. He seemed openly shocked that I did that. I was kind of shocked myself that I did something so bold. There was something about Jasper that just made me feel different, feel better. He squeezed me tighter to his chest and kissed my forehead. When his lips made the connection to my skin I felt a little zap of electricity. It wasn't unpleasant though, it just had me looking at Jasper with new eyes. Was it possible that I wasn't feeling so crumby because there was someone new to replace the broken heart that Edward had claim to? At that moment I didn't care. For the first time in a long time, I was okay.

~This is the first one shot story I have ever written. I found it harder to compose than normal chapter stories. If you like this please let me know. I have another I am working on with Emmett and Bella. I was also thinking about doing one with Paul and Embry as well. Please also let me know if you would like me to turn this story into a chapter story instead of this one shot. Thank you very much for reading. Please review~