So this is my second story. For all new readers please be sure to read my first story, Daddy's Little Helper, it will bring you up to speed for this one. For readers that have been with me, Welcome to my second story and thanks for taking a chance on me again. I hope you enjoy this one as much as the first, and who knows maybe there's a third story. Well here we go:

2 Years Later

Ok first I want to bring everybody up to speed with our family after two years. Well Randy is back wrestling with the WWE. Legacy has since been disbanded and Randy is now in a program with John Cena. Ted and Cody are still around even though their singles wrestlers now. Auden left her job as the Make-up artist to stay home with the kids, tough job keeping up with an eight-year-old and two-year-old. Little Zoey is thriving in her home schooling. She does school with a few other kids on their street and there's a lady with a teaching license who does it. She's one of the smarter ones among her third grade peers. Other than home schooling she is getting started in karate and taking a cooking class for kids on the side. Well little Blaise spends in days between Caillou and Diego. When not watching TV, he's following Zoey or Randy around, or off doing his own thing.

Enough of that, let's get to it:

"Well Ms. Orton everything seems to be perfect and right on schedule. You can count on this one being bigger than your first" Dr. Shoo explained to his patient.

Auden stared at the figure on the screen. She wanted a natural birth with this one but if he or she was too big, she may have to opt for the c-section again. She sat up as the Doctor handed her a cloth to wipe the substance off her belly.

"Thank you Dr. Shoo, well this kind of changes plans".

"Well we have to do what's right for the baby, if he or she is too big, it will be hard for it to get through the birth canal".

"C-section it is then".

"Ok. I'll call you with the date of your next appointment, until then be sure to be eating well and getting plenty of rest".

"Right, thanks again Dr. Shoo".

Auden slid off the table with her purse. Her hopes for a natural birth dashed.

Randy was getting annoyed with the insistent knocking on his hotel door. If it was Ted and Cod, he'd RKO their asses right on the spot. He crossed the room wearing nothing but his jeans and opened the door. Oh great. Maryse.


"What do you want?" Randy said cutting straight to the point.

"Isn't it obvious my love" She said running her finger down his bare chest.

"Don't touch me. I've told you I'm happily married. That means for you not a chance in hell".

"You don't really love her Randy".

"Yes I do, bye".

"Wait, come with me to get something to eat before the show tonight" Maryse said.

"I don't eat before I wrestle and I'm not interested in your company".

"I like a man that plays hard to get".

"You know I don't mind RKO'ing women right?".

"Ok. One day Randy you'll wake up and realize what your missing" Maryse said motioning down her body.

"What would I be missing, a hospital check-up for stds, I don't think so. Get the hell away from me and stay away" Randy said then slammed the door in her face.

Bitches can't take no for an answer.

"18, 19,20.…ready or not here I come!" Zoey shouted.

The kids were currently on break from their studies and were outside playing hide and go seek. Zoey smirked, of course she wasn't supposed to peek but in this case it worked in her favor. Trevor Francis here I come. She knew exactly where he liked to hide.

Zoey creeped around the side of the house and crawled underneath the porch of the house. Bingo, there sat Trevor with wide eyes. He started to dart out the other side but Zoey stopped him.

"Wait Trevor, if you kiss me I won't make you it".

"No way".

"But you don't want to be the boy who gets tagged by a girl" Zoey taunted.

Trevor looked at her. Not that Zoey wasn't cute to him, he just didn't like the idea of kissing. But then again, he didn't want to be known as the boy who got caught by a girl. What the heck, just a kiss.


Zoey grinned and scooted closer. She closed her eyes and puckered her lips. Trevor hesitated for like a second and then closed his eyes and quickly kissed her lips.

"Trevor Francis and Zoey Orton!".

They both jumped and turned to see Mrs. Roberts peering under the porch at them with the other kids beside her. Some staring in awe and other's giggling.

"You two get out from under there right now. I won't condone this kind of behavior".

Zoey slid out from under the porch ahead of Trevor. While she didn't plan on getting caught at least she got kissed by Trevor Francis.

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