Hello, readers! I'm back again to give you…Chapter two of, "Springtime in Karakura"!

Before I say anything else, I want to thank those who have reviewed my story so far. I really appreciate the comments and constructive criticism that I get from you guys. It makes a world of difference sometimes.

Next, this is an important note regarding chapter 2 of this story. This chapter will be told completely from Rukia's point of view. There you go.

Also, before I start this story I just want to give you guys a quick message, and sorry if it's a downer: In the past I've been complimented for how fast I upload, but that was almost a year ago, and I wasn't nearly as busy then as I am now. Therefore, I'll try my best to upload as fast as I can, but in most instances I won't be uploaded literally a day or two after my last update. I'm sure you guys understand.

I hope that didn't bum you guys out too much. But if it did this might cheer you up a bit. I give you…CHAPTER TWO!

Disclaimer: I don't own BLEACH or the 10th Squad's awesome captain and his almost as awesome lieutenant. I count two BIG reasons why Rangiku is awesome (that was a joke. Feel free to laugh.).

Springtime in Karakura

Chapter 2: Ichigo did what?!

Later that day in class, neither Rukia nor Ichigo could keep their minds off of one another or the wordless exchange that occurred between them on the way to school that morning. Both of them had conflicting thoughts and emotions regarding that event, and it showed. Unlike their calm, cheerful demeanor from earlier that morning, they were both spacing out and jumped when a loud noise was made, like a dropped book or a slammed locker, jerking them out of their own little worlds. This only lasted for a few seconds before they fell into their own musings and feelings of conflicting joy, hope, and doubt.

With Rukia:

As she sat there at her desk, staring off into space, Rukia felt elated and hopeful; however, she felt nervous and conscientious at the same time. Was Ichigo watching me? Why? Because he loves me? Because I looked weird to him? Did I have something in my hair? Her hand slowly crept up to the back of her head and felt around, anxiously checking to see if there really was some ugly, unexpected passenger in her hair. To her relief, there wasn't. As relief swept through her, she began to think again. If he does like me, why hasn't he made a move yet? Ichigo isn't the timid type. He's very direct, and blunt and straight forward. Ohhh, I love that about him, even if it does annoy me sometimes. And his eyes…mmm…I could stare into those glowing brown eyes for an eter-

"Stop! Stay focused," Rukia commanded herself. She hated it when her mind wandered like that! Then, she gasped and her eyes shot open. Had she just said that out loud?

She heard the teacher clear her throat and she looked up slowly, her face reddening in her embarrassment. "Is there something you would like to say, Ms. Kuchiki?" the teacher asked the girl, the annoyance in her voice as clear as day.

"Uh-uh-um," Rukia stammered. "May I please go to the bathroom?"

The teacher rolled her eyes. "If it'll keep you from interrupting my lecture," she replied coldly.

"Thank you," Rukia mumbled as she made her way out through the classroom and towards the door. On her way out Rukia's eyes met Ichigo's, and he wore a look on his face that nearly broke her heart. It was a look that said, "I'm almost totally positive of what you were thinking about." Second, he looked halfway between laughing and being completely embarrassed himself, a slight blush tinting his cheeks.

As soon as she was out the door, Rukia ran, her footfalls echoing behind her in the empty halls, to the nearest bathroom, bolted into a stall and locked the door before she sat down and put her face in her hands, trying to keep herself from crying. Why am I acting like this? She thought to herself as she fought her tears. I am Rukia Kuchiki of Squad Thirteen of the Gotei 13 and a member of the noble Kuchiki family. I'm too strong, too tough, and too smart to act like some depraved little schoolgirl with a crush. She sat up and wiped off a few of the tears that had escaped and made their way down her face.

But, still, she began to think as she slumped back down in deep thought, her willpower failing her. I really do love him. But I guess I'm just acting this way because…I don't know. Maybe part of it's because I'm unsure of how Ichigo feels about me? Wait, maybe…but…no, that's mot it…

The small, confused beauty sat there, not moving, and thinking about her feelings and thinking about Ichigo and how he feels until the dismissal bell rang and shook her from her thoughts. "Oh, man, I was in her for a while," she thought out loud as she checked herself in the mirror for tearstains or red eyes. When she deemed herself ready to go, she opened the door and stepped into the now bustling hallway.

I'm still so shaken up and nervous, Rukia thought as she scanned the crowds, looking for her friends. I don't know if I can handle it if I ran into Ichigo right now.

And, of course, as fate would have it, Rukia wasn't looking where she was going and she walked right into Ichigo himself. He grunted from the surprise collision and looked down.

Rukia squeaked and turned red again. This day just kept getting more and more humiliating for her. "Whoops. Heh-heh. Speak of the devil. I've been looking for you Ichigo. Where have you been, you rascal, you? Heh," she stammered nervously as she awkwardly play-elbowed his chest. She felt like she was going to die from her heart beating.

He looked annoyed and kind of confused, but Rukia saw something else in his eyes. She couldn't quite put her finger on it, but she could tell that it was something good; something calming.

Ichigo's voice brought her back to reality when he rattled off her multiple offenses. "You yell in the middle of a lecture like an idiot, then bolt out of the classroom like a freakin' army of Hollows is after you, and none of see or hear from you for the rest of class, I'm worried sick about y-" he stopped mid-rant before correcting himself. "Everyone's worried about you and wondering if you're okay, then I finally find you when you run into me with your head in the god damn clouds and all you can think of to explain your self is that weird-ass little monologue?!"

Rukia looked at her feet, her face red and her body shaking. However her face wore a small smile. He almost said that he was worried sick about me, she thought, starting to feel light-headed. In her mind, a small Rukia and Chappy the Rabbit were dancing around singing a victory song at the now slightly more good and certain news.

Rukia had to cover herself up, so she reverted her face into her usual tough look and raised her voice. "Yeah, so what, Ichigo?! I was feeling under the weather so I had to take a break! What the hell does it matter to you anyway?!" she shouted in reply.

"I, uh…it doesn't!" Ichigo argued. "But you still shouldn't disappear like that! What if a Hollow showed up and you were 'taking a break?' Would you still be so defensive then?!"

"Whatever," Rukia snapped back at him. "Let's just head home."

"Fine," Ichigo shot back. "Today is too good a day to have it messed up by your weirdness." Rukia shot him a look but stayed quiet as they walked out the doors of the school building and onto the street in silence, both of them lost once again in their thoughts.

Rukia watched Ichigo out of the corner of her eye, and she noticed that he looked odd, almost like he was thinking very hard about something, or trying very hard to do something with little progress. He had his hands buried in his pockets and he was slightly slouched with his head down in thought, causing his orange hair to fall over his face, obstructing his eyes from her view.

Rukia was a little concerned. "Hey, Ichigo, are you alright? You seem to be thinking about something important," she asked.

Ichigo jumped a little, as though shaken from a dream. "What?!" he spat irritably before he saw Rukia's concerned face. "Oh, I mean…uh, yeah. Everything's fine over here. How about you?"

Rukia felt like this was a little awkward, but was pleased that Ichigo didn't seem very mad at her like he was at school. So she smiled slightly. "Uh, yeah. I'm doing pretty good. No Hollows lately," she replied calmly.

Ichigo still looked nervous and awkward for some reason, but before Rukia could ask him why he was acting so strangely, he stopped walking.

Rukia turned, confused, annoyed, and concerned with how he was acting. "Ichigo, what's up?" she asked, staring at him.

Ichigo looked her right in the eyes, and her heart leapt. She'd seen this look before. The look Ichigo got when he decided he was going to do something hard or important; when he decided to win and reach his goal. She saw his resolve.

Before she knew it Ichigo was standing right in front of her, stilling looking her in the eyes. Their height difference was so large that she had to look up to see him. Once her eyes were locked onto his Ichigo began to speak. "Look, Rukia, I'm not gonna beat around the bush and worm my way through this conversation so I'm just gonna say it okay," he said in his direct, blunt, I'm-telling-you-not-asking-you voice. The resolve in his eyes was so bright at this point that Rukia had to squint a little to look at him. That was when he said the words that changed the course of Rukia's life forever.

"Do you wanna go out sometime?"

Oh, shit! Did that just happen?! I think it did. And you witnessed it! Alright, thanks for reading chapter 2 of "Springtime in Karakura" and I hope you guys stay tuned for chapter 3 sometime in the next week because it will be just as epic and it will fill in some holes from this chapter regarding Ichigo's POV, as well as Rukia's unknown (but soon-to-be-known) answer to Ichigo's request for a date. So, thanks again for reading and stay tuned because chapter 3 is gonna be put up ASAP.

PLEASE REVIEW! Tell me what you thought of this chapter using just your opinions and constructive criticism, please. FLAMES WILL NOT BE TOLERATED, SO NO FLAMES PLEASE.