Say Ah

By Zafo

A/N: This was just a random thought that spiraled out of control. If you guys don't know, England, or Arthur from Axis Powers Hetalia and Sasuke from Naruto both have the same voice actors. Yep. Nothing too serious or long, by the way. At most I think it will be a three-shot or so.

Chapter One: NARUTO was made in Korea!


"Hey , England! You should like, totally wake up now!"

Sasuke opened his eyes and glanced groggily around the room, taking in an array of blurred faces. A few seconds later, his vision cleared up and Sasuke got the shock of his life.

He sat up abruptly and gave a deadly glare to all those around him, emitting an aura of killer intent.

"Hah, told you I could wake him!" boasted Poland.

America grinned. "What's the matter, England? One of your little fairy friends put you to sleep?"

Sasuke opened his mouth, then closed it again. Faeries?

"Yo...why are you looking at me like that?" asked America.

'Doesn't he always?" said France, a rather bored look on his face.

Sasuke kept his silence.

Who were all these people? What happened to him? Did he suddenly get drugged and dragged into some kind of...whatever-this-was?

Sasuke slowly reached his hand down for his shuriken holster, but instead felt a coarse and unfamiliar material on his leg. He stared down at his person to realize that he was dressed in some kind of...hideous green uniform.

" clothes..." he croaked. So the bastards undressed him while he was asleep?! Were they perverts?! What did they want from him?! Was this some kind of sick male prostitution ring?! He knew he was good-looking, but....

"Give them back!"

The other nations glanced at each other and broke out into quiet whispers, some looking slightly concerned while others looking outright amused.

America was one of those amused. "HAHAHA! What other clothes do you have, England? The Britannia Angel toga?""

"My name is Sasuke!" he snapped, feeling irrationally angry. So they kidnapped him, and they didn't even know who he was...?!

The room stilled.

"Ah....isn't that...a Japanese name?" Lithuania asked tentatively.

"Like, I bet it's all his fault! Didn't England like, recently take a trip to Japan or something?!" Poland accused, twirling a strand of blonde hair impatiently.

They all turned towards the Asiatic nation, who shifted on his feet uncomfortably. He fingered the white collar of uniform and nodded a subtle 'yes.'

"Ve~! This is just like one of his comic books!" Italy chirped happily.

America shot Italy a suspicious look. Germany closed his eyes and slide a gloved hand down his face in a slow, tired way.

Why did it always, always have something to do with his former allies?

"Italy...what comic books?"

"The ones he has in his room, ve~!"

Sasuke, twitching, finally spoke: slowly, dangerously, deliberately.

"I don't know what's going on here....but someone better tell me fast...or someone is going to get hurt."

Canada gulped. "Maple! E-England hasn't been this mad since the American Revolution...!"

"MY NAME'S NOT ENGLAND!" he yelled, finally losing his temper. Poor Canada drew back completely, receding like a turtle into his baggy hoodie.

China slowly inched over to Japan's side and muttered something into his ear. Whatever it was, it was enough to make Japan lose his cool and lash out completely:


"Don't deny it, aru! I taught you better then this!"

The siblings were quick to argue, reverting back to their respective languages to shout and point fingers at each other. If America could put words into their mouths, he would've guessed that it all went something along the lines of:

"Fix him, aru!"

"I don't fucking know how!"

"How do you not know how?!"

"Because it's not my fault!"

But America wasn't concerned. It wasn't that big a deal, was it?

And even if it was...well, he was the hero!

"I say we find that comic! It probably has something to do with England acting so weird!"

"I'M NOT--"

Korea gave a loud, dramatic cough.

Sasuke stopped midway and nearly burst a blood vessel at the smug look on the nation's face. This was all just too much. Too many people were talking at once and he was too confused. Had he still his chakra, Sasuke would have chidoried all these strange people ages ago. Not only did he not have any power now, but he also did not have any weapons to compensate for said lack of power.

While the nations were all bickering and acting stupid , Sasuke had tried again and again to call out his energies with no viable result--- save for an unfamiliar and useless set of annoying little flyings things that popped up around him to add to the chatter. The sparkling glitter they left behind were still burning his retinas.

"Comrade Korea, are you getting sick?" asked Russia.

"No! But I've got...." he paused. "I'"

"OUT WITH IT ALREADY, ARU!" shouted China.

Korea snickered, then proceeded to whip out some kind of book from his ridiculously long sleeves.

"I've got the comic!"

"Ehh?!! How did you get the comic so fast!" France asked incredulously.

Korea stuck his tongue out.

"'Cuz world meetings always get so boring! And NARUTO was made in Korea, da ze!"

There was a small silence before the room went to hell: Sasuke lunged forward to seize the manga out of Korea's hands, knocking Korea off his chair who grabbed onto Lichtenstein who fell as Sasuke ran away, thus setting off an angry Switzerland to her 'rescue.'


"Big brother...!"

"SWISS CHEESE!" shouted Korea. WAIT!!"

But it was too late. Switzerland had already gone into position, slinging the gun over his shoulder and taking aim at the wayward 'England.'

Sasuke glanced back after quickly flipping through the comic (shocked, flattered, and unprecedentedly disturbed upon finding pictures of both himself and his teammates from his pre-teen years) and came face-to-face with the vision of a blond boy with a silly white hat pointing some kind of weapon at him...a red dot moving from his forehead (after a few seconds hesitation) down to his leg and ---


Sasuke howled, and both Canada and America rushed over as the blood began to seep through the fabric of his pants. France looked on impassively. The other nations looked down at 'England,' then up at a remorseless Switzerland, then over to to tense Japan....

The land of the rising sun covered his face in hands.

"It''s not my fault." he moaned. China was torn between beating him with his wok and giving him a hug to comfort him. Since he knew that Japan would not stand for the latter, China settled for the wok instead.


Japan gave a loud cry as the wok hit him over the head, rubbing furiously at the developing bump while glaring daggers at his former caretaker. A rose--colored blush developed over his pale features, embarrassed and angry all at once.

"That was like, totally harsh China!"

China gave a small smile at both Japan and Poland.

"Ah, but it's still love, aru!"

Meanwhile, Sasuke was writhing with incomprehensible pain on the floor while a worried America and Canada began to fret over him. Their voices mingled and mixed with each other's into complete nonsense. He was only able to make out a single word, over and over again:


"England! "


Sasuke took a deep, deep breath.

He braced himself and cracked open one eye, then two, widening them both in complete shock as his brain registered the dirty blonde reflection staring back at him within America's glasses.

Holy Hell.

Those eyebrows were thicker than Rock Lee's--!

[End Chapter One)

A/N: Done for now~! Tell me what you guys think, yeah? :D