Characters © Respective Owners


"What is going on here?" Robin demanded furiously, throwing his arms out into the air as Thunder and Lightning nervously gulped. "You two lied and destroyed Kashin! Rasvok Petrov was very specific when he reported you two on the scene of the crime."

"We did not mean for any harm to fall on these villagers," Thunder entreated as Robin crossed his arms.

"Then why did everyone just run for the hills? Those two-" Robin pointed up to Jetfire and Jetstorm haughtily. "-were the ones destroying the place initially!"

"Yeah, guys, why're you helping them?" Cyborg asked, annoyance in his voice.

"We were only assisting in defeating him!" Lightning shouted, pointing over to Starscream. "He is the true villain!"

"Yes, they is telling the truth!" Jetfire cried.

"Wow, he speaks even worse than Star," Beast Boy stated as Starfire gasped indignantly. She smacked him over the shoulder, shoving him into the snow. "Ow, what'd I say?"

"I still haven't heard an answer from you two," Robin growled. "Why couldn't you two tell us?"

"Well, clearly you all would think us to be of mentally incapable to belong in the Titans," Lightning snarled, crossing his arms. "In fact, you still do not trust us. We do one mistake that involves Slade, and you never put faith in us. Ha! Some worthy leader you are!"

"Peace, Lightning!" Thunder begged, but Robin flared, clenching his fists.

"Because you two were just hedonists that did whatever felt good," he hissed through clenched teeth. "You two were more concerned with your playtime that you never cared about anyone else!"

They winced, knowing the fact to be true. Before the Titans, they did whatever they wanted, having little concern for the populace. Lightning drew back slightly behind Thunder, biting his lip and looked shamefully towards the ground.

"There also was no drought in India," Raven chimed in, making Thunder glare at her.

"Tell me what's going on, now," Robin coldly commanded, glaring death at them behind his mask.

"They is helping us!" Jetstorm interjected, bending down and stabbed a finger into the Boy Wonder's face. "They helped us in defeating Starscream so we all is getting respected more!"

Red Star finished surveying the damage of the tarnished village. It was like an Ancient Greek ruin. Thunder and Lightning glanced over to Jetfire and Jetstorm, and the twins meekly exchanged a worried look. The Russian hero sighed, shaking his head.

"You okay?" Pantha asked, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"The village is salvageable," Red Star reported. "It will take a very long time to fully rebuild it."

"We are sorry for the trouble we have caused you," Thunder stated, bowing to Red Star with his brother.

"It is fine," Red Star replied, waving his hand for them to stand up straight. "I am certain the villagers will be-"

"-annoyed, probably," Raven finished.

"Well, we is being the heroes by beating up Starscream," Jetfire indignantly spat, glaring down at the empath. "See, the Starscream was the baddie guy, and we is sent by Elite Guard to beat him, which we did, so we is just taking him back up to Ultra Magnus sir now."

"…Did any of you understand that?" Cyborg questioned, and everybody shook their head.

"Wait, are you…Autobots?" Starfire asked, and the Jet Twins nodded. "Oh, glorious! Which means Ultra Magnus is well, yes? But you just said that he is alive, so he must be!"

"You is…a friend of his?" Jetstorm asked, blinking behind his visor.

"When I was a younger, my family visited his shuttle to create an alliance with the Autobots. It was made, and he was very kind to me," Starfire explained.

"Starfire, you know what's going on?" Robin asked.

The alien princess nodded, approaching Thunder and Lightning. "Do not despair. I can understand where you are coming from. You two only wished to help the Autobots because you have made friends with them. Am I correct?"

"Our friends, the Jet Twins, Jetfire and Jetstorm, were being mistreated by the Elite Guard. They are rued because they have the robotic genetics of the Decepticons." At Starfire's apparent nod, Lightning continued. "We felt a connection between them and us."

"How come though?" Starfire questioned in interest. Upon a sudden realization, she gasped. "You do not think we are friends?"

"No, not that," Thunder quickly interjected. "We are friends, but there are bonds to friendship such as trust and respect." He sent a slight glower in Robin's direction as he emphasized the last word.

"Yeah! They said to us that he does not be giving them the respect they earned!" Jetfire shouted, pointing to Robin.

Robin's eyes shot open in distress, honestly surprised at the sudden accusation. Before he could ask anything, another rumble sounded from the distance. The Titans and the Autobot twins turned around to find multiple vehicles speeding towards them. As the Titans attempted to draw out their powers, Thunder and Lightning stood between them and ordered them to calm down.

The vehicles skidded to a stop, throwing small hurtles of snow at them. After cleaning themselves off, the Titans and the Jet Twins watched as the vehicles began morphing. Tires dashed back into the body as car doors were turned into arms and legs. Limbs and appendages skyrocketed upwards, being even taller than the Jet Twins. Needless to say, the other Titans, save the stormy brothers, were appalled.

"Good work, guys," Jazz praised, slinging Starscream over his shoulder.

"Even I'm impressed," Sentinel admitted, nodding slightly. "Looks like you managed to beat the creep again."

"Of course! Did you expect anything less?" Lightning jeered arrogantly.

"Honestly, I predicted that you two blithering cogs were going to fall off a cliff," Sentinel huffed. Shaking his head, he grumbled, "Looks like I was wrong."

"What Sentinel means underneath alla that garbage is that we're both pretty psyched with how y'all handled yourselves out there," Jazz interrupted, punching Sentinel lightly.

"Yeah, sure, psyched," Sentinel mumbled.

"Pay the grumpy one no mind, brother," Lightning snarled, crossing his arms and glared evenly at Sentinel. "He is merely envious about us defeating the purple Decepticon."

Sentinel ignored the urge to rip Lightning out of his skeleton and throw his flabby, frail skin into the snow. "Shut up, you little mutant-"

Lightning snapped his fingers, sending a spark that made Sentinel cringe. "What were you going to refer to Lightning as?"

"Why do you refer to yourself in the third person?" Sentinel countered with a smirk.

Lightning attempted to chuck another energy wave at him, but Thunder gripped him in a stranglehold, urging for him to calm himself. The younger elemental grumbled to himself, muttering obscenities that only he and Thunder could hear.

The elder Elite Guard members overlooked the stormy brothers towards Jetfire and Jetstorm. Jazz rubbed their hands, snickering and stated they did a good job in his own slang. Sentinel stared at them blankly for a few moments. They defeated Starscream before, but that was on virtual reality by themselves when they had no idea they could control fire and wind. When they versed Starscream in the real world by themselves, he escaped, but with help from Thunder and Lightning, they won…twice. Sentinel could not even beat Starscream once without the help of Optimus Prime and his lackeys. It was inconceivable to him that two teenaged…teenaged things and the Jet Twins defeat Starscream by themselves.

"Well, it was four against one," Sentinel lamely argued.

"Ah, but my brother and I were inexperienced with fighting Starscream, and the Jet Twins here battled with them with allies, I believe, and once by themselves, but lost," Thunder sneered, smiling in a mocking way, even though it appeared kind.

"Yeah…well…" Sentinel trailed off, looking away and glanced over to Jazz for help.

"Nuh-uh, SP." Jazz waved his finger in his face, making his companion growl. "You know you're proud of 'em, but your just too stubborn to admit it."

"Sentinel Prime sir! You is proud of us?" Jetfire excitedly questioned, viz scanners dancing and shining eagerly.

"Yeah, yeah! Tell us, Sentinel Prime sir!" Jetstorm added, and they both beamed up to him with large grins.

Sentinel resisted the urge to vomit nuts and bolts from their overwhelming enthusiasm. Clearing the back of his mechanical throat, he pounded his chest uncertainly. "Uh, yes, yes I am, Jetfire, Jetstorm. Both of you did extremely well out there, handling your first Decepticon by yourselves. Also…" He turned to look down at Thunder and Lightning. "…I guess I have to thank you two mu-…humans, Thunder and Lightning, for your help as well."

"We humbly accept your generosity," Thunder replied, bowing with his brother.

"Oh, you two are polite. That's a surprise."

"I hope you rust whenever my brother and I conjure the rain," Lightning hissed as Sentinel chuckled.

"Pardon me…" Starfire flew up so that she was directly in front of Jazz and Sentinel's faces. "…may I ask a question?"

"Certainly, l'il lady," Jazz replied, smiling.

"How is the Ultra Magnus? I have not seen him since my childhood on Tamaran," Starfire gushed, smiling. "He was very kind to me and my people."

"Oh, you're the princess of Tamaran, ain't ya?" Jazz asked as Starfire bobbed her head. "Well, excuse me, princess, for being so disrespectful. Magnus is fine. He's up on that starship we got in space, worrying about this lug." Jazz pointed to Starscream, and Starfire nodded.

"Will you please tell him that I wish to visit him if he is ever present?"

"It's a promise."

Robin placed his hands on Thunder and Lightning's shoulders, dragging their attention back to him. His mask was lowered in a saddened expression or what they perceived as unhappiness since they could never decipher what Robin was thinking. Lightning crossed his arms, glaring death at the Boy Wonder until Thunder nudged him quietly.

"Listen, guys, I had no idea you two thought I didn't respect you. I do!" Robin suddenly sighed, shaking his head and retracted his hands to his side morbidly. "That whole business with Slade was forever ago it seems. I never really got over it because of my addiction with finding him. I mean, we even brought Terra back in after running away when you guys instantly proved your loyalty by destroying that fire monster." Robin bit back his sorrow, managing a lopsided smile. "I'm sorry. I mean it, I'm really sorry for ever doubting you both. Are we good?"

Thunder and Lightning could not believe anything that Robin just spouted. His words were completely simplistic, but the meaning behind it hit home. The brothers quickly exchanged a surprised look, but Thunder turned back with a smile, shaking Robin's extended hand. Lightning did the same, smirking. Robin backed up, outstretching his arms slightly in front and bowed like them, and they copied.

"We forgive you, and we are sorry for deceiving you earlier," Thunder stated.

"Forget about it. Honestly, I would've thought you guys were insane," Robin admitted, chuckling.

"Great, warm fuzzies all around! Super cool robot guys, how do you change like that?" Beast Boy demanded, eyes sparkling like pale jade jewels.

"Yeah! Maybe I can take you guys apart and see what makes you tick. Ya know, for reference," Cyborg added, sharing Beast Boy's glint of amusement.

The Autobots cringed, stepping back from the vultures. Jetfire and Jetstorm suddenly snatched Lightning and Thunder, hoisting them over their shoulders respectively. The elemental twins gasped, blinking uncertainly as the Jet Twins grinned mischievously over to them.

"So…you two is coming back with us, yeah?" Jetstorm asked. "Well, actually, there is not much you two can be doing about it. We is holding you both on our shoulders."

"I will electrocute you both! Put my brother and I down!" Lightning snapped furiously.

"Hey, you two want them, take them," Jazz stated, shocking Thunder and Lightning.

"We-we thought you two were on our side!" Thunder stammered.

"Man, I only take the side that gets me where I'm going, and I'm going to the vault," Jazz informed. "Back to the ship."

"We'll return them when they annoy me to the point of wanting the rip them limb from limb," Sentinel explained, making the Titans stare blankly at him.

"…When will that be?" Raven asked.

"Probably an hour, depending on SP's temper," Jazz added, knocking on Sentinel's head.

"I don't have a temper!" Sentinel shouted.

The Jet Twins snorted, snickering with abrupt smiles on their faces.

"What the spark are you two cogs laughing at?" Sentinel roared, and they both looked at the suddenly intriguing clouds forming in the night sky.

Red Star, who had left the conversation with Pantha to survey the rest of Kashin, located the villagers hiding near a snowy hill. Gesturing for them to approach, he calmly explained the circumstances, and the villagers slowly accepted the terms with much needed confirmation. When Rasvok Petrov, the village elder, decided to give the brother duos a piece of his mind, Pantha snatched his hood and heaved him into the air.

"I do not think there will be a need," Pantha jeered, ruby lips curving into a smirk.

"Y-yes…no-no need," he stuttered, paling to the color of the snow.

Red Star blinked, watching as Pantha dropped Rasvok into the ground. "Sometimes, Pantha, I wonder if your temper can ever be controlled-" When Pantha aimed for his throat, he smiled boyishly. "-but it is that temper that makes me smile. You are very bold, after all."

"…I am resisting the urge to punch you in the stomach, jerk," Pantha mumbled, and Red Star laughed, wrapping his arm around her.

"Do not worry, my dear Pantha, you have a beautiful soul."

"Okay, you two, take us up," Sentinel commanded.

Thunder and Lightning stared blankly at him. "What?"

"Use that teleporting thing you two do and get us back to the ship," Sentinel dryly explained.

"Can you all not get back on your own?" Lightning asked. He pointed over to Jetfire. "You two can fly!"

"But it is more fun being teleported!" Jetfire chuckled.

"Yeah, is like being in the flight at super high speeds!" Jetstorm laughed, nodding in agreement to his brother.

"SP and I just want to be teleported for the spark of it," Jazz explained. "So, go do your thing, guys!"

Thunder and Lightning sighed, dropping their heads and turned back to the Titans. Stating they would arrive later to the core Titans' tower, they leaped to the ground. The Autobots smiled, coyly thanking Thunder and Lightning as they mumbled that they hoped they rusted whenever they induced rain. The other Titans waved them off, returning over towards Red Star and Pantha to help assist in explanations if there was any need to. Thunder and Lightning sighed, ordering for the Autobots to hold onto them tightly. The older Autobots hesitated, staring uncertainly at each other until Jetfire and Jetstorm grasped the elementals' shoulders, smiling warmly up to their superiors. With the mental urge received, Jazz and Sentinel experimentally placed their hands onto the Honorary Titans' elbows.

Thunder and Lightning smirked to each other, and the older Elite Guard members could only describe their sudden journey as a flash of blue and yellow. Up through the sky they flew, dashing faster than the wind or hyperspace. They felt nothing at all on their servos or scanners. All they could see white, pure white like the snow.

When Jazz and Sentinel suddenly reopened their viz scanners, they were back in the cell corridor. Mocking laughter instantly filled the hall as imprisoned Decepticons jeered at Starscream's rebooting, half-offline body. Jazz chucked him inside a cell that was coursing with electricity inside and out. Any irrational movement, and a harsh zap would electrocute the victim into submission.

Thunder and Lightning fell to their knees, panting far heavier than before when they only carried to Jet Twins. The added weight took a toll on them, weakening the elementals so much that they could hardly stand anymore. Jetfire and Jetstorm knelt by their new friends, hoisting them into their arms. They were half the Autobots' height, being like elementary schoolchildren to adults.

"Hey, what's the lowdown with 'em?" Jazz demanded with concern as Sentinel locked the prison cell.

"They becoming very weak when traveling with more people than them," Jetfire explained sadly.

"We do not know why, though," Jetstorm blatantly added, shrugging as he looked down to Thunder in his arms.

"It is simple…like that for us," Lightning wheezed as Jetfire sadly stared down at him. "Please, do not…give us your…pity."

"Jetfire, Jetstorm, take them down to Red Alert, stat!" Sentinel commanded.

They saluted him immediately, almost dropping the elementals. "Yes sir, Sentinel Prime, sir!" With that, they dashed up the stairs towards the medical wing where they hoped Red Alert was or even Perceptor if he did not try to extract Lightning's electrical prowess.

"Sheesh, I had no idea organics could have that kinda power," Jazz mused.

"Guess we underestimated those organics. I never thought they could actually deplete their power. Hope we didn't hurt them too much," Sentinel murmured.

"Oh, what's this? SP caring for others?" Jazz mocked with a sneer.

"Aw, spark, Jazz! Keep that metal jaw of your's flapping, and I'll be the one to shut it!"

Jazz raised his hands, laughing. "Cool it, cat! I ain't jivin' ya!"

"Auntie Red Alert!"

The shrill cry of Jetfire instantly jolted Red Alert who was working on another Autobot. She whirled around with Perceptor cautiously gazing over her shoulder to find the Jet Twins holding Thunder and Lightning who had gone limp in their arms. Perceptor blinked in surprise, tapping Red Alert's shoulder for her to go forth and assist.

"They be very weak again! They has used too much power!" Jetstorm fretfully cried, placing Thunder onto a table with Jetfire doing the same for Lightning.

"Let them rest," Red Alert ushered, quelling their worries. "Are they physically hurt?"

"My brother and I…" Thunder interjected, one eye closed. "…we suffer no physical injuries. We are simply…tired."

"Yes, allow us rest," Lightning requested. "After some a nap, we shall be…recharged." With that, Lightning drifted off to sleep with Thunder quickly following suit.

Red Alert placed a hand on Lightning's forehead then to Thunder's. Determining that what they said would be the most logical response, she nodded and stated that they would be find. The relieved expressions on the Jet Twins' faces made her chuckle as they stood over Thunder and Lightning.

"Auntie Red Alert, can we draw silly shenanigans on their faces?" Jetfire asked.

"No, Jetfire, that's rude," Red Alert scolded. "They're my patients, and it is my duty to protect them."

Perceptor walked over, staring blankly down at the brothers. He nudged Thunder's face, watching as he rolled over to his brother. Scooting the table over to Lightning, he watched with interest as Thunder's arm almost instinctively wrapped around Lightning, and the yellow brother leaned into him like a pillow.

"You two do that as well," Perceptor stated, looking over to Jetfire and Jetstorm as they cocked their heads. "When you two sleep, I have noticed in my observations when you two are in recharge mode, Jetfire, you imitate the yellow one while Jetstorm, you act as the blue one."

"…Why do you observe as we recharge?" Jetstorm asked, startled.

"…It is for my observations," he blankly answered. "Red Alert, I am trusting their safety to you."

She nodded, and he went back to remodifying a malfunction Autobot with its faceplate off. Red Alert checked their vitals with the knowledge she gathered from the Elite Guard members' time on Earth. She placed her fingers on their necks, wrists and then chest, finding them to be pulsing normally.

"They will be fine," Red Alert acquiesced, nodding curtly. "What about your mission? How did it go?"

Jetfire and Jetstorm smiled broadly, flying into their brave tale. Red Alert sat there dotingly, nodding occasionally as the brothers made hand gestures and swooped into their air on their boosters to demonstrate battle sequences. Red Alert quickly moved some of her supplies when they were becoming too reckless, almost knocking over vials that Perceptor received for her to analyze. Jetfire and Jetstorm jeered excitedly, stating they assisted in bringing respect to not only themselves, but to Thunder and Lightning.

"They was being treated really badly, but we helped them!" Jetfire gleefully cried.

"Yeah, and we is getting treated better too!" Jetstorm added, smirking. "Besides, we is the best!"

A thunderous beeping sound erupted in the medical wing, and Ultra Magnus' voice rang out. He called in for Jetfire and Jetstorm to report to the debriefing room. Both visibly cringed, wondering what he was going to say, but the calming look on Red Alert's face ruined any sort of nervousness.

"Just go in there with confidence, not arrogance," she warned as they scampered off. To herself, she sighed. "Junior operatives these days, how silly they can be."

"You were silly when you were a junior nurse," Perceptor commented, earning a defiant glare from Red Alert. He was suddenly clonked on the head by a screwdriver, looking over to find her grumbling to herself. "…Fembots."

"Ah, yes, come on in, young 'bots," Ultra Magnus endearingly offered, gesturing.

Jetfire and Jetstorm scurried inside, standing before the massive Autobot with expectant, but concerned expressions. Jetfire sent a worried look to Jetstorm, but the blue Autobot merely grinned back before turning to face their leader.

"The retrieval mission you two and the organics accomplished was an extremely high-level mission. Do you understand?" When they nodded, he continued. "Starscream is technically second in command of the Decepticons, and even Optimus Prime's crew had difficulties defeating him, losing a few times in fact to that one Decepticon." Reaching over his desk, he placed his massive hands onto their rather lithe shoulders in comparison. Both stiffened, curiously gazing at his rather warm expression. "You young bots did exceptional, and those organic friends you made did the same excellent job. Congratulations. The Elite Guard members will be hearing about this."

"You mean we be the getting the respect now?" Jetfire eagerly asked, viz scanners shining.

"Hm? What do you mean by that?" Ultra blankly asked.

"Well, because my brother and I is made with the flying powers of the Decepticons, we is made fun of," Jetstorm morbidly explained.

Ultra's brow furrowed, hands poised on the table before folding them across his chest. "I will not tolerate that. You two have proven yourselves loyal to the Autobots, even if your genes are powered by Starscream's coding."

"Wait, does that be making the purple creep our mama?" Jetfire questioned.

"Yeah, yeah! That is making sense, brother!" Jetstorm cried.

Flustered at their deductions, Ultra immediately shook his head, quelling their enthusiastic idea. "No, no, not at all. You two are special. Let's just leave it at that."

"Yes, sir, Ultra Magnus, sir!" they jeered in unison, saluting him.

"You two are dismissed. I'll let the other Elite Guard members now once they all return back to base," Ultra informed, waving them off as they happily flew out the room. He smirked, shaking his head once more. "Young bots these days, they are so excitable."

Jetfire and Jetstorm flew back into the medical wing, finding Thunder sitting up with Lightning sprawled against his chest. Jetfire poked his cheek, making the yellow elemental grunt and lean into Thunder even more.

"My brother definitely enjoys his naps. Hardly anything can awaken him," Thunder snickered, stroking through Lightning's namesake hair.

"He is like a little toy you be sleeping with," Jetfire chuckled as Jetstorm smacked Lightning's face lightly.

Lightning groggily opened his eyes, glaring up at the Autobots. "What now?"

"Brother, they have allowed us to lie here and rest," Thunder explained. "Be humble."

"Humble for what? Letting us sleep?" Lightning yawned, stretching and cracked his neck. "Well, you are right. Thank you."

"You is welcome, and it is thankies to you two that we is going to be getting respect!" Jetfire stated in his hyper way.

"Is true! Ultra Magnus sir says so!" Jetstorm added. "We would not be getting it if you two did not be helping us."

Thunder and Lightning stood, staring up at the Autobots. They offered their hands, and the Autobots shook with their organic counterparts. Thunder with Jetstorm, and Lightning with Jetfire. The elemental twins bowed to them, and the robots appeared confused for a few moments. They shrugged before bowing back as Thunder and Lightning lurched back up.

"We will be seeing you soon, right?" Jetfire asked in a saddened tone.

"Of course! We are friends now, and that is a bond between spirits that cannot be erased," Thunder informed.

"Come, brother, we are leaving now. We promised the Titans we would return," Lightning ordered calmly. "Farewell until we meet again."

"See ya soon!" the Autobot twins replied in unison, watching as Thunder and Lightning shot down towards the world in magnificent streaks of blue and yellow.

"I will be missing them, brother," Jetfire admitted.

"No sadness, brother. We will be seeing them soon," Jetstorm chuckled, patting his twin's shoulder.

"Hm? They're gone?" Sentinel Prime asked, watching his young subordinates walk off towards Red Alert. "I'll miss those organics. They were actually okay."

"What's this? SP caring for somebody?" Jazz sneered, walking past him at that exact moment.

Sentinel attempted to slug Jazz across the face, but the ninja Autobot dashed out of the way and down the hall. Sentinel roared after him, shaking his fist and charged. Jazz' boisterous laughter echoed throughout the ship.

Yep, I'm ending it with Sentinel chasing after Jazz. Thank you for reading and please leave your final review.