Naruto could never get over the fact that he had a literal Goddess with her head in his lap, stroking her hair. He'd learned to deal with it most of the time, but when Eilistraee got in the mood to cuddle like that, it threw him for a loop.

"Our race is growing." She said, turning her head to look at him. It was a warm night, and the full moon was glowing above them, as they shared a bench in the garden. The other two family members were resting. "Your second wife and step-son will make fine additions."

"Second wife?"

"I allowed it, but I will be first." She said firmly. "There's not much that could stop me." She paused, before continuing in a somber voice. "I don't like this."

"I though you said you were fine with them?"

"The Spider Queen."

"Your mother? L-"

"Don't speak her name." Her hand shot up to cover his mouth. Naruto raised a silver eyebrow and licked her palm. "Names have power. And you never know who might be listening." She continued as if nothing had happened, wiping her hand on his pants.

"What do you think she will do?"

"She? Probably nothing herself. Or maybe she'll come and smite us all. Mother always was… fickle." Eilistraee frowned. "We'll have to do what we can to keep a low profile for now. I doubt she'll just forget about us and move on, but it's better safe than sorry. That means no world altering events." She gave him a hard stare. "At least not for now."

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"I know your type."


"You're a hero, Naruto." If his cheeks could darken, they would have. "You can't help it; it's etched into your very being. Your father was like that. And his father, and probably every other member of your line even when they used to live in caves. It's why they left. It's why they started worshipping me instead of her. Things like that don't sit well with heroes." She sighed. "You'll see something, injustice, or poverty, or something equally bad, and you'll want to intervene. And you'll change the world, bit by bit. It's inevitable, really."

"I can control myself."

"Like you did in Nami, when you saw the state of the country?" He averted his eyes. "I do not blame you darling. It is elamshin. And there will come a time when you will want to intervene in her plans no matter what they are or what I do. I've accepted that." She gave him a brilliant smile, stroking his cheek with her hand. "It's one of the reasons I love you."

"I love you too." She brought his head down and they shared a kiss. They continued to sit there in silence for a few more moments.

"In a way, it was fortunate I was sealed when I way." He looked at her in surprise. "I believe mother would have acted already if she knew I was here. I think she sent a sliver over because she felt the birth of two new Yor'thae outside her domain. And the longer she remains oblivious the safer we are. Or…" She looked at him, as if guessing what was on his mind. "The more time we have to come up with a plan."

"I wasn't…"

"It's alright, darling." She gave him another smile, this one sadder. "As I said, it's your destiny." Her eyes shifted through a few hues of blue. "On to happier subjects. I've offered to teach the youngling to play the harp. He seemed excited."

"And Tsunami?"

"We spoke. She wants to become a priestess. I've agreed."

"That reminds me. Do I have to do the Evensong now?"

"Yes." She sent him a smile. "I love it when you sing for me."

"Alright." Naruto chuckled. "Now come, Lady Silverhair, let's get back inside. The fungal pie should be ready." Her eyes sparkled as she shot up, a chuckling Naruto right behind her.


It's a little short, but a good place to finish for now. Mainly it's because after this I only have two more chapters and then I'm finally done. Thank the Goddess for vacations.

Elamshin – destiny (also used to mean "Lolth's will"

Yor'thae – High Drow (coming from the words for "sacred" and "servant of the goddess")