Recommended listening for this chapter: Never Forget You, by the Noisettes.

He had forgotten how intimidating the Bei Fong family's house was. How uninviting the gates looked.

"Well, there's nothing to be done," he said to himself, squaring his shoulders and pulling the rope beside the gate. He flinched as the sound of a gong rang out through the morning air. Had it been so loud last time he'd come?

"Good day." A man dressed in the family's colours opened a small door beside the gate and peered down his nose at Sokka. Even the servants were above him.

"Hello! I'm here to see Toph Bei Fong," Sokka said, putting on his most charming smile. It had charmed many a lady in his days.

Too bad this servant was a man.

"Do you have an appointment?" the man asked.

"No, not really," Sokka replied. "I'm an old friend."

"Indeed?" Obviously, Sokka was not impressing or charming this man. "What is your business with the young mistress?"

"I'm on my way to the Fire Nation capital, so I thought I would stop by and say hi. Like I said, we're old friends. I'm Sokka, of the Southern Water Tribe."

The servant raised his eyebrows at the mention of the name, and Sokka thought he would finally be allowed entrance, but the man came out, closing the door behind him. He circled Sokka a couple of times, looking him up and down. Finally, he stopped circling and harrumphed.

"Do I pass?" Sokka asked.

The servant man sighed and opened the side door. "Come on then. I think the young mistress is having breakfast."