When Wishes Are Granted Chapter 8: Sleepover

Kyouya was not at all pleased about the sleepover Tamaki had insisted on having. It was to give Haruhi a girl experience he claimed. That was only part of it, the other part was a ploy to force him to spend time with Watanuki, on their best behavior. He couldn't confront the blonde, he'd deny it or worse threaten to reveal their facade. Double checking his messenger bag to make sure he'd forgotten nothing. Laptop, pajamas, change of clothes, toothbrush and paste, chargers. That should be everything to bring, the manor would have anything else that may come up. "Forget something?" The house husband climbed into the limo.

""No I didn't. Do you have everything you need?" Watanuki nodded setting his bag down next to the seat. "You shouldn't need a reminder but just in case it didn't sink into that dense brain of yours, be on your best behavior. We will be around them until late tomorrow. So any mistake will be hard to undo."

"I know, I know. You made that clean on the phone." Watanuki looked out the window in agitation. "Is there anything I should know about that I may of not noticed? Quirks or sensitive subjects."

"I'm sure you know not to wake Honey-senpai up before he's ready. Haruhi is a woman, as for the agenda. I have no ideas on the exact details." The male housewife looked away from the window.

"I knew something was off about her, no idea that I was perceiving her as the wrong gender. Why is she part of the host club? Besides that, isn't she worried about being around" he paused to count, "seven men? Himawari was comfortable on the trip she took with Doumeki and me but Yuuko was there with us."

"As far as I can tell she thinks all of us, with the exception one or two, like only men. If she's smart she'll now think I'm bisexual but she's oblivious so probably doesn't. As for the other question she works as a host to pay off a debt she owes the club. At first she was our dog. Doing errands, serving drinks and other minor jobs. Haruhi was promoted to host because Tamaki thought she would be a hit with clients, he was right. Although that was before Tamaki realized he was a short haired she." To be honest he may of had a crush on her before finding out.

"She won't be able to pay off her debt until you graduate. You're just like Yuuko, pile up the debt until I'm buried in it." He was paying off a debt? What wish had he asked for that was worth his servitude?

"This slumber party as Tamaki called it is to give her an experience that she'd other wise miss from not having female friends. I'm not sure but we'll most likely be doing face masks, nails, movies, party games and whatever else he's seen in movies."

"Are you actually going to do those things for her, the nails and that?" The closer they got to the manor the harder the snow fell. Hopefully the power would not go out, that would be just what he needed. Hours upon hours with the only thing available to do is talk.

"Yes I will but not for her, for Tamaki. Why, because he's a good friend and will make it worth my embarrassment."

"Do you ever do anything without expecting something in return? All I ever hear from you when we're alone is the payout of what you're doing or plan to do." Good question. Was there anything? Yes, a few things but Watanuki doesn't need to know that.

"No. If you get nothing in return then there is no reason to do it. You would be wise to learn that before our wedding." The male housewife sighed but said nothing in rebuttal. It was probably his way to stop an argument from happening before the long night ahead of them.

"Another question, does Haruhi even want to do this? She never seems excited about any of the other strange activities the club does."

"I doubt she's looking forward to this more than we are. For the most part we all go along with Tamaki's idea to keep him happy and entertained. He's such a bother when bored." Watanuki shifted in his seat to get a better look at the estate. This wasn't the main Suoh manor as Tamaki didn't want to host anything in the same house as his grandmother. "You'd probably feel more at ease in Haruhi's house over any of the other members homes. It isn't over whelming. Also Mr. Fu-... Ms. Fu... mmm Ranka would like you."

The househusband raised his eye brows but as he went to ask the limo door was opened. That interesting conversation would have to be saved for another day. "Master Ootori, Master Watanuki right this way." The maid led them into what had been before being redecorated for this event, a large sitting room. "Master Suoh two of your guests have arrived." She bowed before departing.

Tamaki jumped off the couch bounding over to them in his excitement. "Kyouya, Watanuki I'm so glad you were both able to make it. Tonight is going to be so much fun. I've gotten these things called blow up mattresses! Much better than sleeping on the wooden floor. Even if that's probably how Haruhi sleeps." His demeanor did a one eighty, a serious look replacing his usual jovial one. "Before anyone else arrives, I'll tell you this. Haruhi and I are they one ones getting our own beds. You two will be sharing a bed tonight, no exceptions and no excuses." He held up a hand to silence Watanuki. "You will or it'll slip that this is all a disgraceful lie." With the smile back on his face he left to go get drinks.

"So he knows about this but more importantly is he alright?"

"He figured it out the day of the hosts photo shoot. He's off again on again if he's ok with this or he hates my guts for doing it. It also may not seem like it but in his own way, he's covering for us. As to if he's alright, for the most part. Like most people he has two side to him and the one most see is fake to some degree. He had a rough patch in his life but doesn't want it to show." The blonde handed them both a soda, with a wink to Watanuki before greeting the twins. "Tamaki, how is Haruhi getting here?"

"Honey-senpai and Mori-senpai are picking her up. They said they would be the closest to her from where they were going for sweets."

"We finally can to spend quality time getting to know your fiancé." Hikaru slid his arm around Watanuki's waist from behind. Karou mirror the motion around the front, his hand slipping down the house husband's leg. He tried to squirm away but they wouldn't release him.

"Must you harass him? Wait until Haruhi is here, at least shes used to it." Kyouya reached between them to pull Watanuki to his chest, holding him in the same manner you'd hold a teddy bear.

"Oh don't be like that. We just want to know what makes you love him. It has something to do with that mouth of his, doesn't it?" They turned away to look at Tamaki, who was trying to unfold one of his mattresses. He seemed to be having a hard time unfolding it once it was bigger than arms length. "Boss why not have a maid do that?"

"I'm trying to have the commoner experience of doing it myself." Watanuki pulled away from the arms encircling his chest to go help the blonde. "After we get all of them out of the boxes and unfold them we'll use this foot petal to inflate them."

"Can't we use an air pump? You know, for bicycle tires?" The male house wife earned quizzical looks from the others. "You don't know what I'm talking about do you? No, of course not. It's an electric machine that you use to fill tires or in this case mattresses with air without manual labor." He sighed an shook his head. "Sheltered."

"Should I see if Honey-senpai can pick one up?"

"Unless you want to spend an hour or more filling these up. Will he know what to get?" Tamaki grabbed his phone off the couch arm.

"No but Haruhi should know what you're talking about." Hikaru popped open a soda handing it to his other half.

While they figured out about the mattresses Kyouya decided to see what clues the room held about tonight's plans. A stack of movies in the corner, they appeared to be mostly romance. Snacks filled a long table off to one side of the room, no major silverware in site. Just serving utensils. A smaller empty table stood adjacent to the long one. He could only assume it was for the desserts that had yet to arrive. There was a mini spa kit basket underneath that table, oh hell there's nail polish in it. He knew there would be but he was holding onto his small hope that Tamaki had forgotten them.

"Caught them in time. They're picking one up and then on their way. Thank you Watanuki." The house husband nodded in response. He was beginning to look uneasy, his thoughts had probably shifted to what could go wrong tonight. "Besides bed set up, what do you think we should start with?"

"Well when I spend the night with my friends, we unpack and then have dinner." Tamaki must of thought that to be a good suggestion, he left the room and could be vaguely heard talking to a maid.

Karou sat down next to Watanuki on the floor. "So these friends. What are they like?"

"Well one is actually my employer Yuuko. She normally invites herself. Himawari was a classmate from my old school. She's a sweet girl who's very caring towards her friends." Kyouya breathed a sigh of relief. Not sure how the house husband was able to keep so calm but he didn't sound in love with her. Watanuki was trying hard tonight. "Then Doumeki I've known since childhood. He's not what I would call a friend but circumstances force us to be around each other. Namely the fact that he's also Himawari's friend so she invites him when ever we go somewhere."

"If you have good friends at the other school then why transfer to Ouran? You don't come off as the type to care about graduating from a prestigious school."

"I'm not looked favorably on by Kyouya's family because I'm a commoner. I hope by going to a good school then maybe they won't completely disapprove of me. I know that's overly optimistic." Karou nodded in understanding before patting him on the shoulder.

"For the most part ignore his family. They'd never like you, even if you were rich. They don't care much for us either. So what does your family think about this?"

"I'm by myself. My parents passed away when I was young." Kyouya looked away towards the sound of the other three arriving. Maids hustled to and fro arranging the sweets on the small table.

"We got the air pump. What is it even fo- never mind I see why." Haruhi set the pump down by one of the mattresses. "Anyone besides me know how to use this?"

"I haven't used one before but I'm sure I can figure it out pretty fast. Would you like some help?"

"Oh hey Watanuki-senpai I didn't know you were dragged into this too. I'll show you how." They knelt down next to a mattress. The air pump was very simple to use, the rest of them could of used it if need. Granted they may not of thought of using one in the first place. Well maybe over halfway through they'd try to find something to quicken the process.

"I'm going to put on a movie while we finish setting up and have dinner. Does anyone have a preference?" The blonde was skimming his stack of movies. "They are all romance for the main genre but some are comedies."

"Hmm how about this one Tama-chan." Honey handed the case over so the DVD could be put in.

The twins took on the decorating role as the mattresses were filled up. They barely had to talk over choices for what sheets matched what pillow cases or comforter. Kyouya felt that it didn't matter what the beds looked like for one night, but they enjoyed doing it. They finished about the same time as the smell of food wafted into the room from the corridor. Watanuki took a seat on one of the beds next to his fiancé. A plate was placed in front of each person before staff bowed leaving them to their meal. "I'm not used to having others home cooking. Well I guess this isn't home cooking either but it's closer than eating at a cafe or burger joint."

"You cook? Kyo-chan you must be spoiled." He was using Mori's lap as his table. With him on the bed and Honey on the floor it was about the same height as a portable table.

"I've only had it a few times. I don't visit his apartment often. Kimihiro's work schedule is to sporadic, he's mostly found there." Had he ever had Watanuki's cooking? No, he was having a hard time adjusting to Ouran so Kyouya hadn't asked about lunches. The meal settled down into a peaceful lull with the movie as the center of conversation. Of course that couldn't last very long once Tamaki had noticed everyone had finished eating.

"The next thing we'll do is face masks. I got the kinds that sit all night for maximum benefit." He grabbed his spa basket and a bowl filled with tiny paper. "I prepared name slips this morning so that we would all get partners we don't normally have." What was the good of that? Maybe Tamaki didn't want stuck with Haruhi or him. Could also be a way to keep Watanuki away from Kyouya so there was less chance of a fight or slip up. There's also the possibility it's one of Tamaki's off the wall ideas. The blonde was to complicated.

Tamaki chose at what was most likely random, who would pull names until all were assigned a partner. Kyouya had pulled Haruhi's. "Kyouya-senpai are you sure you want to do this? I can do my own." The blonde tutted his complaint from a few mattresses away. "Never mind, um then I want..." She looked over the choices before picking one up. "This one I guess." It had some type of beads mixed in and it smelt awful. Why would she want this, did she know something about skin care he didn't?

"Are you sure you want this one? This smell all night, really?" He crinkled his nose slightly at the aroma.

"I was hoping to use it to ward off Hikaru and Karou tonight." If they were in one of their moods, this sure wasn't going to stop them.

The mask paste was tacky in his hands. "This feels like honey or syrup. No matter what you do, don't touch your face till it's dry. Ugh this is disgusting." Some of the others choices didn't look as sticky. Maybe he would use one of theirs for his.

"I'm really happy you found a guy like Watanuki. He's a nice guy even if a bit odd. He also isn't interested in the size of your bank account or your family power, unlike the people at our school." Her eyes closed as he smeared the paste on and around her temples.

"You're right, he doesn't care about any of that. I think he'd be happy if I was poor like you." Haruhi sighed in the same manner she did anytime she figured his insult wasn't meant as one. "There, I've finished." It took a bit of scrubbing with the moist towelette to get the residue off his hands.

"What one do you want?" Kyouya picked out a few. Each in turn was sniffed and checked for texture. The one he chose was a smooth blue paste that smelt of mint and maybe a flower. It was to light of an undertone to make out. "Can you remove your glasses?"

"What a pain" He removed them, holding it in his lap as she got started. Haruhi was gentle as she rubbed it over his cheek. It was cold in the temperature and refreshing tingle way.

"Wata-chan what made you fall in love with Kyo-chan?" It took all of his will power not to stiffen under her touch. Watanuki of course was not as graceful or nonchalant about it. He turned without warning to look in Honey's direction. The mask Mori was applying ending up on his ear.

"Um wh-what?" Hikaru paused his application, both Honey and he looked over. "I'm curious too. Haruhi was right, you don't seem to care. You barely want our life style. Your amazed by some of the things we can do or the size of say our homes, but it doesn't make you happy or excite you."

"Well um I'm not really sure what made me f-fall in love with him." Shit, this was not going well and if Kyouya interjected it would be suspicious.

Karou didn't turn to look Watanuki's way or even pause from painting Tamaki's face as he spoke. "Was it his looks? He's is quite attractive and that's what pulls in most of his clients. I'd bet none of them hire him for his personality, he's sorely lacking in the department." Great friend you are. "I'm sure you know he's an ass"

The gears in his fiancé's head were turning, it was almost plain to see. What mattered was what way the others took it. Was he making up a lie or trying to place why he fell in love? "Well I'll admit it was his looks that I first noticed but that isn't why. I agree he's not a nice person. I'd go so far as to say borderline evil but he has some redeeming qualities. I couldn't tell you the exact reason I um love him but I do." Not the best way to handle it but it would have to do. With no telepathic powers Kyouya couldn't tell him that would suffice, before he said something to get them caught. "A good example of one of those qualities is his, although warped sense of friendship. Such as tonight, he claims he's only doing this because he knows Suoh-san will make it worth his time. I know that he's really doing it because he wants to give Haruhi a good experience."

Haruhi cleaned off her hands looking over at the male housewife. "I've noticed something similar before. He stopped an elderly woman from buy an expensive fake, claiming she was tied to some deal his family had or some other nonsense. She was obviously just an old woman, probably in the same class bracket as I am."

"You are both ruining my reputation."

"Yes, because a few nice acts will make us stop calling you the shadow king." Hikaru snicked adding spacers between Honey's toes to do his nails. The little blonde tried not to squirm complaining that the foam tickled.

"The Shadow King?" Watanuki looked at Kyouya in confusion.

"Haven't you tried to wake him up in the morning? Kyo-chan is really scary when woken up and if you do manage to, he's like a zombie." A flash of understanding crossed his fiancé's face, he understood now why he had been told not to wake the other after their job together.

"You don't have much room to talk Honey-senpai." He flashed such an innocent smile Kyouya's way it was almost as if he really was a child. Not a demon is kids clothing.

As the pairs started onto doing each others nails the topics became less evasive. They ranged from Haruhi asking about Watanuki's studies and if he could use any help. It was a yes as this schools curriculum was more advanced than the others. If she helped him then they'd be caught about his entry test but they would cross that bridge when it came up. One of the other conversations was Hikaru having his nails redone. Honey didn't have the patience needed to do them properly, they ended up a mess. Mori redid them, out of having the most patience or because it had been Honey's mistake wasn't clear.

Another movie was put on but it mainly ended up as background noise. Tamaki had asked Haruhi about past relationship, she had none. Not surprising as she never notices when people are hitting on her. Watanuki added that he hadn't dated until Kyouya, he had always been to preoccupied. He was probably trying to help her not feel self conscious but instead opened up a can of worms.

Karou asked by what while sitting on his brother's and his mattress with a bowl of chips. Watanuki would skirt around the truth in fear of ridicule, the same way he had when they first tried to study. He might even try to out right lie but it wasn't necessary or useful. They would find out eventually. "You can tell them, they'll believe you."

The group gave the two of them inquisitive looks. The househusband's eyes fell to the floor, his mood dampening. "I.. I see things that others can't. Strange creatures, spirits or the residue left by them. I have since I was a child" He let out a sad chuckle. "Hard to have friendships let alone relationships when you're running around from invisible things. It's hard enough just finding people who believe you."

No one spoke for a few minutes, their faces hard to read. Mori was the first, "are you safe?"

The question set Watanuki into one of his panicking spazz fits. "Yes! I've never hurt anyone, I just see things! I-" Honey cut him off.

"You misunderstood. Takashi meant are you safe from them. Can they hurt you? We know you wouldn't hurt anyone."

The male housewife's face flushed. "Oh. Um for the most part I am. I run away from the ones that aren't. If I have to deal with one that will hurt me, Yuuko usually gives me something to help or invites Doumeki to go with me. He's the grandson of an exorcist so." His mood had plummeted even farther into shame after his unnecessary out burst.

"I'm less shocked that you see spirits than I am Kyouya believes you." The twins nodded their agreement with Haruhi.

"I accompanied them on one of the errands he was doing for his employer. I've also tried to lift him and couldn't when he claimed one was on him. It wasn't the same as dead weight, he just couldn't be moved. Apparently they like to lay on him, must be a good cuddlier to them."

"They are not cuddling me! They are trying to eat me!"

Tamaki had a worried look on his face. "Is there anyway we can help keep them away?"

"Not really, but thank you for caring. Also thank you for believing me and not mocking me." Underneath the shame his eyes showed some relief.

"Why should we be mean to you? Even if we don't believe they are real, you do. So if you just had a great imagination, we wouldn't care. I'm not saying I don't believe you, just an example. Besides you've never made a comment about Hikaru and my relationship. I can tell it makes you uncomfortable but you try to hide it, so that we don't get hurt or offend."

"It's your choice to make. Wrong or right it's not my call."

Hikaru grinned at his brother then gave him a quick kiss. "For us, it's the right choice. I think most of the others were not comfortable with it either, well after they found out it wasn't our act for the customers."

"It didn't bother us, but we are in a similar situation. Of course we're first cousins and not siblings but most people can't handle that either." Honey gave a reassuring smile towards the twins, one of the rare times you can see his true age.

Conversation turned to much softer topics for the majority of the night. They discussed what everyone would want for breakfast. Tamaki wrote out a menu for the chiefs for the morning. Haruhi and Watanuki choosing the same as another person to make it easier for them. The others tried to persuade them that it was the cooks jobs but they didn't care. After breakfast they would go to a middle class mall, that way both sides of the wealth spectrum would know somethings and find new things. Not that either of the commoners could afford something if they wanted it. Watanuki having the upper hand with being able to ask Kyouya. The possibility of that happening was low.

It did mean that it was going to be an early morning after an already late night. Honey and him were both not going to be pleasant. Most likely Mori would dress and carry his cousin for much of the morning. His breakfast would probably have to be taken with them. Kyouya would not be so lucky.

When it came time to change Haruhi left to use a bathroom. The boys changed together but that was an over sight on his part. The twins always threw a wrench in the system. There they stood both in their boxers watching Watanuki as he bent ever so slightly to remove his pants. "So how tight is he?" With Haruhi out of the room Hikaru deemed it appropriate to start the sex talk. The house husband bolted upright turning around and stepping back, only to slip on the edge of the blanket and fall onto the bed. The twins snickered.

What was he to respond? His fiancé had said he was a virgin so he should be tight but he'd never been with a man. What if he said something wrong or worse Watanuki said something, anything would be bad from him. Damn he should of watched gay porn before tonight, he knew this would come up at one point. He had just hoped it would be farther into the scam. They hadn't discussed or had sex in any form, not counting Kyouya's carrot and stick study session. "That's none of your business."

"Oh come on, if it wasn't for Tamaki I'm sure you be sleeping with and bragging about the tail you get from your clients." This would be a great time for the blonde to jump in about how this isn't appropriate Haruhi could be back any minute.

But no such luck, the blonde in question had on a devious smirk. "I'm wondering the same. I'm sure the rest of the hosts thought like I did, that you were straight. So how does it feel to be with a man? How different is it from being with a woman?"

Kyouya was trying to keep calm and play it off but he didn't know specifics. Not even porn could of given him the answers to that. "Yeah, I think we talked about it at one point. You had said you liked only women. Don't give me that look, we got on the subject because I wanted to do something sexy for you." Karou slightly rolled his eyes at his brothers jealous look. "I needed to know if he liked men in the slightest. He didn't but he suggested that waiter outfit you liked."

He coughed nervously, they had been caught. Without knowing a couple months back he had dug his own grave. "Well there are exceptions to every rule."

"Well yes, but not so much for this one. You would of claimed bisexual or pan-sexual, with all of us it wouldn't of effected your pride or anything. You also would of known by now if you even had the slightest attraction to men. You work around men of almost every type in, sometimes we are in very little clothing." Honey was catching on and quickly, his look darting back and forth between them.

"We haven't had sex because Kyouya doesn't like men. He likes me, just not my gender. He may never fully enjoy um sex with me, but he's trying to get adjusted. You know like getting over a texture of food or flavor. Little by little start eating it till you don't hate it anymore. Not the same thing but were trying." He couldn't help but look over at Watanuki in a mix of happiness and confusion. This had been a golden opportunity to get out of this but he didn't take it. Instead he tried to back Kyouya up, maybe he was a good fit for his family. Perhaps a good match for Kyouya himself, not in a romantic way but for a marriage partnership.

The looks were skeptical from the other members. Kyouya just needed that added push to help Watanuki's story. He thought very hard about something that would humiliate him to make his cheeks flush. "I don't like his lower half but his voice is very... exciting when he's in pleasure."

"You've... You've done something with him? What?" Tamaki's look of shock in any other situation would have been priceless. Here it was rewarding after his try at sabotaging his engagement. That wasn't correct, the plan was what would be sabotaged. The engagement wasn't the concern here, the out come of having his wish granted was. Kyouya's mind was just off from the nerves, that was all.

"Nothing where I'd really see or feel his interest in the activity. We've kissed and I spanked him at one point. We're taking it slowly so I can warm up. As he said before."

"Is everyone going to talk about their sex life? If so I'm sleeping in a different room." Haruhi had returned wearing a long shirt that had possibly been Ranka's at one point and baggy sweat pants. The only female he's seen out of their everyday clothes in weeks and that's what she had to wear?

"No, we're done. Why are you wearing that? Don't you ever dress in something that's for girls? Daddy had hopped to see you in a night gown or at least girl pants." Tamaki looked dejected as he surveyed her attire.

"This is more comfortable." She laid down curling up in her covers. "We'll be up early tomorrow so I'm going to bed. Night everyone."

They murmured their good nights following suit. He laid down in bed facing toward Watanuki's side of the mattress. "Roll over or scoot down." His tone was hushed.

"Why? If you don't want to face me then you roll over."

"I'm going to hold you. Either you'll have your back to me or your head on my chest. Your choice, it's not negotiable beyond that." He groaned quietly then slid down. Watanuki laid his head against the others chest, his hand gently resting on Kyouya's hip.

"Not giving you any opening to prove this is real to your friends." Kyouya couldn't help but chuckle softly to that. He wouldn't blatantly start touching the male housewife. He'd do something more along the lines of forget what time the host club was meeting. The others catching them in a heated kissing session or maybe, if he could convince him, Watanuki on his knees.

"Good night Kimihiro." He wrapped his arm around Watanuki's side and kissed his forehead because that's what he would do if it was his girlfriend in his arms. Not because it came out naturally without him thinking. It couldn't possibly be that reason at all.

Authors Notes: Not to bad, just a couple hours after my deadline I set for myself. I'm going to bed and tomorrow I'll start chapter nine. I'd appreciate anyone willing to take the time to review.