This is the final one-shot of this collection. I've had a blast and a half writing it, and it's all thanks to you, my wonderful readers. The reviews have made some gray days in my first semester at college much brighter. Whether you review once or every time, I want to say a big thank you.

A bigger thank you goes to AliyahNCIS for all she did to help make this story better.

While this may be the end of A Boy and A Girl, this is not the end for me. Coming soon is a second series of one-shots which will be based on the song If Ever Two Were One (go check it out, it's amazing and on youtube) those will be up soon.

The Amazing Day

I thank You God for most this amazing day/for the leaping greenly spirits of trees
and a blue true dream of sky/and for everything/which is natural which is infinite which is yes/I who have died am alive again today/and this is the sun's birthday /this is the birthday of life and love and wings/and of the great happening illimitably earth/

It was the third happiest day of Anthony DiNozzo's life. The first had been his wedding day. Finally marrying Ziva, the sight of her in the dress….and having people who cared there to witness it, it had been a wonderful day. He had never expected to marry, much less to Ziva, or to have so many people care about him enough to show up. His father had even come, but Tony had known it was mostly to meet women and try to schmooze a business deal.

The second happiest day had to do directly with the squirming toddler in his arms. Avigail DiNozzo was three, almost four if you asked her, and every bit a daddy's girl. The day she was born had been truly perfect. The little girl in his arms turned to look at him and asked, "Daddy, is it time yet?" He chuckled, and kissed her olive forehead. Avi had his eyes, her mother's face, and both of their talent for mischief. She had the whole family wrapped around her finger.

"No Avigail DiNozzo, it is not time yet, just like it wasn't time yet the last three times you asked me and everyone else," he answered. "I know you are excited, sweetheart, but I will tell you when it's time."

"Okay!" she answered brightly. "Can I go see Aunt Abby now?" Tony nodded yes and set her down. She ran over to her namesake who scooped her up and set the little girl on her lap. Avigail began chattering on about what she had done at daycare that day. He smiled as he watched the pair. He felt someone come up behind him and he knew who it was without even having to look. "Hi Boss."

He felt a smack to the back of his head. Tony turned, and Gibbs asked, "Why aren't you with Ziva?"

"She kicked me out and told me to go keep my daughter out of the nurses' hair asking endless questions."

That earned a chuckle out of Gibbs. "She has an inquisitive mind."

"She got that from Ziva," Tony said, turning back to watch as Avi went from Abby to Ducky, demanding a story. The medical examiner complied, to yet again regale the small girl with tales of his youth.

"Don't discount yourself, DiNozzo. You are an investigator, after all." Gibbs moved away to sit by Abby and listen as well to Ducky's stories.

Tony leaned against the wall, just content to be watching. He was truly thankful for the people around him, and for his little girl. She was, as Ziva would say it, "The fruit of his eye." Ask Tony ten years ago if he thought he would be married with children and Tony would have keeled over laughing. But here he was, in love with his wife and trying to keep up with a magnificent and precocious toddler.

The chaos that was his life was about to increase many times over with the new arrival on its way. He smiled, happy just thinking about it. So many times in the past few years he had come close, so very close, to never having any of this. He had been so close to being a statistic, to a body in a morgue. A few times he had come so close to death he hadn't been sure afterwards if he was still alive. Now though, Tony was sure. He was alive. The whole world seemed brighter than before. Like in the Wizard of Oz when it switched from black and white to Technicolor. He knew the reason. He'd found his 'over the rainbow', in a life he never expected.

Coming out of his reverie, and seeing his daughter was suitably occupied, he went back through the double doors and to the hospital room where his wife waited. He was just in time. The doctor was declaring Ziva ready to bring their second child all the way into the world. She looked up at him as he entered, flashed him a look that was half welcome and half 'this is all your fault'. He came up beside her, kissed her forehead and settled down on the chair he had vacated at her request some time ago. Offering his hand to grip with some trepidation, he nevertheless did not complain when she squeezed with all of her considerable strength.

A few minuets later, the grinding of his bones became worth it. For Anthony DiNozzo heard the first thin cry of his child and the wonderful words: "It's a boy!"

Holding his son for the first time, was the third most wonderful moment of his entire life. It did however, give the first two a run for their money.

"Hello Joshua," the man whispered to his tiny, newborn son. "Today is your birthday, and it is one of the most wonderful days ever."


I thank You God for most this amazing day/for the leaping greenly spirits of trees
and a blue true dream of sky/and for everything/which is natural which is infinite which is yes/I who have died am alive again today/and this is the sun's birthday /this is the birthday of life and love and wings/and of the great happening illimitably earth/

Reviews are wonderful as always, and I hope you've enjoyed this as much as I have. Never fear, I have many more songs inspiring me with this magnificent couple. Remember to be on the lookout for my next work!

-The Lady Grace