Just a quick one-shot about how I thought Ennis would finally be able to tell Jack how he feels. It may be too little, too late, but I think he would need to get it out of him finally before he goes home to the mountain that brought them together and tore them apart.


My whole life I never did right by you, Jack. I could never let myself have all of you and in turn, you could never have all of me, either. I wish I could have given you the life you wanted, the life you deserved, but I was afraid. I was so afraid, Jack. I never meant to hurt you, but I know without a doubt that I did. I hurt you to the core because I was a coward. A real man would have stood up and said they were gonna be with the one they love and damn the consequences. I could never do that and I'm sorry. I see what I've done now, now that it's long past fixin'. I was never good at tellin' you how much what we had meant to me. I made us both live a lie and I know that's why you finally found a way to quit me. I know you were movin' on and I know how hard that must have been, leavin' me behind after waiting for me for so long. I deserved it and more for the Hell I put you through. I hope someday you can forgive me. I'm a worthless, no good coward, but if I had it to do all over again, I'dve tried harder to be the man I should have been all along.

I should have been there with you that day. I should been there and protected you or died tryin'. I love you, Jack Twist. I have loved you over half my life. When the time comes, if God will give any mercy to someone like me, I would ask him to let me tell you this. I would get down and beg him on my knees for just one chance to tell you how sorry I am and that I love you. I'd give up my soul for one last chance to hold you in my arms, to kiss you one last time...

I never did right by you in this life but maybe if God is merciful and doesn't damn me to Hell outright for the sin I committed against you, maybe he'll let me make it right in the next life. I hope so.

I wanted to tell you, no, I need to tell you that you were the only thing I lived for. If not for you, I woulda lay right down and died a long time ago. I miss you, friend. You told me once that you could hardly stand how much you missed me sometimes. I wanted to tell you to then, shoulda told you then, that is was that way all the time for me.

I'm sorry, Jack. I truly am. If'n we ever meet again, I hope you will find it in your heart to forgive me. I love you, Jack Twist. I always have and I always will. I kept you waiting for too long, and I know I have no right askin' this of you, but if you have it in you to wait a little longer, I'm coming, friend. I'll meet you in the only place I ever felt like home: our little piece of that mountain. Brokeback can finally have all of us instead of just the little pieces of our souls we left there for each other for safe keepin'.

Goodbye, friend. Hope to see you again soon.


A/N: I just watched the movie for the first time and it was heartbreaking. I am truly amazed and overwhelmed with how beautifully it was done. I give much respect and honor to all who made the film. Just…Stunning.

Please, R&R if you have the chance. I hope I was able to capture the character, such an amazing character as he is. I hope I paid proper homage to the man and the story. Thanks for reading.