Insert Cascada I cant stop the rain don't know why I just like the song.

Thunder crashed round Tokyo lighting lit up the sky and the people on the ground fled. Dusk was coming but still she searched for what was left of her life was held tightly it was in the form of a photograph. 6 years since she had been here still she knew her way round. Running down the streets a dark figure hot on her heals desperately running away she was nearly running to the remains of the pink building she used to know and love she remembered how her life had ended that faithful day.

Her scream echoed round Tokyo mimicking the one her slightly younger self once did as the man dragged her back onto the cold pavement.

"I have you now Mew lettuce" his cackle echoed round the dark streets of Tokyo making all who hared cower in fear.

Coming soon to a computer screen near you.

Rising darkness

Hehe hope this makes you want to read the sequel I couldn't do much more or it would ruin the suprise .