FMA NCIS Chapter 8:

All We Are.

Edward's POV.

"Stupid cross-dressing palm tree!" I heard someone yell.

"What'd you do to Edward!"

"Just shut up and keep quiet." Another low voice growled.

"Damn you!"

I blinked slowly and recognized the voice as Allie's. I looked around and saw that we were in autopsy; Ducky and Palmer were bound and gagged at the other end of the room. Alphonse and Halo were hand-cuffed to Ducky's examination tables. Although Allie practically had a straight jacket on; both of her hands were hand-cuffed to two Ducky's body fridges and she hand bandages wrapped around her fingers; probably to keep her from using Fire Alchemy; not that she could actually use it and not end up making us human barb-a-q. Allie pulled at the cuffs and cursed.

"A-allie?" I moaned trying to sit up.

"Edward! Thank goodness! I thought you were dead! Oh and don't worry about that bullet, Ducky took it out."

"Bullet? What bullet?" I asked, confused.

"You were shot, remember? Back in the interrogation room?"

I winced as I shifted my legs.

"Ow. Yeah now I remember. Wait how do you know that?"

"Before Envy knocked Ducky out he said that the wound wasn't fatal and that you would be able to walk again." Allie said yanking at her hand cuffs.

"How do you know about Envy?"

"Firstly you thought I was him two nights ago." Allie said dryly.

"Oh crap, I forgot about that." I thought trying to avoid Allie's glare.

"And that idiot got zealous and started going on and on and on about himself so I gave him a large third degree burn. Unfortunately he healed himself and proceeded to put these bandages on my hands." Allie replied. I looked over at Halo and Alphonse.

"Al? Alphonse!" No response from him. That got me worried. What if something had happened to him in the interrogation room?

"Halo! Are you awake?" I said. Halo blinked slowly and shook her head.

"Ed? Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine."


"Besides the fact that all the circulation to my hands has been cut off I'm fine." Allie said crossing her legs.

"Alright. Al? Al are you awake?" Halo said trying to move Alphonse's arm.

"I already tried to wake him up." I said with a sigh.

"W-what happened?" Alphonse said suddenly.

"Al! Finally you're finally awake!" Allie exclaimed. Al looked up and stared at me worriedly.

"What's going on Nii-sann?"

"From what I can gather we've been kidnapped by homunculi. Allie was it just Envy or were there others? Like a kid around seven or eight?"

"Well there actually were two others, a tall woman with a strange tattoo."

"Lust. Damn it we're screwed." I thought with a grimace.

"And a fat one that followed the woman, why?"

"Allie listen these people-"

I have to admit I spat out "People."

"Aren't just going to tie us up and hold us for ransom or something along the lines of that. There here to-"

"Kill you." A voice like silk said. Halo, Alphonse, and I winced at the voice. Allie turned her head slightly and gulped. The Homunculus Lust walked in with Gluttony and Envy on her heels. Envy made a beeline for Allie and started to go on a rant. Allie rolled her eyes.

"I have on question for you." Allie said looking up.

"What?" Envy said glaring down at her.

"Are you a boy or a girl?" Envy grabbed Allie's throat.

"Why you little-!"

"I don't really care." Allie hissed and kneed him where it counts. We all winced collectively. Allie looked especially pleased with herself.

"That's going to hurt in the morning." I muttered. Lust turned to glare at Envy.

"Envy, stop that. We have more important things to do."

"Lust can I eat the girl?" Gluttony said with a large grin. Allie gulped and paled.

"No Gluttony." Lust said walking over to Allie. Allie shrank back as Lust came closer.
"G-g-g-get a-a-a-away from m-me." Allie said shaking with fear. I fought against the handcuffs and tried to break free; Halo and Alphonse were trying to break away to. Allie's eyes flickered to the doors leading out of Autopsy and back to Lust. I blinked and looked at the doors; something was wrong. But I couldn't see anything outside the doors. Lust frowned at Allie and turned towards the doors. The split second Lust turned three gunshots went off; shattering the glass doors and hitting Lust in the head, chest, and left shoulder. Allie watched as Lust fell to the floor with wide eyes. We all turned out heads to the doors as Gibbs, Ziva, and Toni ran in firing a few more shots at Gluttony and Envy. Ziva ran over to me and took the handcuffs off. I rubbed my wrists and tried to sit up.

"OW!" I yelped clutching at my spine.

"Nii-sann! Are you okay!" Alphonse exclaimed running over. I shook my head. Ziva helped me up.

"Ow! That hurts!" I exclaimed. Halo sighed and got up; rubbing her wrists.

"Ed what do you expect when you get hit by a bullet? Of course its going to hurt."

"I know that thank you very much!" I snapped back.

"Uh Gibbs! They're getting up!" Toni yelled. I whirled around to see that Lust was getting up; her bullet wounds were healing at a more alarming rate than usual.

"You're eyesight isn't all that bad Allie…for a dead person."

Allie's POV

"W-what're you talking about! I'm not dead!"

"Obviously you idiot." I thought angrily. Lust chuckled and Edward hissed:

"A dead person can't come back to life." He said venomously.

"The person standing beside you did." Lust said taking a step forward. Gibbs, Ziva, and Toni simultaneously aimed their guns at her again.

"I'm not dead!" I yelled.

"We know that Allie now let's see if we can get Lust to talk before we kill her or she kills us." Halo said calmly. I raised an eyebrow

"Jeez Halo just keeps scaring me." I thought turning to look at Lust again.

"Who you actually are Allie, is a girl named Aliza Mustang." Edward, Alphonse, and Halo almost jumped at mention of the name 'Mustang'.

"What? That makes absolutely no sense!" I whimpered. Lust laughed and continued.

"Aliza nearly topped Edward for the title of youngest state Alchemist; becoming one at the age of thirteen, a year younger than you are." Edward gave me a surprised look.

"I thought you were thirteen!" He exclaimed. I blinked and shrugged.

"Well with all that's happened I forgot that today was my birthday I guess..." I trailed off; Edward gave me a skeptic look and turned back to Lust.

"Who is this Aliza anyways? I've never heard of her!" Edward exclaimed.

"That is because she wasn't born when you were an Alchemist FullMetal." That got a 'Huh?' From almost everyone except me.

"That means she was Mustang's granddaughter, right?" I said narrowing my eyes. Lust smiled again.

"Move it you idiot! She's done trifling!" A voice screamed in my head. I ducked down just as Lust's razor sharp hands sliced through the air. I could hear the squeal of metal as Al's armor was shredded.

"Al!" I heard FullMetal yell. Then Gluttony and Envy joined in; shots and yells rang out as the battle ensued. We were all running, dodging, and shooting at this point. I had crawled my way across the autopsy room and ducked behind one of Ducky's tables.

"I'm so useless! I don't even have a weapon!" I whispered in dismay; I could feel tears welling up when that strange voice tapped into my head again.

"Pfft and you think you can pull off looking like me… listen kid you have Fire Alchemy. Learn how to control it and use it. But for now I'll take over." The voice said. Suddenly I was up and moving against my will. My fingers were posed to snap and I didn't know what was about to happen.

"Who the hell are you!" I yelled, frightened. The voice paused.

"Aliza Mustang." Then I snapped.

3rd Person POV

The explosion was ear-splitting and blinding, heat equivalent to that of being under a space-shuttle taking off blasted through the room; making the bodies in Ducky's fridges a toasty ninety-nine point eight degrees; and turning the Homunculus Lust into a pile of ashes.

"Listen well Allie…"

Lust's voice hissed in the poor girl's head.

"Remember this: You are nothing but a replacement; a copy of the beloved daughter you're parents lost." Allie clutched her ears not wanting to hear anymore.

"You are nothing but a replica of Aliza Mustang."

"No! NO! I'm not! I'm not!" Allie cried writhing on the floor. Allie didn't get up. Edward had to carry her out of Autopsy and held her all the way back to Ziva's apartment. How Envy and Gluttony managed to escape is unknown to all but both are now even more enraged…

Edward's POV

We were all sitting in front of the fire with the radio on. It should have been a regular moment. But it wasn't; Allie had reluctantly told us what Lust had told her before dying. I looked at the now-visible transmutation marks on Allie's hands. They were both in red ink. The one on her right hand said "Felids Ignis." Above the mark but the mark itself was a circle with a multitude of lines connecting at one point. The one on her left hand said "Anima Ignis." And the mark was a snake curled in an Infinity symbol inside the circle.

"Ed, Al, what are we if I'm just a replica?" I wasn't sure what 'we' Allie was referring to. Maybe Al and I or maybe the entire human race but I had the answer. I put my arm around her shoulder and hugged Allie lightly.

"All we are…is human." The song on the radio ended and a new one started playing.

"Tasted tasted love so sweet and all of it was lost on me, bought and sold like property. Sugar on my tongue…

I kept falling over

I kept looking backward

I went broke believing that the simple should be hard

All we are

All we are

And every day's the start of something beautiful.

FINISHED! Okay so if you can tell me what episode I'm modeling after at the end you'll get a sneak peek at the Elrics Alibi…"What Happens In the Evidence Closet…" Happy New Year! (Oh and to clarify Allie's Birthday is the day before Veteran's Day.) Happy New Year!