Me: I did it! I got rid of the Narrator! Anyways, the ruffs repaired the damage they did to the city, had a garage sell, fixed up Mojo's house, and repainted it. A week has past since Bang was obliterated…

Narrator: Whew…that was a workout!

Me: O_O just start the story….

Narrator: Don't you have something to say?

Me: T-T What? Oh yeah, this is a LEMON. I repeat: A LEMON! Don't like Lemons, or your not interested, do yourself a favor and don't read. For you perverted enough continue…


The Rowdyruffs invited Miyako, Momoko, and Kaoru over.

"Come on Kaoru! It won't be that bad!"

"How do you know that?! They might have planned an ambush!"

"The ruffs probably aren't that smart…" Momoko said helping Miyako push their stubborn friend forward.

"Fine, but we only stay a little while!" Momoko and Miyako smiled. When they arrived, they sat around on the sofas and couches in the living room.

"Wow, you guys did a lot for a week…" Momoko looked around the tidy and impressive house.

"Well we are the Rowdyruff Boys!" Butch said rubbing his nose.

"Well, what do you want to do?" Miyako was, of course, sitting next to Boomer.

"We can play some games," Boomer suggested keeping the girls' point of view in mind. Butch got an idea.

"OOOO! OOOO! I have an idea!" I just said that…

"We can play spin the bottle!"

"NO!!!" The three girls yelled at the top of their lungs.

"Strip Poker?"


"Naked Twister?"


"Hide-and-go get it?"

"HELL NO!!!" Kaoru hit Butch with a pillow in his face.

"You're an idiot,"

"You're sexy" Kaoru simply hunched her nose up at him. In the one week the ruffs had been good, Butch turned into quite a flirt. They decided to watch TV. After awhile, the sun was going down and the blues fell asleep on the couch. Still cuddling.

"They're so cute!" Momoko said admiring how close they were to each other.

"Whatever. I'm gonna go to the kitchen," Brick said leaving the room.

"What? Why?"

"I'm gonna fix a pound cake,"

"Really?!" Momoko's eyes gleamed at the words he said.

"Yeah. Brick can cook a full course meal in no time flat," Butch said patting his stomach.

"Can I lick the spoon? Please! Please! Pretty Please!" Blossom was right under him, her eyes gleaming at the hope of Brick letting her go on her sugar hunt.

"Fine. You can come with,"

"Yay!" Blossom said dashing into the kitchen after him.

"Great. Now I'm left alone with you…"

"Come on Kaoru, why do you still hate me?"

"Because you're you!"

"Come on, there's gota be another reason,"

"One: you suckered punched me!"

"You suckered punched me back. That's 0 for both of us…"

"Two: You punched me in my jaw!"

"You slammed me into the wall! Still 0 0,"

"Three: You punched me into the ground with that Ballistic Barrage thing,"

"First that was Boomer, not me. Second, you did, whatever that attack was and slammed me in the ground! -1 1!"

"You almost killed me!"

"You killed me! I'm pretty sure that's worth a good ten points!" Kaoru turned her head.

"Come on Kaoru…how bout a bet?"

"What kind of bet?"

"If you win, I'll won't speak to you for a year,"

"And if you win…"

"You go on a date with me," Kaoru almost barfed at the request, but the chance that he'd wouldn't speak to her for a year?! That was too good to let slip through her fingers!

"Deal!" They both went outside as to not wake up the blues and get scolded by the reds. Kaoru transformed into Buttercup and Butch prepared for an attack. Buttercup grabbed her hammer and charged at Butch. He quickly evaded it and uppercut her into the sky. He followed and when she got her balance back, she was knocked back into the ground. She got up furious. She charged at him and swung her hammer full force. He once again dodged and leaned on a building. She charged toward him but he jumped over her, causing her to crash into the building. Butch then jumped up the wall as if it were the regular ground.

"Why youuuuuuu!" Buttercup charge up the building, and when she reached the top, she was kicked in the face full force by Butch. He knocked her all the way across town until she face planted into the ground.

"Damn that Butch!" Buttercup prepared to destroy everything around her to destroy Butch…until she saw where she was…she had landed on the far end of town where she came to think. It was under a cherry blossom tree. This place, I always come here…It's my favorite other then the skate park…

"Butch!" Buttercup turned to see Butch flying toward her full speed.

"If he comes here he'll destroy it!" Buttercup turned to run away and get some distance from the tree but Butch tackled her to the ground. He rolled her over so that she was on her back and was holding her hands by her wrist.

This is where it starts! Last chance to turn back!

"Stop it! That hurts!" Buttercup said trying to pry loose his grip.

"Sure………as soon as you say I'm a better fighter and skater then you,"


"Alright. I wanted to do this to you…" 'Wanted to do this to you?' Shouldn't it be DIDN'T want to do this to you? Buttercup's thoughts were interrupted as Butch held both of her hands with one of his, and used his free hand to grab onto Buttercup's breast.

"WHAT THE HELL?!?! DON'T EVER DO THAT AGAIN YOU PERVERT!" Buttercup was kicking and screaming, but being on a hill, on the edge of town where people only seem to be around at noon, Buttercup's screams didn't go to far. Damn I wish I had Bubbles' Super Scream!

"Get off me you freaking perv!" Buttercup squirmed and kicked trying to get the hormone driven boy off her.

"Sure,………If you beg me," Butch got close to her face and looked deep into her eyes, and she into his. Buttercup was scared yet Butch seemed calm, as if he'd done this a million times.


"Fine," Suddenly, Butch got even closer and kissed Buttercup on her lips. She kicked harder. Then she felt something warm and slippery enter her mouth. Ewwww! He's French kissing me! This is so gross! Gross gross gross!" Buttercup kicked so hard her legs almost ripped off. When Butch came up for air, saliva was connecting their mouths together.

"Damn you, you good for nothing psycho. GET THE HELL OFF ME!" Butch smirked and put his free hand under his face as if he were thinking.

"Now where have I heard that before? Oh well, back to you," Butch was sitting on her stomach so he reached behind him and pulled up her skirt, showing that she had green panties on.

"Butch stop it!"

"All you gota do is beg me," Butch said rubbing her clit through her underwear.

"mmn, okay! Please stop! Please stop it Butch!" Buttercup's eyes were starting to water. Seeing this beautiful girl under him defenseless made Butch narrow his eyes.

"You're not begging hard enough. You have 5 seconds to convince me you really want me to stop,"

"Or-or what?"

"I'm glad you asked," Butch put his free hand completely in Buttercup's panties and put his middle finger inside her pussy. Buttercup screamed and screamed, still trying to kick Butch off her. Butch removed his free hand only to remove Buttercup's shirt and bra(he can do a lot with one hand O_O).

"Well well well. Look who's pretty big," Butch wrapped his fingers around Buttercup's breast.

"These are the perfect size," Buttercup was now crying and her face was redder then Brick's eyes. Butch put his hands back into Buttercup's underwear and licked on her breast and she continued screaming. The more she screamed, the faster his finger went around inside her.

"All you gota do is beg me good enough and I'll stop," Butch had an evil grin on his face. Buttercup had turned away from him, trying to hide her tears. She turned back toward him, still crying.

"Butch, please. Please……don't stop…" Butch's put on his victorious smile. He let her arms go, expecting her to bitch slap him the instant he let her go. He just wanted to hear her say those words. But she waited for him. She held her head down looking up at him.

"Well? I said don't stop!" Butch leaned in close and kissed her and she kissed back. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer to her. Butch licked her neck and left a strawberry on her neck. She laid her head back giving him permission to do as he pleases with her. He fondled with her pussy and her breast as she relaxed on the soft grass in her favorite place.

"Mmn. Ahh! Butch…don't stop!" Buttercup was enjoying the feeling she had never thought of before. While Butch's guard was down, she flipped him over and now she was on top. She threw off his shirt…jacket…thing…he had a perfect six pack that made Buttercup want him even more. Buttercup unzipped his pants and pulled out his dick in her hands. She toyed with it a little and he moaned and groaned looking at this horny powerpuff playing with his dick. He licked and sucked it and Butch almost screamed.

"Butch, I…I want you to…um," Butch laid her on the soft grass around the cherry blossom tree. He could tell that it was her first time.

"You want me to have you, right?" Butch picked up her legs under her knees and looked her in her eyes. She nodded and he smiled. Butch stuck his dick inside her, and Buttercup thought she would die. Damn it hurts like hell! Buttercup's screams faded into pleasured moans. She looked into Butch's eyes and signaled him to speed up. So he did.

"Aah! Aahh! MMN! Butch!" After awhile, Butch picked Buttercup up and leaned her against the cherry blossom tree. He put her legs over his shoulder and continue screwing her. Buttercup pulled him closer so she could feel the warmth of his body."

"AAH! MNMNN! Butch! I'm Cumming! Cum with me!" Butch returned his evil smile.

"Beg me to and I will,"

"AAH! PLEASE BUTCH! PLEASE! CUM WITH MEEEE!" Butch came inside Buttercup and the sensation was so amazing that she almost ripped the tree out of the ground holding on to it. They leaned in close and kissed then stared into each other's eyes.

"Does this mean you don't hate me?" Buttercup smiled.

"Well, not as much," They kissed again, and as they looked at the moon that was now fully visible, two cherry blossom leaves fell from the tree and seemed to dance in the sky. And at one point, when the leaves intertwined, it looked like a heart was made. This made Buttercup and Butch smile. Buttercup turned back to Kaoru and put her cloths on, but this time they heard something.

"I think I heard the screams over here," They looked down seeing a man with three cops following. So now they come when the rape is over. Knowing this made her a little angry. But her anger was cooled as Butch picked her up bridal style and slowly flew up as to not cause a green light streak. Arriving at the ruffs' house made Butch uneasy. What if she tells?! Dammit I didn't think of that! No. No she wouldn't. She enjoyed herself. Butch and Kaoru could hear Momoko talking.

"This…is the best pound cake…in the history,…of best pound cake…" They opened the door and walked inside to see eight eyes looking at them.

"And where have you guys been?" Brick asked. Kaoru pointed a finger at Butch and leaned forward.

"This dirty bastard raped me!" Everyone's eyes got wide, and a bomb that had 'ratted out' on it fell into Butch's arms.

"I need a shower, can I use your's?" Kaoru asked looking at Brick.

"Um…sure?" Kaoru walked up the stairs and everyone stared at Butch. There were playing UNO with everyone on the opposite side then Butch(the boys were there anyway and the girls were scared). Butch was a little sad about what he'd done. He looked up over everyone's head to see Kaoru peeping down the stairs. She smiled an showed him her panties were in her hand. Butch smiled and ran upstairs. No one saw Kaoru so they didn't know what happened……until they heard her moaning…

Well you're finished with my perverted story so don't forget to leave a review and come back for chapter 2!